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Argentina was celebrating a diplomatic coup today in its attempt to force Britain to accept talks on the future of the Falkland Islands, after an extraordinary two-hour meeting in Buenos Aires between Hillary Clinton and the country’s President Fernández de Kirchner.


Responding to a request from Mrs Kirchner for “friendly mediation” between Britain and Argentina, Mrs Clinton said she agreed that negotiations were a sensible way forward and offered “to encourage both countries to sit down”.


Her intervention defied Britain’s long-standing position that there should be no negotiations unless the islands’ 3,000 inhabitants asked for them.


It was hailed in Buenos Aires as a major diplomatic victory, but condemned in the Falklands. Britain insisted there was no need for mediation as long as the islanders wanted to remain British. “We don’t think that’s necessary,” a Downing Street spokesman said.

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You'd have to bring back Maggie 'cos the spineless wanks in power now won't do anything unless the Americans tell them too.


Coincedence or not - a squadron of Typhoons rotated to the Falklands last week. Not that the Argentines have anything even remotely capable of taking the Islands militarily now. So a fairly moot point in my opinion.



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You'd have to bring back Maggie.

There is no conceivable crisis severe enough to justify restoring that cold-hearted bitch to power.


hugh janus

Posted Yesterday, 09:54 PM


No point, no oil.


It's the discovery of oil - and the UK's determination to have it - that's set it all off again.

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You'd have to bring back Maggie 'cos the spineless wanks in power now won't do anything unless the Americans tell them too.

What are you talking about? Britain has largely spent the past forty years doing what the Americans or making sure that if they do anything the Americans like it.
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USA have let Britain down big time on this and basically sided with the Argies and we should now tell the Americans what a bunch of twats they really are and stop backing them every time they ask.why would Britain agree to talk about the Falklands with Argentina. There is nothing to talk about, they are British, and We should fight to keep it that way.In fact lets pull out of Afghanistan and let them yanks find another 10,000 troops.

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You'd have to bring back Maggie.

There is no conceivable crisis severe enough to justify restoring that cold-hearted bitch to power.


hugh janus

Posted Yesterday, 09:54 PM


No point, no oil.


It's the discovery of oil - and the UK's determination to have it - that's set it all off again.


would you not say thats the reason that argentina are so determinated to take the islands back because of the oil


The Islands are not British at all in my view.


i think thats up to the ppl that live there that should have that choice. if they want to be part of argentina then so be it if they dont then leave it be

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It's the discovery of oil - and the UK's determination to have it - that's set it all off again.

Argentina did not give a monkeys about the Falkland Islands until the extent os the oil reserves was discovered in the 1970s. And, of course the US is going to back the argies. I bet if there was another war, US would probably supply the argies with weapons in return for an undertaking on the oil

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