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Ba Strike


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BA Strike


I hate to repeat myself, but will someone please sack these people and give their jobs to people who, through no fault of their own, have lost their job and want to return to work.


And by the way note to Gordon Brown, these people shouldn't get any unemployment benefit once they've got the sack. They refused to the do the job that they were employed to do, so they breached their contract, therefore they have shouldn't get any help finding a new job. And it should be the law that they have to declare on their CV that they lost their job because they couldn't be bothered to turn up to work, so that any new employer knows what sort of person they are talking to.


Pull your weight or sling your hook.


Infact that sounds good for my election slogan :-)

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Please stop reading The Daily Mail.


I don't read any daily newspaper, I find Sky News online to report unbiased and fair. So if I believe that in order to be paid for a job, you should actually turn up and do your job, that makes me a typical daily mail reader? maybe I should try the daily mail.

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An arm of the Rupert Murdoch empire fair and unbiased?


Let me think about that for a minute…………


You're right, I've just realised how stupid I've been. The workers should strike. I can't believe that the management is asking them to do the job that they signd up for. How dare they. Worker's rights, down with management, we should all be paid to do nothing. That's the way the world works. Hang on, I've just remembered, British Airways is a company trying to make a profit isn't it?

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BA Strike


I hate to repeat myself, but will someone please sack these people and give their jobs to people who, through no fault of their own, have lost their job and want to return to work.


And by the way note to Gordon Brown, these people shouldn't get any unemployment benefit once they've got the sack. They refused to the do the job that they were employed to do, so they breached their contract, therefore they have shouldn't get any help finding a new job. And it should be the law that they have to declare on their CV that they lost their job because they couldn't be bothered to turn up to work, so that any new employer knows what sort of person they are talking to.


Pull your weight or sling your hook.


Infact that sounds good for my election slogan :-)


Where do you think you are, England in the 18th century, you think management should be able to treat workers how they like and the peasants should tip there caps and say thankyou boss ?.lets banish trade unions and the vote for the working classes too would that make you happy.

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You're right, I've just realised how stupid I've been. The workers should strike. I can't believe that the management is asking them to do the job that they signd up for. How dare they. Worker's rights, down with management, we should all be paid to do nothing. That's the way the world works. Hang on, I've just remembered, British Airways is a company trying to make a profit isn't it?

Yeah, and the workers want to be paid a reasonable amount for what they think their work is worth. (I think workers should get at least what they work is REALLY worth, but nevermind.)
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if they dont think there worth what there being paid they can leave and get a job some where eles with better pay to keep them happy.


If you like your job and your cash you stay.

if you dont you look for a new job simple.


I think BA have done well to be able to retrain some staff to cover if a strike happins.


And i bet some of these staff could well have been in a lower postion with a less wage in the company. so could well mean a promotion for some of them which they may not have got before.


also they said

It would also hire up to 23 fully crewed planes from a charter company to help run flights from Heathrow in the event of a strike


so looks like some more work for other companys which will help them along the way as well.


BA is losing money and needs to cut costs to make a profit.


What would you have the company do.

keep say 4000 workers happy for couple years then have to sack 40000.

of cut costs and keep everyone in work.

if them ppl are not happy let them leave to find new jobs

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You're right, I've just realised how stupid I've been. The workers should strike. I can't believe that the management is asking them to do the job that they signd up for. How dare they. Worker's rights, down with management, we should all be paid to do nothing. That's the way the world works. Hang on, I've just remembered, British Airways is a company trying to make a profit isn't it?

Yeah, and the workers want to be paid a reasonable amount for what they think their work is worth. (I think workers should get at least what they work is REALLY worth, but nevermind.)


and then we have this from the old post


According to RTE this evening a starter salary of £28,000 p.a.
£28,000? Bloody hell. I thought it would be more round the £20,000 mark. Then I wonder why they are striking. Were they expected to be given pay rises?


so first your saying they should be paid more.

then you even asked why they should strike,

in the old topic

then this topic pops up again and you say they should be paid there worth.

are you going to change your tune this time again.


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I never changed my tune. I was asking for clarification on the reasons for them striking, i.e. whether they were told they would be getting pay rises and then told they wouldn't be.


You have a very simplistic (in respect of viewing the choices people have or don't have) and rather biased way of looking at industrial disputes. Your interest is in the future of the company and its profits, which ties into wages and salaries, of course. But the thing of primary important are the wages.

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Where do you think you are, England in the 18th century


That would be nice, well the 18th century bit, not the living in England bit, but alas I fear that the political correctness and health and safety care bear bunch have too much control for us to ever be able to return to a sensible society :-(

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I never changed my tune. I was asking for clarification on the reasons for them striking, i.e. whether they were told they would be getting pay rises and then told they wouldn't be.


You have a very simplistic (in respect of viewing the choices people have or don't have) and rather biased way of looking at industrial disputes. Your interest is in the future of the company and its profits, which ties into wages and salaries, of course. But the thing of primary important are the wages.


no its called comman sense.

if a company is losing cash and has to take cuts etc to keep going

is it not better for the staff etc to work with the company to reduce these costs to keep themselfs in a job. or just bight of the hand that feeds me.


if i worked for a company and they came to me, look you not getting a pay rise for 2 years cause we cant afford to pay you anymore at the moment.

i have 2 options except that or leave.

these ppl took the job knowing what wage they were going to get in the first place and where in most contracts does it say you will 100% get a pay rise.

so if they were happy then they should be happy now. if not leave.


yep my intrest is in the profits if a company because if there not making anything then theres no company to work for so it gos hand in hand.

the fact BA havent made any profits should be a sign to the staff that something needs to be done to cut cost.


if the company was making 100million then your points would be prob on the mark of whats right but when there losing what they are then your talking shit about paying them more.


What ever happins in the BA thing could well set us up for what happins with the unions for the next 5 years.

if BA win then unions will be less likely to strike as they have seen what can happin when it gos wrong.

if the unions win then you could be looking at what happined in the early 70s

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On average, BA cabin crew get paid double the amount that Virgin, easyjet etc get paid. Not necessarily in annual salary but in benefits in kind. For example, a senior cabin member doing a 7 day return to Japan gets a payment of nearly £1000 on top of their salary, plus hotel etc. The same crew member doing a 4 day return to Dubai gets around £200. One of the things BA wants to do is even this out a bit. Senior cabin crew are up in arms about this because they try to pick the most lucrative routes. These will pay less in the future and some of the less lucrative will pay more spreading the incentive around. It will save BA a fortune and give others a chance at some extra cash. I think that sounds fair. But this is the biggest stumbling block in negotiations. It is also the union's weak point because the cabin crew used to be two unions (senior and junior) and now there is just Unite, but there is a massive division within Unite over this issue.


The thing is the union cannot win this and they know it. But there is a big power struggle at the top of Unite at the moment (nothing to do with BA), and they are playing with BA over this leadership battle. It is horrendous that these power hungry union bosses can play with the very livelyhoods of these 40,000 workers like this and try to blame BA. This is 1970s union tactics at play.

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Oh that's made my day...thanks fella.


So you dont read right wing middle-England friendly journalism....you watch it instead. :D


Oh no, have they been secretly brainwashing while I've been reading the news on their web site? Will I wake up one day and inexplicably send all my money to Murdoch :-)

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