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House Of The Future Is Plastic

- Paul -

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Old TV sets, wiring cases and general household waste are being turned into the 'house of the future' by a Swansea based company.


Affresol has developed technology to build low carbon houses from plastic and minerals extracted from recycled rubbish.

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Plastic? - Global warming - they'll all melt. We'll all be on the streets with the eskimos.


We'll be better off living in upturned boats or old oil tankers like the Exxon Valdez, and use our knowledge of DNA to equip us with webbed feet, webbed hands and gills like Kevin Costner.

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I wonder if you can have it in any colour as long as it is grey?


In fairness, good on them for thinking this one up. I wonder if it will be more of a goer in industrial applications - such as the one mentioned - than in domestic situations.


Despite this breakthrough I'm still planning to get a Huf Haus.

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We used to have something like this to make plastic houses with when we were kids.


I could imagine something on a larger scale - panels that slot between uprights - a bit like that pre made wood fencing you can get these day.


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I spent 6 months volunteering in Phnom Penh,Cambodia last year and whilst there met the MD of "Corelinkholdings" a certain "Mr Brenton Burge"


His vision is to create flat pack eco friendly housing , quick and easy to install + distribute, paid for by donation and stored in large warehouses at known disaster areas worldwide .

When you consider that the temporary housing (Tents) that are being used in the Haiti disaster only have a shelf life of three months and these Plastic houses have 20 yr shelf lives, they may indeed be options worth considering!

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could be worth a lot of cash that company in a few years time.


but one thing will they pass house fire regs, cause im sure once its alight it would burn like mad. which then has other problems with it.

That i see is a major problem for westen world.

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could be worth a lot of cash that company in a few years time.


but one thing will they pass house fire regs, cause im sure once its alight it would burn like mad. which then has other problems with it.

That i see is a major problem for westen world.

Maybe not as a lot of polymers when remoulded can become very fireproof especialy the once made with a BHDB base, these can even be made as a soft foam as they emit non toxic fumes, the added bonus is it also makes them very resistant to allowing radiation to pass through.

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