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James Bulger Murderer Jon Venables Returned To Prison


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Never a truer word spoken here in years albert.

Fact is its you or i that would be prosecuted and classed a danger to kids even for a mild rebuke of them in public.

Itsthe parents that need a good twatting.

Quite simply these kids are second generation !you cant touch me now fuck off! untouchables who just need to know their boundries by any means nescasary.

And if that includes physical discipline then so be it.

They would have more fulfilling lives with more structure and knowing their bounderies and so would the rest of us.

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But the general population seem to be complete dickheads when it comes to understanding this, and seeing what is happening as a result, right in front of their own noses.


It's a far bigger and more complex picture than: 'more bobbies on the beat', 'lynch mobs' and 'quick fix revenge'. But the majority are too stupid and too well led by the tabloids to even realise it.

I think you're absolutely right.


Do we really have a society any more, you know, where we each feel an ownership of/role in our society, rather than a scamper away from any responsibility and a quick finger-point to 'them' who should solve all our ills.


I truly believe that society is being dismantled with such a shift from individual responsibility to state control that we really will end up in unengineered anarchy.

But I tend to think that we live in a society where we are made to feel like we should have an 'each to their own' mentality. Though I disagree with the consequence you seem to be picking up on. The result is more likely to be ever increasing state control and thus increased control of the population, not necessarily anarchy (your choice of word for chaos). I think it is the role of the state that has supplanted the community.
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Where was he re arrested, plenty of rumours about but how would you feel if it was on the Isle of Man and your kids could have been put at risk without you knowing.


Rumours about what ? Him having lived here ? Worked at B&Q ? And a pub on the prom ? And currently being in Jurby prison ?


Those sort of rumours ?


... GOMH* ...



Well if he was placed here, I would bet they would give him a common name like Graham, put him in a rented house with a girlfriend on a housing estate close to Douglas and not far from a school,and even notify the neighbors that he was no risk to the children. That would be the normal thing for the IOM Government to allow. Hey maybe it may have helped to re negotiate the RHA if true.

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  • 3 months later...

Reading the story and one thing struck me, why would the mother of Bulger have the "right to know" about Venebles? They served their time for the killing, what has any of this to do with her?


Err ... if someone killed my child I'd sort of be interested in what they were doing now.

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Gladys & Albert, your posts cheered me right up :D thanks.


The whole thing is bad. The Bulger mother is a 'media person' (plays up to the newspapers, who ofc love the drama) which, is incredibly sad. She has no rights, those poor boys, born into a shitty world by shitty people, they never stood a chance.

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The Bulger mother is a 'media person' (plays up to the newspapers, who ofc love the drama) which, is incredibly sad. She has no rights, those poor boys, born into a shitty world by shitty people, they never stood a chance.


They are f**king murderers the pair of them. She loves the drama? They killed her f**King child for gods sake.

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The best thing that could happen here is that the case be held and his parole license revoked as well as an additonal consecutive sentence, he is then returned to goal and left there. Give the case no publicity, just let him drift in to the obscurity he deserves.

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... those poor boys, born into a shitty world by shitty people, they never stood a chance.

thebees - I think that is a very odd thing for you to say. Many millions of people are born into shitty lives by shitty people and they don't go and murder little toddlers. That is the point - even people who are born into such situations usually have a basic understanding of how wrong such an action would be.


There is little to be gained from demonizing these two boys, now grown to men in an environment entirely overwhelmed by social security and probation oversight.


But also don't pretend they are usual. They are not, and the continuing actions of Venables shows its unlikely he'll ever be safe to be at will within society.


Places like Broadmoor exist for a reason - I suspect if Venables spent the rest of his life in such a place it would be better for him and broader society too.

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You might have taken the time to read what I wrote before coming with your barrage of abuse hboy.....The media love the drama and the mother has allowed herself to be exploited by them, do you see now?.....no? didn't think so. Go back to sleep and keep reading the sensational papers, some people are EuroDisney on a stick.......I hate that.

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The best thing that could happen here is that the case be held and his parole license revoked as well as an additonal consecutive sentence, he is then returned to goal and left there.


I suppose he could do no worse than Robert Green - Send him to South Africa

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Englands goalkeeper for the first game of the world cup.


I think Cambon was making a witty retort to your mispelling of 'gaol'


I've only just picked myself off the floor where I've been rolling about laughing. :rolleyes:

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