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New Legal Drugs Ready Already


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Science has made it so as to virtually make outlawing designer drugs impossibe as they are artificial aswell as artifice and can be altered at the molecular level as to be virtually identical yet legally different substances.

Not like coke and marajuana which are consistant in there make up from plants.


And its the total ineffectiveness of legislature against designer drugs which will eventually force governments into legalising all drugs and leaving it to personal choice.

Which is the way it should be now.


Truth is the danger with most of these substances is greatly exaggerated and your at mre risk riding a hrse than taking ectasy for example, not my example but the cheif government scientists.


Its about time people were left to make their own choices, and the trade taken away from the criminal element of society, sell it pure and tax it, treat addiction with money raised in taxes.


Simply put let the twats be twats legally and tax em.


Could call it the twat tax.

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If pot were legalised and propery regulated the demand for other drugs would (probably) drop hugely, solving all kinds of problems. Just a thought.


Plus an increase in sales of chocolate, cakes, crisps, hobnobs and a need for 24hr petrol stations - it's a win win!

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Of course, we could always pass laws requiring all chemists, etc. to be licenced - if they don't register it's 10 years at Jurby. Then, any such licenced chemist who concocts any drug or substance with psychotropic properties without authority can get 25 years at the Jurby Hilton. Und ze peeple vill be made to obey der orderz!

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If pot were legalised and propery regulated the demand for other drugs would (probably) drop hugely, solving all kinds of problems. Just a thought.

Why would legalising pot make people less likely to take other drugs. Other drugs do different things and people know that.
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If pot were legalised and propery regulated the demand for other drugs would (probably) drop hugely, solving all kinds of problems. Just a thought.

Why would legalising pot make people less likely to take other drugs. Other drugs do different things and people know that.

LDV using your example as I am on several drugs at the moment (and a couple have a magic effect for a while) then I should naturally progress onto harder illegal drugs, but I don't because I am not stupid enough to and do not come into contact with them.


One good example is people who take cannabis for medicinal reasons, (for example I have taken it for my rheumatoid arthritis on occasions before it got so severe I needed immuno supressants), these people by nature of how the have to obtain the pot have to come into contact with the criminal element so profiteer from this and as such could be persuaded to by other substances, to add to this as it is sold now it can be laced with other stuff to help form an addiction. If cannabis was legalised even if only for medicinal reasons then the quality and purity of the drug would be controlled and the contact with the criminal element would be eliminated thus reducing the risks of coming in contact with other drugs.

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LDV using your example as I am on several drugs at the moment (and a couple have a magic effect for a while) then I should naturally progress onto harder illegal drugs, but I don't because I am not stupid enough to and do not come into contact with them.
It's not natural at all. Unless you are the unnatural, maybe, then you are testament to the fact that you don't now want to try other drugs.
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Exactly, but let us say I was easily influenced and had to get these drugs from an illegal source, then I could in some circumstances be persuaded to try others. This element is eliminated by getting them in a controlled and legal way.

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I think I am beginning to see your perspective on things, but it is not one I agree with. You seem to think that the process of purchasing illegal makes people come into contact with bad people who will push other drugs. Why do you assume this? Why do you assume that because you come into contact with people who would be classed as criminals, because they sell a drug that it means such people have malign intentions?

Ok, some people MIGHT want to push another drug on someone else, but from what I know you don't call someone to purchase cannabis and then get asked whether you want other stuff. Even if you wanted other stuff, you won't get asked if you want smack (heroin). You could get asked about ecstasy or ket, but these aren't physically addictive and the former is probably safer than cannabis. From what I know, the dealers wouldn't want to hang around an area or want to hang around their place trying to convince them to try something else.

People tend to try other things when they have heard about them and like they sound of them.

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Governments are not interested in Science or Common Sense but favour knee jerk reactions that please the masses who pay the taxes and vote to keep them in power while the MHKs and the MPs drink their beer, sip their wine, smoke their cigarettes and pop their prescription painkillers and sedatives(which are all perfectly OK because they are legal)




but this fella is only one of the top experts on drug use so why bother listening to him?

The lunatics are in charge for now........

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The main problem with banning mephedrone is that the research chemists will simply pump out another synthetic drug to fill the market gap in the UK and the Isle of Man. People have started to get used to Mephedrone and although there are reports of deaths linked to it , none of these have actually been confirmed as caused by Mephedrone and even if they are it is a very small fatality rate compared to what may be caused by the next UNKNOWN research chemical:




Naphyrone is now being sold in the UK ready for the ban on Mephedrone to come into effect. Even some of the researchers are saying they are worried about this new chemical as it is more difficult to synthesize a pure version of the drug than it is with Mephedrone and it is highly likely that ameteur production of this new "legal" drug will result in dangerous batches of the chemical being sold . The effects of Naphyrone last between 6 - 12 hours according to reports and the cost works out to approx 25p a hit. This is what banning Mephedrone is causing, this is the result of knee jerk reactions by the UK and Manx Government.


Note to the Manx Government: When Mephedrone is banned and Naphyrone hits the Island, the youngsters will think its OK to take the same quantities of this new "legal" high, but they cant, its different, even the research chemists are expressing concern about this new drug. You dont have the intelligence, foresight, capability or resources to deal with the problems you will cause by banning each new synthetic legal highs as they come along, instead use your available resources to educate the young people of the Island so they know which legal highs are safe, how much they can safely take, what not to mix it with etc etc etc and do it now before the deaths begin. Education is the ONLY way to prevent illness and death from these new chemicals. Its not acceptable for the Government to print a few posters to scare people, when has that ever worked? Let the kids know what they are dealing with by treating them as intelligent humans and giving them the information they need to UNDERSTAND the risks associated with each new chemical. Naphyrone is only the first of an infinite variety of new synthetic chemicals that will be created in response to Government bans. If you ban Naphyrone guess what happens next........the chemists have already synthesised their response and they are just waiting for your move......


very concerned islander

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