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Review All Anti-Terrorism Laws, Say Mps

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All counter-terrorism laws passed since 11 September 2001 should be reviewed to see if they are still necessary, says a committee of MPs and peers.


They questioned whether ministers could legitimately argue, nine years on, that a "public emergency threatening the life of the nation" remained.

Source http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/8583643.stm


About time, the Uk and of course the IOM which likes to bend over for the UK have gone too far. It's almost a moral panic these days or government induced hysteria.

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It is government induced fear. I used to be a little cynical of the idea that the public could really be made fearful by their government in respect of terrorist legislation. However, I have met quite a number of people who seem to be a little fearful about the future because of what they have read in the papers.

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However, I have met quite a number of people who seem to be a little fearful about the future because of what they have read in the papers.

You're not kidding! I read that David Cameron might become the next Prime Minister and I'm f*cking terrified!

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Yes, it truly is amazing, the faith you have that the bunches of woodentops who man security would ever catch a real terrorist! The real reasons for all this security stuff are:


1. To con us into believing we are being protected when really we're not (bit like the armed forces during the Cold War);

2. To create some more non-jobs to keep some deadheads off the dole queue;

3. To give some bureaucrats an excuse to build their own little empire; and

4. As others have pointed out, to perpetuate our fear so that we will continue to be compliant little souls to the wishes of Government as its apparatchiks satisfy their psychological need to control others.


As for our own little bunch at Ronaldsway - I doubt they would notice Osama Bin Laden going through in full flowing robes, as long as he took his belt and sandals off!

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“Do away with the laws ‘cos we’ve had no big-time attacks”.


No one seems to consider that we’ve had no big-time attacks BECAUSE of the laws.


Dont talk shit.

7/7 9/11 & bali were government sanctioned mossad assisted attacks on the american and british peoples, they were false flag attacks and have had too many of their flaws revealed since or there would have been more.

Blair and Bush ARE FUCKING WAR CRIMINALS and i hope one day will swing from the same gallows they swung saddam from, BASTARDS.

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7/7 9/11 & bali were government sanctioned mossad assisted attacks on the american and british peoples, they were false flag attacks and have had too many of their flaws revealed since or there would have been more.

No, they weren't planned by governments. And nothing has been revealed that would make me believe something so very improbable that the US government and Israeli governments did it.

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Dont talk shit.

7/7 9/11 & bali were government sanctioned mossad assisted attacks on the american and british peoples, they were false flag attacks and have had too many of their flaws revealed since or there would have been more.


Is that you Steven?

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