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Eugene Terreblanche Killed In South Africa


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Argue with that.



One for LDV





Heres the case report on the killing.



Terreblanche's slaying also comes at a time of heightened racial tension in this country once ruled by a racist white regime that only gave way to democratic rule in 1994 after years of state-sponsored violence and urban guerrilla warfare waged by the now-governing African National Congress.

Visagie and other members of the group have blamed African National Congress Youth Leader Julius Malema, saying he spread hate speech that led to Terreblanche's killing.


Malema incited controversy last month when he led college students in a song that includes the lyrics “shoot the Boer.”


Boer means white farmers in Afrikaans, the language of descendants of early Dutch settlers, or Afrikaners, and is often a derogatory term.


The song sparked a legal battle in which the ruling ANC party challenged a high court that ruled the lyrics as unconstitutional. The ANC insists the song is a valuable part of its cultural heritage and that the lyrics -- which also refer to the farmers as thieves and rapists -- are not intended literally and are therefore not hate speech.



. Invariably referring to the slaughter as "black-on-black" violence, officials suggest that it proves blacks are too uncivilized to rule one another,





South africa will still be the same in decades to come because its is too tribal, and they are only one step up from animals.

A country whose only growth industrie is corruption while the ANC rule.



And while we are at it, i see the yanks are as popular as ever.


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Terreblanche was simply a fat, drunken, loud-mouthed piece of crap and sadly in politics there are clones the world over of his sort of charismatic boorish ignorant fuckwitt. However, there is something unique about South Africa that seems to breed these angry ignorant loud mouths - ironic really that he died the way he did - killed by two black workers he refused to pay.


You do have to wonder whether there is any hope for South Africa though. Its only 20 years or so since Mandela was released and what political establishment does the country now have? They've gone from having an intelligent icon like Mandela to a complete sack of shit like Zuma who, amongst a colossal list of other misjudgments, seems to see nothing wrong in having sex with a HIV positive woman and not wearing a condom. You really have to question his intelligence and ability to introduce reform, at the moment SA looks like it could likely be another Zimbabwe as the country seems to be heading down the toilet - they can't even give away World Cup tickets as nobody wants to go.

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Its only the last generation of whites in africa that are not growing up into a victorian era attitude.


I got banned for saying this on an american forum,but fuck it, the white invasion of africa and their enslavery of black africans was a disgrace.

But if the whites had ignored africa and just left them to themselves, the fuckers would still be running around with spears all day, going through bouts of famine and disease even now, as they are brain dead, even the ones in siuts are a bad fucking joke.

The white africans cannot be judged to harshly on their views on the black african as they have generations of experience of them.


It appears, or the impression gained is that black africans dont really want change, they prefer the spear to the keyboard/pen.

Even in britan and america they revert back to type and become gang members committing murder and robberies without one iota of remorse, ofcourse there are exceptions as in any other race.


I hope you don't live on the Isle of Man. Though I know we have racists here, the less of you the better.


I am going to make the assumption that you are white. I also assume that you are not the brightest white going.. and you're not exactly an example of how a black man/woman is any more ignorant than whites, with the attitude you are showing here.


"still be running around with spears" are you kidding me?

"brain dead" wow.


Please tell me you are not Manx.


Please never ever meet my wife. I'd hate to think that she should have to look on you. What a disgrace to humanity you are.


History says your wrong, and history is all thats known for sure.

And if your wife was not born into a tribal community in south africa then she has fuck all to do with my comments on south africa.




History says I'm wrong? - what are you talking about.


In any case, I prefer to look at reality. The reality I know is my wife is a Black African - with a Degree and a Masters Degree, and now in a highly respected employment on the island. Hardly brain dead.


The racism is that you generalise a whole race of people together as being one and the same - and your view on the people as a whole is extremely degrading. You may be right about certain individuals, that's the case whether they be black or white, and whatever race across the world. But africans per say are not as you describe them. We both know that, and clearly as has been said... your purpose here is only to aggrevate.

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Maybe you are trolling but it's the same with the Manx. The Manx were dirty and impoverished peasant type people who scraped together a meagre living from fishing and what little they could get from the land. A rude and uncultured people if ever there was one. But thankfully the English came and showed these backward people how to sort themselves out.


Hang on LDV, I accept you're probably trying to make a point, but that's my ancestors you are talking about! Clever, hard-working and very polite and cultured people they were too. Humph! :angry:

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Its only the last generation of whites in africa that are not growing up into a victorian era attitude.


I got banned for saying this on an american forum,but fuck it, the white invasion of africa and their enslavery of black africans was a disgrace.

But if the whites had ignored africa and just left them to themselves, the fuckers would still be running around with spears all day, going through bouts of famine and disease even now, as they are brain dead, even the ones in siuts are a bad fucking joke.

The white africans cannot be judged to harshly on their views on the black african as they have generations of experience of them.


It appears, or the impression gained is that black africans dont really want change, they prefer the spear to the keyboard/pen.

Even in britan and america they revert back to type and become gang members committing murder and robberies without one iota of remorse, ofcourse there are exceptions as in any other race.


I hope you don't live on the Isle of Man. Though I know we have racists here, the less of you the better.


I am going to make the assumption that you are white. I also assume that you are not the brightest white going.. and you're not exactly an example of how a black man/woman is any more ignorant than whites, with the attitude you are showing here.


"still be running around with spears" are you kidding me?

"brain dead" wow.


Please tell me you are not Manx.


Please never ever meet my wife. I'd hate to think that she should have to look on you. What a disgrace to humanity you are.


History says your wrong, and history is all thats known for sure.

And if your wife was not born into a tribal community in south africa then she has fuck all to do with my comments on south africa.




History says I'm wrong? - what are you talking about.


In any case, I prefer to look at reality. The reality I know is my wife is a Black African - with a Degree and a Masters Degree, and now in a highly respected employment on the island. Hardly brain dead.


The racism is that you generalise a whole race of people together as being one and the same - and your view on the people as a whole is extremely degrading. You may be right about certain individuals, that's the case whether they be black or white, and whatever race across the world. But africans per say are not as you describe them. We both know that, and clearly as has been said... your purpose here is only to aggrevate.


Ffs was your wife born in a tribal ghetto..?

No, because if she was she would have no qualifications whatsoever, all she would be doing is selling her aids ridden body to anyone who wanted it.

I already expressed theres always exceptions to the rule as your wife has proven being given the opportunity of a decent education.


The truth is we as a world could funnel btrillions of dollars of aid into africa enough to biuld schools and houses for all black s.a. 91% of the countries population.

What would happen is that they would just turn it into a giant refuse site, just like the abbos in australia, you cannot help those that are bent on self destruction.


Take the differences in one isle close by between catholic and prodestant and multiply it a hundred times and you still wont get close to all the deeply engrained tribal differences in africa.

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To speak of someone as being an African is far too imprecise, in fact to speak of someone as being a Black African is also too imprecise.


There are many different species having very different inherited characteristics, some of them advanced, some still primitive, and although that may jar with some peoples sensibilities and the way they would like the world to be, it remains the case.


In my experience many sub Saharan black ethnic groups are only capable of being trained rather than educated, while some others have fine intellects that can be brought out to a level close to that of the advanced peoples of the world.


The absolute certainty that has been demonstrated again and again is that sub-Saharan negros are particularly and demonstratable less intellectually capable than those north of the Sahara.


Take a look at http://tinyurl.com/ydnmoco as one of many sources to back up this (probably unpalatable to many) fact.

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Its only the last generation of whites in africa that are not growing up into a victorian era attitude.


I got banned for saying this on an american forum,but fuck it, the white invasion of africa and their enslavery of black africans was a disgrace.

But if the whites had ignored africa and just left them to themselves, the fuckers would still be running around with spears all day, going through bouts of famine and disease even now, as they are brain dead, even the ones in siuts are a bad fucking joke.

The white africans cannot be judged to harshly on their views on the black african as they have generations of experience of them.


It appears, or the impression gained is that black africans dont really want change, they prefer the spear to the keyboard/pen.

Even in britan and america they revert back to type and become gang members committing murder and robberies without one iota of remorse, ofcourse there are exceptions as in any other race.


I hope you don't live on the Isle of Man. Though I know we have racists here, the less of you the better.


I am going to make the assumption that you are white. I also assume that you are not the brightest white going.. and you're not exactly an example of how a black man/woman is any more ignorant than whites, with the attitude you are showing here.


"still be running around with spears" are you kidding me?

"brain dead" wow.


Please tell me you are not Manx.


Please never ever meet my wife. I'd hate to think that she should have to look on you. What a disgrace to humanity you are.


History says your wrong, and history is all thats known for sure.

And if your wife was not born into a tribal community in south africa then she has fuck all to do with my comments on south africa.




History says I'm wrong? - what are you talking about.


In any case, I prefer to look at reality. The reality I know is my wife is a Black African - with a Degree and a Masters Degree, and now in a highly respected employment on the island. Hardly brain dead.


The racism is that you generalise a whole race of people together as being one and the same - and your view on the people as a whole is extremely degrading. You may be right about certain individuals, that's the case whether they be black or white, and whatever race across the world. But africans per say are not as you describe them. We both know that, and clearly as has been said... your purpose here is only to aggrevate.


Ffs was your wife born in a tribal ghetto..?

No, because if she was she would have no qualifications whatsoever, all she would be doing is selling her aids ridden body to anyone who wanted it.

I already expressed theres always exceptions to the rule as your wife has proven being given the opportunity of a decent education.


The truth is we as a world could funnel btrillions of dollars of aid into africa enough to biuld schools and houses for all black s.a. 91% of the countries population.

What would happen is that they would just turn it into a giant refuse site, just like the abbos in australia, you cannot help those that are bent on self destruction.


Take the differences in one isle close by between catholic and prodestant and multiply it a hundred times and you still wont get close to all the deeply engrained tribal differences in africa.


Ghetto? You've been talking about 'Black Africans' in general. Hence your racist attitude. You generalise. Now you want to try and narrow down your targeted discrimination because it has been pointed out to you how wrong your discriminative attitude is.

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Ghetto? You've been talking about 'Black Africans' in general. Hence your racist attitude. You generalise. Now you want to try and narrow down your targeted discrimination because it has been pointed out to you how wrong your discriminative attitude is.

Please do the rest of us the courtesy of trimming your replies and addressing the post in question. Really annoying when people can't be bothered taking a few seconds to employ a bit of netiquette.

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Just wondering, what do you imagine that differences between Catholic and Protestant might be?

I'm not expecting any sort of enlightenment from a chimp-brain that can't spell protest, I'm just fascinated by your bitter, miserable and moronic take on life.

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Maybe he could get his wife to TO SHOW him gilly, afterall she is the one with all the degrees.


Wow... is that your come back? - considering that you did the same thing yourself, it's kinda a shot in your own foot.


Glad you've got it in to your head that she is the one with degrees. Funny that, being a Black African. Like I say though, hope she never has to see you. There are enough racists already on this island that she has had to take the slack from.

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What an erudite debate we are having.


My impression is that Mæŋksmən is conflating race with poverty. It is interesting when you work within communities where poverty and a lack of education are dominant. The cultural norms can be very far from what we view as professional western capitalist attitudes. Long term plans are rarely worthwhile in such communities as life is too uncertain, and without the benefit of education leadership becomes far more dominated by charisma than knowledge. Our society puts so much store on knowledge that when you meet someone who is ignorant you tend to think they are stupid as our society has given them the opportunity to learn and so they must have failed - you go to a third world country and that assumption is regularly wrong.


I've known many brilliantly intelligent and charismatic people who have had no opportunity to be educated and who have been imbued by cultural norms I find totally incomprehensible.


I will agree that often those cultural norms make economic development more difficult and the predominance of "Big Men" in Africa with the corruption and patrionage they create is a bad thing for the continent - but don't pretend very similar people and norms don't exist in rural India or China (I'll make a throw away comment that the CCP has institutionalized the clan patronage which is the thuggish reality beneath the veneer of Confucian erudician).


Changing cultural norms is massively different - but it can be done - its fascinating reading about what the Americans viewed in the 1900s as the "senile" culture of China - I can't see a modern American commentator using that phrase!


Modern humanity has existed for something like 100,000 years. Until 3000 years ago everyone lived basically the same way. Since then the explosion of trade and technology has brought massive cultural change - Africa is 150 or so years behind the West. The modern world can massively accelerate its development, but add difficulties which can cancel out those advantages. I find the deterministic racism of the likes of Rog massively simplistic. Plus Black Africa is by far the most genetically diverse continent - the correlation between skin colour and underlying genetics is very poor and shows the lie to Rog's simplicities.


South Africa has to deal with poverty and a lack of education and resources for vast numbers of people. Such difficulties tend to create violence and corruption. Black South Africans were elated by the transition to democracy. The empowerment it gave them created unrealistic expectations - how South Africa's politicians manage the slow reality of incremental development is a massive challenge - especially when a stupid white will have a reasonable life and a brilliant black may be left with nothing but a shack, a sense of grievence and a gun.


Terreblanche wanted to keep blacks shackled and ignorant. His violent outlook was unable to see the dangers in the oppression necessary to achieve that - his politcs failed and he died a marginalized figure. The inequalities within South Africa will remain a real development problem for years. It will take skilled politicians to solve them. I wish them luck, and dont think the simplicities been thrown around in this debate will have much relevance to achieving development.

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Terreblanche was simply a fat, drunken, loud-mouthed piece of crap and sadly in politics there are clones the world over of his sort of charismatic boorish ignorant fuckwitt. However, there is something unique about South Africa that seems to breed these angry ignorant loud mouths - ironic really that he died the way he did - killed by two black workers he refused to pay.


You do have to wonder whether there is any hope for South Africa though. Its only 20 years or so since Mandela was released and what political establishment does the country now have? They've gone from having an intelligent icon like Mandela to a complete sack of shit like Zuma who, amongst a colossal list of other misjudgments, seems to see nothing wrong in having sex with a HIV positive woman and not wearing a condom. You really have to question his intelligence and ability to introduce reform, at the moment SA looks like it could likely be another Zimbabwe as the country seems to be heading down the toilet - they can't even give away World Cup tickets as nobody wants to go.

As anyone who has ever been to SA will tell you it's an extremely violent society. They have little regard for human life. Actually, thinking about it, they have no regard for human life at all. After 15,000 armed car-jackings a year with little or no provocation to cause fatalities this was developed to prevent you being shot dead, your wife and kids raped and all just to nick your car. Perfectly legal and it doesn't scorch the paintwork. The net result was that the car-jackers just shot you dead from a safe distance and nicked your car anyway.


The murder rate per head of population is absolutely astronomic. Ingerland fans be warned.


The only way to maintain a level of order in a society like that is to come down very hard indeed. When I was there I did wonder about cause and effect but at the end of the day it is what it is - how it got there being something of an irrelevance to the here and now.

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