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Reel To Reel Tape To Cd Or Dongle Or Ipod

John Wright

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I have about 10 5 inch 33/4 ips tapes which belonged to my father. I have no reel to reel and player and want them converting onto disc or digitising. I would prefer disc. One tape per disc.


Anyone know of anyone who can do this?


I also have 150 albums in need of digitising again anyone know of someone who provides the service. I have a deck and programme but the time defeats me at present


Again I would prefer one record per disc rather than a dongle etc

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I have about 10 5 inch 33/4 ips tapes which belonged to my father. I have no reel to reel and player and want them converting onto disc or digitising. I would prefer disc. One tape per disc.


Anyone know of anyone who can do this?


I also have 150 albums in need of digitising again anyone know of someone who provides the service. I have a deck and programme but the time defeats me at present


Again I would prefer one record per disc rather than a dongle etc

Do you know if the tapes were 2 track or 4 track? I could possibly help you out if they're 2 track.

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Hi John,


Sorry for the delay. Well, this morning I finished converting the power socket of a classic two track Revox A77 reel to reel from the "hen's teeth rare" IEC C10 socket to a bog standard C14 "kettle lead" type.

I need to get some lights and brake strips for it but it doesn't affect playback.


Now I'm up and running I could try converting your dad's tapes for you if you wish?



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