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£50 Overdrawn £25 Charge Ouch


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It's a loan........they're going to give it all back, with interest,

Does that go along with:

The cheques in the post

I love you

I promise I wont cu.....

ok you know what I mean

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The uk government bought shares in two large uk banks because they could not afford to bail them out if they went bust, and they did not want them to go into foreign sponsership as did barclays. HSBC is not a british bank anyway. They also nationalised one bank and one building society.


They also tricked Lloyds into buying HBOS, whilst hiding the true level of debt HBOS was in at the time.


The government also loaned a large amount of (borrowed) money to some banks to help keep them afloat, loan to be repaid at around 12%pa, whilst government base rate is 0.5%pa.


The government then invented the asset protection scheme where it guarantees to underwrite the banks if they go under (with money the government does not have) in exchange for even more of a share of the banks. Lloyds managed to avoid it with a rights issue. The government, who held 43.4% of Lloyds at the time said "if you dont want to join it will cost you £4 billion."


You see, the government could not afford to buy into the rights issue to pay for their own invented guarantee (let alone the £250 billion they are guaranteeing). So they charged lloyds so they could get the money to buy in so that their holding was not diluted.


The whole thing is a sham on the government's part and one eyed jock is using the banks as an excuse and diversion from his and unibrows mismanagement of the uk economy during labours time in power.


I am not a daily mail reader. I am a shareholder in two of these banks and we are kept informed of what is really going on.


It was good to see Lloyds shaft the government over the asset protection scheme. They shafted them again earlier this year by issuing shares in repayment for some bonds, diluting the government holding to 41%. Didn't hear the government boasting about that did you!! It wont be the last time Lloyds shaft them either.

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