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What does everyone think the future dance music will be like? here & UK?


I think now with programs such as Ableton 4 the boundaries and skills of the DJ have now been pushed to another level. Recently, on a trip to the UK I watched 2 DJ's using 2 laptops with Ableton and 2 CDJ 1000's at the same time.


I think the time of the superstar DJ will not last much longer within the next 5 years or so as the competition from unknowns has now become great with very few superstar DJ's being un-willing to use Ableton (OK except Dave Clarke). Which is all good for the scene as big DJ's wont be able to justify their salaries for much longer which will now give life to the new breed of DJ.... The Live DJ!


However I think its very refreshing that the thought of knowing the each DJ's set is more individual with the use of Ableton rather then playing the tunes which people will be expecting. I think that within the next couple of years more and more UK / Worldwide DJ's will be switching to Ableton. Although, I dont think that will ever be the case over here as there isnt the need for it and a crowd who would appreciate it in the knowledge that a DJ is using it (just incase FOF try and pull what I am saying apart!!!!!), however I do think all the local DJ's should get behind the promotion of Ableton and start using it and hopefully include it in their sets and hopefully encourage DJ's to use it on the island.


Technics 1210's are pretty much a thing of the past as most DJ's are using the industry standard CDJ 1000 mk2, I dont actually know of anyone who is using Dennon CD decks etc. Believe me I loved my 1210's but those days are pretty much over.


James Zabiela does use the Technics CD decks but I am un-aware of any other big DJ that uses them, they are pretty good but nothing compares to CDJ 1000 mk2 & CDJ 800. I feel James Zabiela "may?" have been paid to promote technics cd decks just like Roger Sanchez was with Vestax decks.


I personally have 2 CDJ 1000 mk2, 1 CDJ 800 and 3 technics 1210's (now covered in dust as no need for them anymore!) Pioneer DJM 600 and of course Apple Mac laptop with Ableton installed. It was a shame to see the end of vinyl but why buy records when you can download them for free? Why carry several boxes of records when you can just carry a CD wallet? who cares if the local theiving sh*thead DJ's steal your CD's you can just burn another copy! If you have vinyl they are pretty much un-replaceable!


There isnt much of a gap between the local DJ and the superstars as all the tunes which the big names had which gave them the edge in the past are all now available to download at the same time. Plus you can create your own tunes to play out now without having cost of pressing them onto vinyl.


I think the future of DJ's now is DVJ / CDJ / Ableton, what you think?

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I agree in part, but several of the things you say aren't quite right, nor legal.

I think the time of the superstar DJ will not last much longer within the next 5 years or so as the competition from unknowns has now become great with very few superstar DJ's being un-willing to use Ableton (OK except Dave Clarke).  Which is all good for the scene as big DJ's wont be able to justify their salaries for much longer which will now give life to the new breed of DJ.... The Live DJ!

DJ's have been using this technology for years now, its becoming more and more prominent. Sasha and Rennie Pilgrim use Ableton almost completely. Sasha himself designed one of the controllers for use with ableton. I disagree it'll stop the "superstar" dj though, who wants to listen to DJ Dave when they can listen to Sasha, or anyone else, it just won't happen. But, ya right in the possibilities its going to open up, its going to completely rejuvenate the scene as a whole, live remixing, looping, messing about with sounds, its all good and refreshing.

Technics 1210's are pretty much a thing of the past as most DJ's are using the industry standard CDJ 1000 mk2, I dont actually know of anyone who is using Dennon CD decks etc.  Believe me I loved my 1210's but those days are pretty much over.


James Zabiela does use the Technics CD decks but I am un-aware of any other big DJ that uses them, they are pretty good but nothing compares to CDJ 1000 mk2 & CDJ 800.  I feel James Zabiela "may?" have been paid to promote technics cd decks just like Roger Sanchez was with Vestax decks.

James Zabiella has been the main promoter for Pioneer for ages now(not Technics), he's designed some of the effects units, and goes around the world showing what they can do, see the Renaissance Alive CD. Vinyl will never be a thing of the past though, its been industry standard forever, and i don't see that changing in our lifetime, although more and more DJ's use CD's and other, mainly to play the promo's and their own stuff.

why buy records when you can download them for free? Why carry several boxes of records when you can just carry a CD wallet? who cares if the local theiving sh*thead DJ's steal your CD's you can just burn another copy! If you have vinyl they are pretty much un-replaceable!

I think you'll find thats illegal mate ask this guy.

There isnt much of a gap between the local DJ and the superstars as all the tunes which the big names had which gave them the edge in the past are all now available to download at the same time.  Plus you can create your own tunes to play out now without having cost of pressing them onto vinyl.

The gaps still there, because of having to get a name, its always going to be there, but ya almost right. The tunes can only be as available as they are in the shops, otherwise how can they be ripped, no artist is going to rip himself off are they? So the "big names" are always going to be well ahead of the pack, by some months. Of course, you can now buy MP£'s, from sites dedicated to MP3 distribution, but again, this is only as the are available, wholesale.

The trick is, to be sent the tunes by the artists themselves, thus being legal, and proper cool ;) check my show on thursday, for an exclusive Hoffman tune thats not been pressed to vinyl yet!

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Vinyl hasn't died, and I doubt it ever will. A pair of 1200s will be a standard feature in every nightclub for a long time. Their reliability (especially in nightclubs) is proven.


CDs are taking off now that the equipment is up to scratch. Pioneer, Denon, Technics all seem much of a muchness - they all do the job. Pioneer have become industry standard (helped greatly by contracting "super clubs" to use their equipment). They seem to have got there first. I have a Technics deck, and it's great. Denon seem to have the best reputation though. But all the current decks will be replaced in 6 months by a new improved version - such is the way with new technology.


Regarding laptops; yeah it'd be great if I could afford a couple of grand on another new toy to play with - but I can't. But if I ever do, it'll be used alongside vinyl and cd.

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Sorry I would strongly dis-agree with regards to the Technics 1210's been the prefered DJ product to CDJ's for the big name DJ's. I go to many big nights in the UK (and the Ibiza!) to see a wide variety of DJ's and all are using CDJ's so I would say I have got a pretty strong arguement if you could call it that as I always go clubbing in the UK and I see where the heart of clubbing is, not the Isle of Man. Next time you go to your average bar in the UK I would have a quick look in the DJ booth and I am sure you will find a set of CD decks?. Maybe even have a look through MixMag / any other DJ charts and I think you will find that the vast majority of new tunes which are being sent to DJ's are are CDR, producers wouldnt be sending music on CDR if most DJ's wasnt using it. I know its a cheaper way of getting some of your new material to DJ's but if most people are using 1210's they wouldnt bother sending CDR they would send Vinyl.



I heard Tall Paul asked for the technics to be taken off the stage whilst he was playing the Venue as "he doesnt use them anymore and they just get in the way". I never said Technics was not being used by DJ's, just they are not being used as much as times have changed and DJ's are moving with the times and technology. Technics have had a good 15 / 20 years with their 1200's & 1210's so its good to see some of the other large companies like Pioneer / Dennon etc are having ago and trying to strengthen their stronghold in the DJ products market.



I would admit Technics 1210's will be in the clubs for some time to come, but there is a massive influx of DJ's that have moved to CD decks which according to MixMag "CD decks are now outselling Technics" if you would like the issue No? I will check later on.



PSP software such as limewire which I use to download my tunes & software are not illegal AS FAR AS I AM AWARE.... as I am sure the sites and downloading software would be taken off-line. I think it is only illegal to copy and distribute the music & software. Anyway who cares its all good for the scene!


Oh and I would tempt you to try and download some of the tunes from Pete Tong's show and I am sure you will be able to download most of his show (well the good ones anyway!) trust me I do it everyweek! So if Pete's got it and I have got it am sure I am pretty ahead of the game... would you not agree?


Denon decks do not have the best reputation I dont know where you have got that one?


An apologies to James Zabiela if he is not sponsored by Technics!


I do agree to a point that there is still a difference in going to see a "big DJ" compared to a local DJ and this is only hype! obviously depending on what big DJ your goin to see and how good your local DJ is? I was at big club in the UK the other week and it was the unknowns who rocked the club more than Jon Carter & Justin Robertson did.


As we are all in the same category here. your local DJ you would try as hard as they can to be better than a big DJ which you may be playing before or just to make a name for themselves? I know I would, might be just me? but I wouldnt want them getting all of the lime light of night and I would want to prove that I could either compete at their level or play better.


Anyone who uses Ableton there is a nice little synth coming out called "Operator" just been having a quick look at it in furture music magazine.

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PSP software such as limewire which I use to download my tunes & software are not illegal AS FAR AS I AM AWARE.... as I am sure the sites and downloading software would be taken off-line.  I think it is only illegal to copy and distribute the music & software.  Anyway who cares its all good for the scene!


Oh and I would tempt you to try and download some of the tunes from Pete Tong's show and I am sure you will be able to download most of his show (well the good ones anyway!) trust me I do it everyweek! So if Pete's got it and I have got it am sure I am pretty ahead of the game... would you not agree?


Denon decks do not have the best reputation I dont know where you have got that one?


Sorry bud, its EXTREMELY illegal, you are taking the money out of an artists pockets,. I wouldn't really post about it on a forum if i were you, delete that bit mate. :unsure:

Denons may not be the standard, but believe me, they are awesome. Pioneer have it sewn up really though, agreed.

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Mixmag just glorifies the big name DJs and superclubbing. I haven't read that crap for years. But yes, DJ booths these days will have CD decks in them alongside the sl1200s. Nobody's arguing that.


Most DJs use CDs *AND* vinyl. The two formats aren't in competition, they're just different. They sit along side each other. People send out CDs because they're cheaper to press. That's why CDs and CD mixing have taken off - everyone can share music so much more easily. It's all good.


Regarding Denon CD decks, I picked up on their reputation from reading the reviews of professionals on various internet forums (I don't trust journalists who's magazines rely on advertising revenues). I opted for a Technics deck because I like the way they operate, and I'm very happy with my choice. I don't need Mixmag or DJ Superstar to tell me I made the right decision.

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I have just had a quick look around the net and some sites are saying its legal & some saying illegal? Anyway your ISP know what people download and everybody is doing it so I will continue robbing Pete's tunes for the time being as I doubt they would arrest, think it was like 30 million or 3 million (not sure) Limewire users.

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Monkeymagic no offence but I think you really need to be reading up DJ mags such as MixMag, IDJ, DJ mag etc in order to be able to get a better knowledge and understanding of what is really going on in the market. As I have already stated I go to the clubs dare I say it but where it is all happening, I read the reviews on all new DJ equipement try them out and I would say I have got a good knowledge of whats goin on? I also check internet reviews so I would say I am pretty much right.


This is the problem with people over here they have a one sided view point when they should be open minded and ready to try all new stuff and technology. Dance music is only what you make it and what the people who make the stuff. I also produce music as well so I have no pretty much knowledge from both sides of view points.


I am not trying to have ago but you cant really have a proper opinion unless you have an indeph knowledge.

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You think I have no in depth knowledge because I don't read Mixmag et al?


And what exactly am I being one sided about? I'm open to using CDs and Vinyl. I do it on a regular basis - in nightclubs. There's but no dust on any of my equipment. Plenty of spilled beer, mind you.

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I'll be honest with you, i haven't read a music magazine for years, especially not MixMag etc, they tell you what they want to tell you, what they like, and its mostly pants. I find they cater more for people who want to see arses and read about drugs, not a great deal of music catered for. I find my info from the internet mostly, from the horses mouth so-to-speak, i buy my tunes online too.

I completely disagree that being over here is bad in any way for a DJ, yes you are more difficult to spot or get heard by the right people, but its good in other ways. There's a million and one Tall Paul's, and Pete Tong's out there, all playing the same stuff the dj's play, very little difference between them. Over here, we don't have that, because of where we are, you develop your own style.

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