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Lose the psychotic and mental problems issue and I won't disagree with people taking whatever.

If I have to pay for someone who has taken drugs and affected other people through his/her interactions, then sod them. They knew what was happening or maybe neglected to listen to advice or just completely took the chance and I don't see why I have to pay for their care.

Their choice in taking what they want, but don't come crying to me if it goes wrong


What about a local lad who rides in the TT, smashes himself up beyond all recognition, and needs 24/7 care for the rest of his life?


Do you feel any urge to pay for his care?


Alcoholics, smokers? OK with paying for their care?


Where do you want to draw the line?


After all, none of these people had to do what they did that put them in a position of vulnerability, they all made a choice, didn't they?


Silly old grandma goes out in her Nissan Micra, 75 years old, can't see straight, been begged by her children to hang up her car keys, hasn't been to the opticians for five years, stacks her car into a ditch and needs £20000 of hospital treatment to keep her alive.


Happy to pay for her care, or do you want to opt out of that as well?


How is life on the good planet Selfish, manxy?

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What about a local lad who rides in the TT, smashes himself up beyond all recognition, and needs 24/7 care for the rest of his life?



His compulsory insurance would more than likely take care of that, also he would have taken a calculated risk based on his skills, which is more than a plant food sniffer does. As for alcoholic the majority of people who use it do it in moderation which has been proven to have virtually no effect, it is only the idiots who cost us money whereas the babybio users all take the same risk as to how it could effect them, everyone who takes it runs the risk of damage unlike alcohol.

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Manksman, just because you don't agree with what someone says, even if it irritates you doesn't mean you need to come out a load of naughty words. You just look like someone who is struggling to put their argument forward. Why not just resort to naughty words when they're being a cunt.

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Lose the psychotic and mental problems issue and I won't disagree with people taking whatever.

If I have to pay for someone who has taken drugs and affected other people through his/her interactions, then sod them. They knew what was happening or maybe neglected to listen to advice or just completely took the chance and I don't see why I have to pay for their care.

Their choice in taking what they want, but don't come crying to me if it goes wrong


What about a local lad who rides in the TT, smashes himself up beyond all recognition, and needs 24/7 care for the rest of his life?


Do you feel any urge to pay for his care?


Alcoholics, smokers? OK with paying for their care?


Where do you want to draw the line?


After all, none of these people had to do what they did that put them in a position of vulnerability, they all made a choice, didn't they?


Silly old grandma goes out in her Nissan Micra, 75 years old, can't see straight, been begged by her children to hang up her car keys, hasn't been to the opticians for five years, stacks her car into a ditch and needs £20000 of hospital treatment to keep her alive.


Happy to pay for her care, or do you want to opt out of that as well?


How is life on the good planet Selfish, manxy?


Lose the psychotic and mental problems issue and I won't disagree with people taking whatever.

What does "What about a local lad who rides in the TT, smashes himself up beyond all recognition, and needs 24/7 care for the rest of his life?" have to do with my main statement?

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