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Manxonline is no more


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Perhaps Slim just didn't want any hassle in general. Perhaps it was keeping him awake thinking about possible implications. That would be understandable.


A forum I sometimes visit which is based in the UK got threatenned with a legal action.


A load of the members decamped to an obscure US forum and carried on the discussion there. The website owner was slightly bemused at the sudden influx of previously unknown europeans but welcomed his new friends.


Several months later the complainer finally found the site and started issuing legal threats. The website owner, the hosts and their hosts repsonded by basically telling the complainer to go away and to stop being silly. They made it a freedom of speech issue. They invited him to respond to the points raised.


None of the parties at the US end had any european or UK business interests meaning that unless the complainer was prepared to mug up on US libel laws - well there wasn't much he could do.

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Mission, if you would like your username freeing up, I will do this for you.


Hope you guys enjoy the board B)


Super-Moderators are active, but not listed. I will promote people at my discretion :ph34r: .

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Hey everyone.

Was pretty odd the way manxonline went down, everything just disappeared including the front page with the links to hosting and stuff. Thanks to Slim for setting up what was a great forum, hope we're not stepping on any toes by suddenly appearing here :)

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I'm all for a policy of shooting on sight tbh, if he appears here just ban the name and eventually he'll get the message. A moan about free speech will appear from vader/blackbob/whatever he decide to call himself but apart from that i would say 99.5% of the members would not object.


And if you promote the report button i think you could get by with just a few mods and make sure everyone else uses the button, there is a sense of community spirit and no-one wants to see it destroyed again. And why does it appear on your own posts? Is it for those with multiple personalities?

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Yes moderators word is final, I will delete and suspend anyone that is a threat to the community or pisses me off.

I will not be as tollerable as Gary/Sarah of the old Manxnet Forum, as I'm providing this service for free.


If people don't like the forums or don't want to use them as provided, feel free to chat else where.

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I was never the most active poster at Manx Online but I always enjoyed browsing the skeet and local gossip before starting work in a morning, so it was a shock to discover this morning that it had gone. A real pity. Good luck with this board and lets hope its around a bit longer

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Bit shocked myself to see it closed so suddenly, can someone PM or mail me the reasons I'm curious!


Good job I remembered the address for this forum, better luck this time hey or off to the States!!

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Hello to all


What happened? It was there then it was gone. Must have been a rush decision to take it down.


Lets all hope that for what ever reason it had to go doesn't spread to this forum.


Where do we go next if it does?

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