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James Bulger Murderer Jon Venables Returned To Prison


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It is not as black and white as you make it, there are and have always been some people in society who need for the safety of society to be removed from it one way or another, they are those that no amount of rehabilitation or short term punishment will change...

I agree, in that there are some people who have to be removed from society because the present a real and lasting threat to others. They shouldn't be placed in prison in the sense of removing them for the purpose of punishment.


same goes for Viktor Brack, Joachim Mrugowsky or Maria Mandel just to name a couple, come on please justify why the death sentence of these 3 and the sentence in absentinia of Mengele was not right.
Because as a moral standard in society, if murder is wrong then nobody can claim to be doing the right thing in my eyes by removing their lives when others alternative, such as removal to secure buildings can be arranged. That's not to say that killing someone is always wrong, but it is a moral principle we should try and abide by as much as possible.
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"Eye of the ball" this was a baby and when out shopping surely any parent would notice in a flash that such a young infant hand wandered away!!,


I hope your sanctimonious stance never comes back to bite you on the ass.


She was/is a bad mother, you may or may not like that statement, but the fact remains it took her 5mins+ to realise her baby was gone? ask any parent you pass, would you notice after 20secs out in public your child was no longer in your periphery?

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Where was he re arrested, plenty of rumours about but how would you feel if it was on the Isle of Man and your kids could have been put at risk without you knowing.


How would our children have been put at risk?

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Where was he re arrested, plenty of rumours about but how would you feel if it was on the Isle of Man and your kids could have been put at risk without you knowing.


How would our children have been put at risk?

I think the point ThankU is making is that for all we knew he could have been given his new name and relocated here on an estate where there are kids without us knowing and given the alleged offences he has now committed kids could have been at risk if he had not been fully supervised. Mind you I doubt they would put him here due to home affairs could have rejected the application and the way skeet travels here all the island would have known withing 5 minutes of the first cop or official finding out, a small community sometimes does work in our favour.

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Where was he re arrested, plenty of rumours about but how would you feel if it was on the Isle of Man and your kids could have been put at risk without you knowing.


How would our children have been put at risk?

I think the point ThankU is making is that for all we knew he could have been given his new name and relocated here on an estate where there are kids without us knowing and given the alleged offences he has now committed kids could have been at risk if he had not been fully supervised. Mind you I doubt they would put him here due to home affairs could have rejected the application and the way skeet travels here all the island would have known withing 5 minutes of the first cop or official finding out, a small community sometimes does work in our favour.


Plus he wasn't allowed to leave the UK

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I think the point ThankU is making is that for all we knew he could have been given his new name and relocated here on an estate where there are kids without us knowing and given the alleged offences he has now committed kids could have been at risk if he had not been fully supervised.


As the IoM is not signed up to the UK Sex Offenders Register I think we're more at risk of paedo's coming here than anything else. Maybe if we're looking at protecting our children we should start there? Most paedo's have not been given new identities, but as there is no register here they're probably doing what they want when they want without the Police having a clue.

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Where was he re arrested, plenty of rumours about but how would you feel if it was on the Isle of Man and your kids could have been put at risk without you knowing.


Rumours about what ? Him having lived here ? Worked at B&Q ? And a pub on the prom ? And currently being in Jurby prison ?


Those sort of rumours ?


... GOMH* ...

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Daisychain has a point.


Do they bollocks have point.

2 adult males taking a child by the hand and leading him off would have been noticed straight away.

2 children taking the hand of a child and wandering around wouldnt raise an eyebrow wicked twats.

And when they are not tall enough to even be seen above the goods for sale racks/displays the mother wouldnt see them even in store.


Ffs blame anyone but the animals that should be blamed.

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The saddest thing about this case was the number of people who watched two boys leading a distressed child away and no one felt they could/should intervene. I suppose even sadder is that two ten year old boys were at the stage where they could do what they did to a very little child. 17 years on, have we, as a society, improved? Do we really have a society any more, you know, where we each feel an ownership of/role in our society, rather than a scamper away from any responsibility and a quick finger-point to 'them' who should solve all our ills.


I truly believe that society is being dismantled with such a shift from individual responsibility to state control that we really will end up in unengineered anarchy.


Days gone by you would feel able and correct to say to someone that they are not behaving in a way that is sociably acceptable (and by that I mean saying to a neighbour, keep your kids in check or even saying to the kids that something is unacceptable or even the oft quoted 'clip around the ear'), but society (i.e. you and me) is no longer responsible but a faceless and ineffective bureacracy is.


Sad, because we just need to get the balance right between the individual and state control and then we would be in a better place than I think we are now.

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The saddest thing about this case was the number of people who watched two boys leading a distressed child away and no one felt they could/should intervene. I suppose even sadder is that two ten year old boys were at the stage where they could do what they did to a very little child. 17 years on, have we, as a society, improved? Do we really have a society any more, you know, where we each feel an ownership of/role in our society, rather than a scamper away from any responsibility and a quick finger-point to 'them' who should solve all our ills.


I truly believe that society is being dismantled with such a shift from individual responsibility to state control that we really will end up in unengineered anarchy.


Days gone by you would feel able and correct to say to someone that they are not behaving in a way that is sociably acceptable (and by that I mean saying to a neighbour, keep your kids in check or even saying to the kids that something is unacceptable or even the oft quoted 'clip around the ear'), but society (i.e. you and me) is no longer responsible but a faceless and ineffective bureacracy is.


Sad, because we just need to get the balance right between the individual and state control and then we would be in a better place than I think we are now.

I think you are so right there. It's a state blamestorming system, driven not only by socialist clap trap but the media too, and lawyers, accountants and bean counters. Our own socialist, Tony Brown has adopted that philosophy lock stock and barrel and created a monsterous civil service just like the UK.


The island used to be about communities, everyone knowing each other, neighbours especially, everyone looking out for each other. Compared to years ago most of us now know fewer of our neighbours, never mind look out for each other. We are rapidly heading for the way things are in the UK. Close-community is actually an illusion on the island IMO - nothing but nostalgia, like the tourism many believe is still 'happening' here - becuase of how 'unique' we and the island are. A lot of that lack of community is down to money - and greed which has become rife on the island in the last 20 years. We have rapidly lost our identity and are living an illusion.

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