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Battlefield Bad Company 2

K.os Theory

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I have recently started buying special edition guides :unsure: I only have 3 though, 2 for Fallout 3 and the FFXIII one. I nearly bought the ME2 one as well but decided not to as it wasn't thick enough? :wacko:


I'm not a fan of going in to Game though, so I send my misses. Although it has got to the point that she is no longer hassled by the staff. Must pre-orders done online even though they are always late.

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so how does this compair to MW2.

same sort of game but diffrent things to set it apart from it


bigger battlefields, vehicles, a real emphasis on teamwork, destructable environments...imho a more rounded online gaming experience, I really enjoyed the single player campaign of the first one as well so hopefully the sequel will deliver again.


Yeah it's the *scale* of the game, none of this running from one side of the map to the other in 60 seconds like you can in MW2.


Generally speaking you'll squad up and your squad leader will give you orders (or by all means form your own squad, someone will usually join it, some servers automatically assign people to squads who don't do so themselves), if you don't work with your squad and on a larger scale with the rest of your team, you'll get owned. (Certainly in BF2142 there was an overall commander for each side, I'd guess this is retained in BC2.)


I had a quick knockabout on the PC version before and first impressions are that it's pretty awesome, even with a relatively modest PC you'll be able to run it with all sorts of loveliness turned on that the consoles just can't manage, and DX10/11 open up other options beyond that.


MW2 is a kiddie shooter compared to a BF game, MW2 is just men and guns, BC2 (and all the other Battlefield games) are teamwork, squadwork, vehicles, a large variety of weapons, big maps, tactics, and of course a decent lick of ability at FPS games :D


The destructible environments in particular seem to be pretty cool, I was on a map before where a couple of snipers were making my team's life hell. One of our squad got in a tank, another one got an armoured vehicle carrier with heavy machine guns on it, and completely destroyed the house they were camping in (and killed them in the process, obv.) :ph34r:

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Can you go prone in the game? I notice you couldn't in the demo but, until I get home, don't know whether it's possible in the full game or not.


no prone...DICE said " "there will be no prone.. we tried it many times and decided it didn't feel right for the dynamic, destructible world we made."

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Does anyone know if the PC version has Xbox controller support?


I really don't want to have to sit on the floor to play this, plus I am better with a controller than I ever was with m+kb.


do you need something eles to get xbox controllers to work. or is it if the game supports it it work


never play shooting or diving games on PC cause i allways found the controllers they have as pants (to be fair havent looked at them for the past few years as anything like that i use the xbox for)

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Does anyone know if the PC version has Xbox controller support?


I really don't want to have to sit on the floor to play this, plus I am better with a controller than I ever was with m+kb.


do you need something eles to get xbox controllers to work. or is it if the game supports it it work


never play shooting or diving games on PC cause i allways found the controllers they have as pants (to be fair havent looked at them for the past few years as anything like that i use the xbox for)


Anyone voluntarily using a gamepad on a PC FPS game, when everyone else is using keyboard&mouse (which is a massively better control system), is both mad and about to get pwned big style.

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I would normally agree with you, however I no longer have a desk and my PC sits next to my TV, so to use a M+KB I would have to contort myself into a really unhealthy position to play.


I held my own using a controller via xpadder in the beta, and did a damn site better than my attempts with the M+KB.

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One other thing, Punkbuster is mandatory on BC2 servers, and since they're dedicated servers (none of this P2P crap), not only are glitchers and hackers massively reduced to start with, any tossers who do bugger around quickly find themselves getting kicked and banned.


The last time I played MW2 the level of cheating going on was absolutely fucking outrageous.


Me and a few chums will probably get our own dedicated server anyway (£30 per month for a 32-slot server, split between five or six of us is very reasonable), if and when that happens I'll post the details here.

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I will be mainly playing on my old clan server which is very well admined any glitchers or hackers that do get on don't tend to stay around for long.


Just had a quick game, xpadder is messing around with the final code for some reason, will just have to get a wireless keyboard, anyone know if there is a way to bump up the text size?

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Does anyone know if the PC version has Xbox controller support?


I really don't want to have to sit on the floor to play this, plus I am better with a controller than I ever was with m+kb.


do you need something eles to get xbox controllers to work. or is it if the game supports it it work


never play shooting or diving games on PC cause i allways found the controllers they have as pants (to be fair havent looked at them for the past few years as anything like that i use the xbox for)


Anyone voluntarily using a gamepad on a PC FPS game, when everyone else is using keyboard&mouse (which is a massively better control system), is both mad and about to get pwned big style.


i hate useing the keyboard to be honest, just feels wrong as u can never just get in the right postion and stay there for hours at a go

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Server name =



Multiplay.co.uk - Manx Maniacs



It's case sensitive, a search for 'Manx' in the server browser will bring it back.


32 slots (6 reserved for me and my chums so only 26 available even if we're not on, can't set it to allow all 32 at other times unfortunately), full Conquest map rotation at the moment.


No functionality yet to allow auto-rotation of modes, which is a bit pants, so it's stuck on the 6 conquest maps. (Changing modes is a manual config and then restart job.)


Punkbuster running, friendly fire off for now, will probably turn it on later.

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