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Wanted - The Old Ring-Bound A4 Manx Street Map

nathan wind

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So it seems you can't get a comprehensive street map(A-Z) of the island any more. Just some crappy little pamphlet with about 90% of the island completely missing. Does anyone have a copy of the old A4 A-Z going spare? I'm quite happy to bung some readies your way if you have one you no longer need.

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Pretty sure I've seen them for sale in Post offices or larger paper shops, A4 and about £10? If so, buy one and rip out all the adverts for a useful comprehensive map.

However with the amount of development here it is soon out of date.

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Pretty sure I've seen them for sale in Post offices or larger paper shops, A4 and about £10? If so, buy one and rip out all the adverts for a useful comprehensive map.

However with the amount of development here it is soon out of date.


I bought my last one from the Total garage in Ramsey for £10. Petrol stations are probably your best bet.

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