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New Legal Drugs Ready Already


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What is the point of the Manx Government banning Mephedrone?

Yes something needs to be done, and banning mephedrone is something but it is simply a knee jerk reaction to sighting the tip of the iceberg!

Research chemists are now able to synthesize legal analogues or clones of most illegal drugs, these new "legal" drugs are UNTESTED on humans or animals and god knows what the future holds for the thousands of manx teenagers who are wandering around looking like zombies smelling a bit like seafood(the smell of sweat after using mephedrone) with the insides of their mouths bitten away and their brains frazzled from lack of sleep.

I think the future may hold.....wait for it....METHYLONE and mCPP more interesting legal highs very popular in the Netherlands


Mephedrone = Methamphetamine with a ketone group on the beta position and a methyl group on the 4th position.


That is what the Manx Government will be making illegal "the ketone group in the beta position and a methyl group on the 4th position"

and when it becomes illegal guess what the research chemists do??????????


From the net:


"Recently, two new ecstasy-like substances, methylone and mCPP, were found in street drugs in the Netherlands by the Drugs Information and Monitoring System (DIMS). Methylone (3,4-methylenedioxymethcathinone) is the main ingredient of a new liquid designer drug that appeared on the Dutch drug market, called 'Explosion'. mCPP (meta-chlorophenylpiperazine) is a substance often used as a probe for the serotonin function in psychiatric research, and has now been found in street drugs, both in tablets and powders. Methylone as well as mCPP act on monoaminergic systems, resembling MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine), with mCPP mainly affecting the serotonin system. The subjective effects of both new substances exhibit subtle differences with those of MDMA. Only little is known about the harmfulness of both methylone and mCPP. However, because of similarities between these substances and MDMA, risks common to MDMA cannot be excluded"


More potentially harmful but "legal" highs will be flooding the IOM within days of Mephedrone becoming illegal, all untested on humans, all cheap, THERE IS NO WAY OF STAYING AHEAD OF THE RESEARCH CHEMISTS IT IS AN UNWINNABLE WAR AND THE YOUTH OF THE ISLAND AND THEIR FAMILIES WILL BE THE VICTIMS as each time the Manx Government illegalises another research chemical, a new unfamiliar one hits the streets and what happens when a recreational drug is new and unfamiliar?? OVERDOSES....PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS.....FAMILY PROBLEMS.

The Research Chemists have dozens of chemicals ready..........


The only action that makes sense to limit the possible negative effects of drugs, legal and illegal is education, scare tactics DONT WORK scary posters DONT WORK, prosecutions DONT WORK.



From the net: "A Scottish Executive anti-cocaine campaign made many people more likely to take the drug, a study has revealed.

Adverts highlighting the dangers of taking the drug ran last year as part of the Know the Score campaign."


All the scary Mephedrone posters are doing is encouraging hundreds more children to try drugs...(but the Government is doing something)




All of the research carried out confirms education of young people is the most effective way of preventing problems with drug abuse....problem is "drug education" doesnt make good headlines "drug education" doesnt make good scary posters "drug education" isnt a big vote winner



They are your children, your brothers and sisters, you educate yourselves and decide, but dont let the Uneducated Ignorant Manx Government create thousands more drug dependent children through its ill conceived mis advised un researched scare tactics.

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I would say the easiest way is to do a blanket ban here on all substances that are advertised as legal high anywhere here or overseas until they have been approved by the board responsable for the safety of drugs. Simple solution it's banned until it can be proven as safe.

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Simple solution it's banned until it can be proven as safe.


Bit like Alcohol and Nicotine then............


Oh sorry forgot - they're taxable.

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Simple solution it's banned until it can be proven as safe.


Bit like Alcohol and Nicotine then............


Oh sorry forgot - they're taxable.


Exactly the point, they should be banned or restricted, in the same context how about if one of these legal highs is found to be safe, would you object to it being taxed like alcohol and tobacco?

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I would say the easiest way is to do a blanket ban here on all substances that are advertised as legal high anywhere here or overseas until they have been approved by the board responsable for the safety of drugs. Simple solution it's banned until it can be proven as safe.



Thats not going to work, these people marketing the products are not stupid. If you did that they will simply stop calling them legal highs. They can call them anything really, can put them on the net as squirrel food if they like, word will get around and soon everyone will be ordering perfectly legal squirrel food and getting wasted on it.


The answers are not simple on this one but banning everything is just creating further problems and to some degree making things more attractive as they are illicit and exciting to teenagers.


The scaremongering tactics of the local and national press are also very unhelpful too. The woman over here saying she saw werewolves ??! The Daily Mail headline last week proclaiming a womans death was related to Mephedrone, then at the bottom of the article saying no blood tests had yet been completed and therefore they did not know yet whether the woman had actually taken any mephedrone at all ??!!


Really is a very complex issue to deal with.

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"The 1971 (Misuse of Drugs) Act is very clear that before the government criminalises thousands of people by banning a drug they must take advice on drug harm and other matters from a legally constituted advisory council."


from:My linkhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8592103.stm


Have the IOM government done this???? They are potentially planning to criminalise hundreds, if not thousands of Manx citizens. On the radio the other day the Minister (or someone) was talking about how they plan to bring in a law to enable them to quickly ban sustances as and when they are created & become available (to cover what you're talking about in this thread).


Clearly they have no idea whether these substances are even harmful - they don't even exist yet! Yet they're planning to ban them! Have they done ANY tests whatsoever on mephadrone?? Or are they just listening to the media hype??

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When you think about it if people want to snort or otherwise ingest plant foods not meant for human consumption in order to gain some pleasure from the chemically induced feeling it gives them, then let them. We are forever complaining about how pharmaceutical companies are testing drugs on animals, well this is one solution, here we have willing guinea pigs, if it is dangerous then we soon find out, if safe then we can look further into if there are any medicinal properties of the substance. In fact even better why don't the pharmaceutical companies label all new drugs as plant food, that way they get free testing and no moral issues about testing on animals to worry about.

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I would say the easiest way is to do a blanket ban here on all substances that are advertised as legal high anywhere here or overseas until they have been approved by the board responsable for the safety of drugs. Simple solution it's banned until it can be proven as safe.

Not a wise solution though. Banning doesn't stop drug use - which you would think is the purpose, but just result in pointless prison sentences. No drug is absolutely safe, so no new drug is going to completely uncontrolled when there is a State that exists to control the people. Isn't going to happen.


"The 1971 (Misuse of Drugs) Act is very clear that before the government criminalises thousands of people by banning a drug they must take advice on drug harm and other matters from a legally constituted advisory council."
But the UK government does not heed such advice. It is only some months back when the government was advised to lower ecstacy to a different schedule. But they didn't do that.


When you think about it if people want to snort or otherwise ingest plant foods not meant for human consumption in order to gain some pleasure from the chemically induced feeling it gives them, then let them. We are forever complaining about how pharmaceutical companies are testing drugs on animals, well this is one solution, here we have willing guinea pigs, if it is dangerous then we soon find out, if safe then we can look further into if there are any medicinal properties of the substance. In fact even better why don't the pharmaceutical companies label all new drugs as plant food, that way they get free testing and no moral issues about testing on animals to worry about.
I think the fearmongering and loathing of many drugs comes with certain perceptions of these drugs that don't offer any useful insight into the drug.


With ecstacy many people think of Leah Betts and talk all sorts of bullshit about it being a terrible drug because it supposedly killed her.

You have ketamine which is the horse tranquiliser. And now mephedrone with its plant food status.

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I don't see banning anything as much of a deterrent, just creating criminals out of people who try these things. I don't think the government are bothered whether or not this suff is safe, they just want anything that alters the way you feel, either for good or bad, banned!

I can't see that any drug is going to do you much good to be honest, even if it has no long term effects it can certainly bugger up your life in the short term if you over indulge!

I'm not sure that there is an answer, banning something is the big brother approach which can lead to more use. Leaving things as they are is being seen to condone the use of something that may possibly have future negative health and well being consequences.

Whatever, I see no sense in criminalising people for wanting some kind of escape by chemical means for right or wrong!

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