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Free Upright Piano - Now Gone


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I'm moving house in two weeks and I don't want to take the piano from my back room with me. It's an old upright that's in pretty good external appearance but it needs a good overhaul internally by a piano tuner.


I'm giving it away as basically I got it for free myself about six years ago. You'll have to collect it yourself of course. If I don't get someone to take it, I'm going to have to drop it down to the tip the day I move.


PM for details, I don't have any pics of it handy. I'm also in central Douglas.

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Cheap ones are understrung which means they have straight strings and the better, more expensive ones have diagonal strings which are overstrung.


Is it classical or orchestral?

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Cheap ones are understrung which means they have straight strings

Not really. There's no such thing as an understrung piano, although I suppose at a push an overstrung piano might just as accurately be called understrung, but this is not the industry accepted terminology. But without doubt, understrung does NOT mean straight strung.



How can I tell?

Open the lower panel of the instrument - that's the large one between the pedals and the keyboard, at the front of course, which is often just held closed by a spring. Glance inside. If the strings which should by now be clearly visible all run in the same direction, usually vertically, then it is straight strung. If you can see strings running in two different directions, usually the bass nearer to you than the treble, then it is overstrung. Which simply means you have one set of strings positioned over another set. And therefore longer strings. And a superior tone.

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