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Plank Of The Year Award Goes To...


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What a muppet! He earns thousands of pounds a week (even though he's a shyte player) - why the feck doesn't he just hire a driver or get a flippin taxi?


Pennant - I hope you get thrown in a cell with some old-school Milwall supporters, you good-for-nothing idiot! Maybe they'd beat some sense into you or put you out of your misery.


*Rant over*

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He got 3 months.... he did the crime he'll pay his time case closed


He's just a young guy who has more money than he knows what to do with and made a mistake.


I think everyone has done something a bit stupid on the road but he got caught and punished

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You make it sound like a harmless act of naivety Rhumsaa.


Drink driving doesn't come into this category.

Youth and fame are no excuse for putting the lives of other road users at risk.


It isn't 'a bit stupid' and I have certainly never have and never will do it.

It isn't a split second decision to carry out what, on reflection, was a silly manouvre, but a pre-meditated act.


Anyone drink driving is a plank.


Oh, and this wasn't his first driving ban for doing something 'a bit stupid'.

So he obviously doesn't learn from his mistakes.

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All I'm saying is that just because he is famous doesn't mean he is any more of a plank than Johnny McJohn down the road being a xxxx


He made a mistake, he is now being punished. End of.


Unless someone will put a thread up every time someone else is convicted then why bother nailing the guy.

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Unless someone will put a thread up every time someone else is convicted then why bother nailing the guy.


Little kids don't idolise 'the guy from down the street' in the same way that they idolise football players. He's being paid a fortune and I think that justifies him being held up to higher standards of behaviour - the pay comes with conditions that extend beyond just playing football.


Personally, I would applaud Arsenal if they terminated his contract and the FA banned him for life from the professional game. THAT would send a suitably strong message that risking people's lives can cost you your dreams.

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