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The Chief Constable can go on free Holidays while his officers are working out of a frieght container at the back of the Police HQ, now that is a moral booster for the force


Let's just put this in context ---


Training and conference attendance are key factors in the remuneration package of any professional – or at least they should be.


A person working in one of the professions must keep his CV current and must also keep his knowledge up to date. Not just in raw technicalities but also the state of the art in his particular profession. They equate to the tools of his 'trade'.


Before I retired I expected to spend between 10 and 15 working days per year either on training courses or attending conferences and these things do not come cheap.


Typically a course fee of between £300 to £500 per day was quite usual and conference fees of £200 per event were typical. Travel and accommodation costs all add up with hotel rates at typically £100 - £150 per night and travel at cost and always by schedule transport.


Employing a person in a senior management role within one of the professions does not come cheap and to be fair Culverhous running up a bill of only £25,000 in five years leads me to think you guys got him cheap. That si after all only around £5000 per year.


Now what occurs to me is if some barely commissioned and presumably retired officer (Malew and Santon MHK Captain Andrew Douglas) is making complaint then he is either incompetent and unaware of the realities of life as a professional or is cynically using information that is quite benign in a context intended as some form of rabble rousing to better present himself – or most likely both.


By even complaining of what are very reasonable if not possibly insufficient professional support costs the man is showing himself as an ass.

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