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Battlefield Bad Company 2

K.os Theory

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Looks like the game is a little bit popular, from the Battlefield Blog.


Since launch a week ago, BFBC2 has already put EA servers through the following stress:


* The 4 different soldier types have gathered a score of more than 34 Billion.

* There's been more than 400M kills made.

* 1.3M roadkills

* Squads and Teams have assisted each other to 6.2 Billion points.

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Hey Overdose, fancy a session on sunday afternoon/evening ( btw any forum members feel free to join in ).


I'm thinking some hardcore conquest games for a giggle? what you think?


Sorry bud, only just spotted your post... Should be on tomorrow night for a bit.

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The whole reason why i dont on PC's anymore



This dude gets totally p0wned :lol:


Personally I'd rather put up with the odd cheater, (who stick out a mile in BC2 and are also very rare), and have over double the framerate, over double the resolution, no input lag, proper VOIP, proper server browser, and a keyboard to type stuff to my team/squad with - than spack around with the 360/PS3 version of the game.


(And that's before you get started with the far superior graphics of the PC version.)


It's no issue for us anyway as we have our own server, we're running PunkBuster with all the plugins and any cheaters who evade that will find themselves kicked and banned in double-quick time. (Although since the game has been released we haven't had one obvious cheater on whenever any of us have been playing.)

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PC version got patched today, nothing major but a few little bits of tidying up. Steam of course just handled it all automatically :)


Recon definitely needs a nerf though - on a Rush map last night the 'attacking' side weren't even trying to win, they just stuck about ten snipers up on the hills with GOLs and took potshots from there, only about three of their team made any effort to destroy the M-COMS!


Our server has changed name, it's now:


The Manx Headshot Society


Rules are - no spawn/base camping, keep the teams fair, pursue your objectives, eat more fruit.

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Hey Twonky - is your server ranked and PB streamed? It didn't show up with all the filters on tonight - but have you added to favourites anyway.


Yes it's ranked and PB streamed, was on there 10 minutes ago so it's definitely up and working OK :)


The server browser is monumentally shite (and half the backend tools don't work properly either :D) - standard DICE fare really, absolutely awesome game, but they got the company's crackhead hardcore porn addict to do the UI.


'Yeah I'm sure it'll mostly work, now fuck off and leave me alone, I need to smoke more crack whilst watching extreme DP action. I'LL FIX THE UI TOMORROW!'

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