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He Wears Frilly Knickers And He Wears A Bra..


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Manx Radio this morning carried the ranting of the lead happy-clapping nut job in charge of the protests outside the Theatre this week. He's handing out pro christian propoganda to people going to see Jesus Christ Superstar.


The most alarming thing he said was that not only were they attempting to counter the imagery in the show, but were also hoping that simply by attending, that they would intimidate people enough that they wouldn't even consider going to see the show.


What is with these people? We're bombarded with pro christian brainwashing all day long, yet the second something that may carry an alternative opinion comes up, they want to ban and boycott it. What are they scared of? Is their faith so shakey that they can't allow people to make up their own mind?


This is a very dangerous way of thinking. I accept that christians have their beliefs, and let them have their say. Why can't they do the same back to the rest of society?


Stu Peters did well to bit his tongue!

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(Applied generally) If you believe something is wrong, you say so.


I just posted in another thread that we need to loose our apathy. Everyone has a right to protest, only a few actually do.

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That's exactly my point. Everyone has the right to their opinion, and I accept theirs. What I object to is that his aim by protesting isn't to convey his opinion, it is to intimidate people away from hearing someone else's.


That is a significantly different way of thinking.


It's the same as the Gerry Springer musical thing. The happy clappy loonys weren't saying 'Go and see it and make up your own mind', they were screaming 'BAN THIS SICK FILTH!'.


We're supposed to accept christian propoganda all day long, when was the last time you saw a muslim trying to ban songs of praise?

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I agree with Slim, it's all well and good offering people your opinions, but when you start to interfere so much that people are intimidated then the situation could easily escalate out of hand and even the law might get involved.

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it is to intimidate people away from hearing someone else's.

Intimidation is wrong, may he burn in hell.


when was the last time you saw a muslim trying to ban songs of praise?
Maybe not 'Songs of Praise' but what about any number of other items that can not be displayed because they 'may cause offence'?


I like JCSS, I like the freedom to whine. I agree that intimidation is wrong but I also think that a Christian (or muslim or whoever) has as much right to share their beliefs as we do to belittle them.

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I think (don't quote me on this) but they were the same people who protested many years ago about the local showing of Monty Python's "Life of Brian".


IMO I think it makes people want to go all the more...just to see what all the fuss is about!


Indeed...let us make up our own minds!

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