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Internet Censorship


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Is there a case to be made some form of it if games such as this are available?


Sory in Sydney Morning Herald


In the game players earn points for acts of sexual violence, including following girls on commuter trains, raping virgins and their mothers, and then forcing them to have abortions.


US online retailers Amazon and eBay in February last year took RapeLay off their websites, but the game's Yokohama-based maker Illusion brushed off the protests, saying the game was made for the domestic market and abided by laws in Japan.


But attempts by women's rights groups such as Equality Now to ban the game have only created a black market for it online, with dozens of websites offering it as a free download.

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the game's Yokohama-based maker Illusion brushed off the protests, saying the game was made for the domestic market and abided by laws in Japan.


In itself, that statement is profoundly disturbing. What sort of mind would find that acceptable entertainment?

Possibly the answer lies with the Japanese government but it would seem they're not inclined.

The internet is arguably the last great free frontier and I would like it to stay that way but sadly it also reflects the whole human experience including the dark corners.


Stuff like this feeds the censorship demand but once started, where will it end? In this as in other cases, the answer may lie with self regulation not government applied laws which I'm sure not a few would love to control far more tightly.


You'll always get the dross - the paedo porn etc. Unfortunately there's money to be made and some scum have no morals at all.


A difficult question to answer but again block net censorship is not IMPO a desirable outcome.

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In a way I say don't censor them or try to drive them into underground sites, at least that way the regular users of these type of hentai can be identified and monitored to see if they are doing it for real.

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