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Battlefield Bad Company 2

K.os Theory

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No worries, I didn't get on until 10.45 and then the servers went down at midnight anyways (losing me the level-up and bonuses I'd gained mid game....)


Not sure if I'll be on this or MW2 tonight, depends on whether my usual gaming buddy is on later or not.



Edit: Just to add there's free new maps being released at the end of the month too, with added 'dig' at MW2....

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All im getting on Multiplayer at the moment is WE COULD NOT FIND ANY GAMES, PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER.




Me too, it's shit an online game you can't play online. It doesn't put you in a queue or anything. There's only so long I will suffer pressing join game.


I should have got it on the PC gah!

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I should have got it on the PC gah!



I'm having a right mare with my PC game. Will not run multiplayer on my gaming PC at all. Soon as I hit the login it crashes my PC and I have to re-boot. Installed it on my lappy runs multiplayer sweet. I can run singleplayer on my gaming PC no problem what so ever.



Gahhhhhhhh! We(me, my mates, my clan mates and other clans)'ve tried everything and I mean everything apart from the last resort, which sadly looks like I'm going to have to do over the weekend. Or......oooh! Buy a new HD just to run the BF:BC2 off.


Oooh! Worth a try!

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Servers finally came back up about 11.45 last night and I managed one game before getting booted off again.


The EA forums have a massive thread about the EA servers being off loads for days on both consoles. Seems they just can't handle the capacity. It's a pity as I'm getting seriously frustrated with what looks like an excellent multiplayer game.


I'd get the PC version and go on dedicated servers but I don't want to pay twice. Gash.

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Even with the PC dedicated servers your still reliant on the EA master server to login and get all your stats from. They seem to have overhauled the master server as I managed a good few hours without issue last night.


Finally getting the hang of the game now, managed to cobble together a keyboard/mouse table so I can sit in front of the TV and play as it was meant to be played.

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Failing to connect to EA ONLINE. FFS


They've taken them offline (8am) to add more servers/hardware to try to sort the issues out.....


And yep, them UAV's don't like you one bit.... Played a couple of games with some Scottish lads afterwards, it's just so much better when you're all squadded up. Preferring Domination the most so far, Rush just seems to be a Snipe-fest....

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I'm gonna have to give conquest a go I think...I've just been playing rush extensively. I keep on forgetting to "jihad" vehicles, gotta try a "jihad UAV" ( just to get my own back!! :lol: ).


does anyone know if it's possible to stick c4 on one of your squadmates?

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