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New Legal Drugs Ready Already


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I think after looking more carefully at this situation and I shall now reverse my opinion that they should be banned and go with what another person said, let them be freely sold. At least that way they can be tested by anyone who is stupid enough to take them and we can use the simple formula that once it kill or leaves in a vegetative state one of the idiots then we ban it as it is proven dangerous.

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A different perspective by Melanie Reid in the Times today

No law will stop people wanting to get high

Selling small amounts of drugs in clubs is not shocking. It’s a responsible idea

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Professor David Nutt, the former head of the ACMD sacked by the Government for not giving the official line on the dangers of drugs, suggested yesterday that a new approach might be the sale of small amounts of drugs like mephedrone and Ecstasy in controlled environments, such as clubs.


For those who prefer to keep their heads firmly in the sand, this is a shocking idea. But after an evening observing youngsters indulging in mass “illegal” intoxication — with the tacit acceptance of club owners, police and, by extension, society itself — to me it seems an honest, logical and responsible thing to do.

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I think after looking more carefully at this situation and I shall now reverse my opinion that they should be banned and go with what another person said, let them be freely sold. At least that way they can be tested by anyone who is stupid enough to take them and we can use the simple formula that once it kill or leaves in a vegetative state one of the idiots then we ban it as it is proven dangerous.

But I could tell you know that it is dangerous! Cannabis is dangerous, all drugs are dangerous, driving is dangerous, eating can be dangerous.... How dangerous does it have to be for you to want a ban on these things?
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But I could tell you know that it is dangerous! Cannabis is dangerous, all drugs are dangerous, driving is dangerous, eating can be dangerous.... How dangerous does it have to be for you to want a ban on these things?

You cannot ban everything. I remember back in the late 70s early 80s glue sniffing was the big thing. I remember seeing coverage of youths in the 16-20 year old bracket (and a bit more) pouring a can ov Evostick into a plastic bag and breathing in the fumes. I remember on specific shot where the girl involved was virtually covered in glue and totally out of her brains, she was stuck to the floor! They didn't make Evostick illegal, did they? No, they now try to control the sales of it. But you can still go and buy a can for a tenner, get a plastic bag and get high as a kite in 5 minutes legally. I bet Mephedrone is a hell of a lot safer than Evostick too.

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I think after looking more carefully at this situation and I shall now reverse my opinion that they should be banned and go with what another person said, let them be freely sold. At least that way they can be tested by anyone who is stupid enough to take them and we can use the simple formula that once it kill or leaves in a vegetative state one of the idiots then we ban it as it is proven dangerous.

But I could tell you know that it is dangerous! Cannabis is dangerous, all drugs are dangerous, driving is dangerous, eating can be dangerous.... How dangerous does it have to be for you to want a ban on these things?

I would say if you really try hard and read exactly what I said you will get the answer, the clue could be where I say if it kills or leaves them in a vegative state by just a normal dose.

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But any drug can do that - if you are allergic to it. But clearly many thousands are taking it in normal doses. Would that mean it is not dangerous, case closed?

Nope not closed, as I said let them take what they want, if they die due to their stupidity of taking untested drugs then they die, no great loss, before you mention other know drugs note I said untested in the generic sense.

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Very creditable that jimbms has expressed an opinion on here, listened/read other points of view, considered and then stated that his opinion has changed. Seems to be very rare on these forums and think some others should definitely take note (LDV !!!) :P:P

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Interesting that one or two manx politicians decide this plant food is a threat to all mankind and the legislation gets rushed through - ahead even of the evil empire across, yet the Disability Discrimination Act is still sat on a shelf somewhere gathering dust.

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Very creditable that jimbms has expressed an opinion on here, listened/read other points of view, considered and then stated that his opinion has changed. Seems to be very rare on these forums and think some others should definitely take note (LDV !!!) :P:P

Oh yeah, of course, because I am really dogmatic, aren't I.
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Some good reading linked below.


It's a shame really, the IOM has the ability to be bold and different when it comes to drugs policy, instead we do the same old stupid shit they do everywhere else, and we even do it quicker than they do everywhere else.


Mephedrone, now four times as expensive, half as pure, and with added criminal records for all! Woohoo!







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The jurby hilton wouldnt even be a third full without the drugs laws.

The police would have the man power to patrol the streets and actually tackle youth crime without the drugs laws.

Taxes could be raised against sales and lives saved by using quality controlled drugs without the drugs laws putting the income in criminal pockets, and criminals putting killer adulterants in their products.

All told drugs are a major expense to society as a whole, and a drain on rescources, which can be lifted at the stroke of a pen.

Not to mention career killers for users who get caught using in their own homes.


All in all a waste of time effort and much needed rescources elsewhere imo.


Governments know this ofcourse but have invested so much in demonising drug usage its not politically expedient to reverse the stance, however the world didnt grind to a halt when they reclassified cannabis to class C a few of years back, now its back to class B its a career wrecker again.


Not to mention a foriegn travel killer to anyone with a conviction.

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