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Supreme Commander 2


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Was anyone else excited by this? I LOVED the first one, but unfortunately this one could be helping the Xbox 360 put the final nail in the PC coffin


Game has been massively dumbed down so it runs on the 360, all the things that made the original so great (and sometimes complicated) seems to have been removed to make it easier for console players



I'm so disappointed after playing the demo

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Was anyone else excited by this? I LOVED the first one, but unfortunately this one could be helping the Xbox 360 put the final nail in the PC coffin


Game has been massively dumbed down so it runs on the 360, all the things that made the original so great (and sometimes complicated) seems to have been removed to make it easier for console players



I'm so disappointed after playing the demo



Ah you're joking? Loved supcom, though you had to tweak it up with replacement AI's and whatnot.



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Was anyone else excited by this? I LOVED the first one, but unfortunately this one could be helping the Xbox 360 put the final nail in the PC coffin


Game has been massively dumbed down so it runs on the 360, all the things that made the original so great (and sometimes complicated) seems to have been removed to make it easier for console players



I'm so disappointed after playing the demo



Ah you're joking? Loved supcom, though you had to tweak it up with replacement AI's and whatnot.


Afraid not slim, not looking good from what i have seen.


Blame the Xbox 360!

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Shame, between this and C&C4 RTS's seem to be getting Nerfed


Bring on Generals 2 pleeeeeease!


I don't quite know what Chris Taylor was thinking. He's dumbed down Sup Com 2 to enable casual console gamers to play it, and consequently ruined it for the PC gamers who loved the fact it was such an in depth game. But, it won't even sell well on the 360 anyway, who in their right mind wants to play an RTS with a joypad?


Biggest disappointment of 2010 in my eyes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Played 5 skirmishes on multi player and my review is as follows:-


The game has been MASSIVELY nerfed and over simplified to allow the aging Xbox 360 to handle it.


No more squad based formations

No more adjacency bonuses on your mass extractor or power gens.

No more pant shitting experimentals, all have been nerfed to high heaven

Unit count dropped like you wouldn't believe

Graphics make the units seem like they are made out of plastic


Thanks Xbox 360 - what should have been an incredible sequel to the best RTS game of all time, has been dumbed down and crucified to enable it to run on that bloody console.


Chris Taylor has massively sold out.

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I've seen similar complaints from other TA/Supcom fans I game with, and while I agree and won't be picking up Supcom2 for similar reasons, there is a solution. Play the first game. It's still got those features you're missing, it still looks good. It's still being actively modded. Supcom2 is a new and different game, but if you don't like the direction that they've taken it, just carry on playing 1.


I don't think it's fair to blame the 360 either. Most of the changes aren't for scalability, they're to remove the micromanagement and tedium that supcom1 often had. All that stuff like upgrading mass extractors was so necessary, that it was automated with mods right from the beginning. They did the right thing ripping that stuff out. Shame they managed to rip all the fun out of the game at the same time.

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