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I Know It's Wrong But...


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I can't help having a sneaking regard for THIS GUY


"less than 48 hours before Sunday night’s Academy Awards, with the police out in force, bodyguards at every turn and the CIA said to be on high alert for a terrorist attack, Rico walked into the swankiest hotel in Beverly Hills, talked his way into the suite of a billionaire guest, and left with at least $45,000 (£30,000) worth of jewellery.


He has been pulling off such robberies since last summer, investigators believe, with his total haul now almost certainly beyond six figures."

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Well good for him! You can't expect to be rich and not think that others should have some of it, because you've never earned it and don't deserve that much money.


I will bet your a penniless shopworker or similar hey LDV.

Or worse a student.


See in the real world money is all its about

And the people who make it are not the ones that spent their 20s sat round smoking dope all day wishing they had it.


The guy is low life scum on a par with bankers.

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Why do you presume I am any of those things? Why does it matter?


The point is that someone who has so much wealth in assets and property cannot possibly have earned it through work. (Although I don't agree with property ownership anyway.)


I'm all for a little wealth distribution when its needed and when its fair.


And certainly nobody in their 20s smoking weed would end up with that money. The person may be an entrepreneur or has designed many new pieced of technology, etc. That doesn't mean they've earned it and certainly doesn't mean they should have that wealth.

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Why do you presume I am any of those things? Why does it matter?


The point is that someone who has so much wealth in assets and property cannot possibly have earned it through work. (Although I don't agree with property ownership anyway.)



so now hes robbed well of 6 figures does that not mean he is wealthy and has not earned it.

where does the cut off point start.

i be intrested in your views on this

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What I want to understand is whether if LDV, while bonged up to the eyeballs, strummed on a guitar and by some fluke of chance wrote a song which hundreds of millions of people hummed all over the world and wished to pay him money to hear he'd claim he wouldn't deserve the money earned. Whether its stumming a song, having a sporting skill which millions want to see and glorify, or inventing a better mouse trap having a world changing idea gives something useful for billions and they wish to trade to gain those advantages - these ideas come from individuals - and society taxes those individuals to spread the wealth around. If LDV had his way he'd stiffle the major driving force in man's desire to improve the world.

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The point is that someone who has so much wealth in assets and property cannot possibly have earned it through work. (Although I don't agree with property ownership anyway.)


I'm all for a little wealth distribution when its needed and when its fair.


The person may be an entrepreneur or has designed many new pieced of technology, etc. That doesn't mean they've earned it and certainly doesn't mean they should have that wealth.

Joe the Plumber and Spreading the Wealth Around


Its a bit high brow; basically accepts the status quo in the end; has an odd detour into taxing people based on height; but is a reasonably concise summary of liberal and utilitarian arguments on Taxation.

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so now hes robbed well of 6 figures does that not mean he is wealthy and has not earned it.

where does the cut off point start.

i be intrested in your views on this

It doesn't mean he is wealthy, not at all. If it were for me, for example, I'd still have to work. I'd just be much better off.

The person who took the jewelry hasn't earned it and the person who has billions hasn't 'earned' it or deserves it either. But if one was a worker and by comparison poor then carte blanche.


He will answer you tommorow gazza when he isnt bonged out of his bollocks.

My guess is he thinks the guy is a modern day robin hood.

No, sorry, don't smoke weed, it's one of those drugs I just don't like.


What I want to understand is whether if LDV, while bonged up to the eyeballs, strummed on a guitar and by some fluke of chance wrote a song which hundreds of millions of people hummed all over the world and wished to pay him money to hear he'd claim he wouldn't deserve the money earned. Whether its stumming a song, having a sporting skill which millions want to see and glorify, or inventing a better mouse trap having a world changing idea gives something useful for billions and they wish to trade to gain those advantages - these ideas come from individuals - and society taxes those individuals to spread the wealth around. If LDV had his way he'd stiffle the major driving force in man's desire to improve the world.

It doesn't tax them very well when they end up with billions in wealth, does it? In any case, yes I would like to see profitmaking and the greed it creates to be stopped.

But maybe millions want to see a football player who simply has talent or maybe someone invents something that makes the world a better place. Why does profitmaking need to occur for them to realise their talents or put their innovative minds to work?


To talk about tax though, I think that taxing the rich and wealthy individuals and businesses very heavily serves as a disincentive to the profitmaking that you endorse.

And tax isn't something that can be used in a 'capitalist' system to distribute wealth to the extent and manner that I'd wish to see.

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Guess you don't own anything then...what a silly statement. I hope you're not a f%^king commie.

My political leanings are quite communist. And of course I own things. But I don't agree with the societal and legal structure that designates a lot of what exists to be personal property.
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Hey mastermind when your next at work ask yourself why your boss would even bother to employ you if the tax system taxed him down to just being a wage earner.

Why infact any fucker would bother to struggle to rise above your level infact.


No entrepeneurs equals no jobs for socialist dreamers honey.

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I am afraid he does have a point there LDV, without the incentive why should anyone with a decent skill be bothered to create a manufacturing industry that could make money to ensure the workers got ample reward for their labour, in fact if we went by your ideals then why should anyone be bothered to run transport or even work for a living just to give the service to others we could all go back to prehistoric times where we each gather our own food and not bother with any scientific or industrial progress because there should be no incentive or reward for bettering ourselves or society. Now please send me half of whatever savings you have as you have more than me and I deserve and demand the right to be equal to you as you are exploiting me by having more than me.

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