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Eugene Terreblanche Killed In South Africa


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As anyone who has ever been to SA will tell you it's an extremely violent society. They have little regard for human life.


Very true. If you're gonna get mugged in SA you'll also likely end up dead. They have no hesitation in shooting you, it's one less witness in their opinion.


Tools of the trade? A vast amount of cheap Norinco pistols from China flood the ghettos.

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And what makes me racist the fact i am talking about people with black skin..??

Because i would be saying the same no matter what the colour of their skin is, they are extremely poorly educated, even the ones in siuts

ARE thick as horseshit, its not debatable, you only have to use your eyes and ears when they talk publically.

I couldnt give a flying fuck whether you think i am racist or not, i am truthful end of.


This post has been edited by mæŋksmən: 05 April 2010 - 02:15 PM


Yep, those Barack Obama, Colin Powell, Denzel Washington, Wynton Marsalis, Lenny Henry, Thierry Henry. Thick as pigshit, all of them. As opposed to manky manksmannob. I think you're projecting, pal.

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The first two are debatable laugh.gif

You ever edited the prestigious Yale Law Review or served very successfully as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff?

You ever managed to find a sense of humour?

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And what makes me racist the fact i am talking about people with black skin..??

Because i would be saying the same no matter what the colour of their skin is, they are extremely poorly educated, even the ones in siuts

ARE thick as horseshit, its not debatable, you only have to use your eyes and ears when they talk publically.

I couldnt give a flying fuck whether you think i am racist or not, i am truthful end of.


This post has been edited by mæŋksmən: 05 April 2010 - 02:15 PM


Yep, those Barack Obama, Colin Powell, Denzel Washington, Wynton Marsalis, Lenny Henry, Thierry Henry. Thick as pigshit, all of them. As opposed to manky manksmannob. I think you're projecting, pal.


And their all south african are they asshole.

Stay on topic instead of strawman bullshit.

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I believe that it is now time to ask ourselves whether Africans can really govern themselves in the modern world. Considering that wherever Africans are given the opportunity to govern themselves they seem to make a royal mess of things we ought to ask this admittedly annoying question. All of Africa is in shambles. Fifty years after African countries obtained their independence from Europe no African country can be said to have demonstrated excellence in governing its people’s affairs. (Perhaps, South Africa is the sole exception to the general rule but South Africa is largely the product of Europeans who established it and still run its economic infrastructure.)


Wherever Africans rule nothing works out well. All we seem to do is find sophisticated excuses to justify and rationalize Africans seeming inability to get anything right. Is it time that we stopped making excuses for Africans and asked whether in fact they can run modern political economies?


Saying that Africa is where she is, poor, because the metropolis, the West set up the world economic system in such a manner that the raw materials of Africa are bought at a pittance and thereby depriving Africa of the money to develop itself is no longer persuasive. If the West exploited the non West how come Asian countries seem to have found a way to extricate themselves from that exploitation and are making a good go of economic development?


How come African leaders are only known for corruption and brutal approaches to their people but not for their developmental efforts on behalf of their people?


All over Africa some tribes oppress others and for all their efforts have nothing to show for them. In Nigeria the Hausas and their junior partners, Yorubas, suppress the other tribes but for all their efforts they are as underdeveloped as the other tribes; most Nigerians are still living on less than a dollar a day and electricity is nonexistent.


One is really sick and tired of always hearing excuses made for why Africans seem shiftless; how come no good seems to come out of Africa and the only thing that seems to come out of Africa is tales of failure, woes and human suffering.


A few years ago James Watson, upon confronting the economic decay in Africa, wondered whether Africans are capable of governing themselves, and folks jumped all over him for speaking what is in many people’s minds.


I am an African and should be able to ask the question that James Watson asked and not get crucified for? Or maybe I would be pilloried for asking it?


Many Africans are very flippant and one can just see some of them saying that I hate my African self and out of that hatred ask this question.


I do not know any human being that does not have some self hatred. We all have things in us that we do not like. Even when a human being sees something in his self that he does not like, deny it, dissociate from it, and project it to others, those he projected to tend to have aspects of what he projected to them. That is to say that if I project what I see in me to Africans that Africans tend to have what I attributed to them. Let us say that I believe that I cannot govern myself and project that negative self view out to mean that Africans cannot govern themselves yet the fact remains that so far Africans seem unable to govern themselves.


Whatever is said about the personal psychology of the person who questions Africans seeming shiftlessness and inability to fend for their selves, the fact remains that Africans seem shiftless.


And this negative assessment of Africans is not concerning only Africans in the continent of Africa but black folks all over the world.


Look at Haiti and see what chaos that black nation is in. An earthquake and its government collapsed and the US has literally taken over the governance of that unfortunate island. The president, Mr. Preval, has not been seen in the public since his capital collapsed, nor has he even bothered visiting the city where his country men are still being pulled from under collapsed buildings. And his behavior is not unique; if a similar calamity occurred in Africa the so-called African leaders would go into hiding and let the white man come to his peoples rescue.


So, can black folk govern themselves? (Barack Obama seems to be doing a good job in America but he is surrounded by white technocrats and is not really doing anything by himself; if left alone he would probably make his good speeches but may not translate them into achievable goals?).


I do not have the answer to my question but feel compelled to ask it. Can Africans govern themselves? What do you think?


I do not want to hear excuses about how the white man is screwing Africans up and making sure that he is always relegated to poverty? In Nigeria and elsewhere where Africans are given reasonable natural wealth, such as oil wealth, what we have is a few African thieves called politicians stealing most of that oil money while the rest of their countrymen live in abject poverty.


One is no longer interested in making excuses for the black man and blaming the white man for Africans woes. Fifty years of self governance is enough for Africans to have turned the corner instead of sinking deeper and deeper into the black hole of poverty and political irrelevance. One is no longer interested in reading excuses galore as to why Africa’s house has fallen down.


One knows that whereas we live in a system where everything affects everything else that, no man is an island; the individual affects his own life. If one points two accusatory fingers at other folks, talking about what they did to make one's life miserable, three fingers point right back at one reminding one that one did more to make one's self miserable.


What exactly is the matter with Africans, the black man? Why can’t he do what other folks do, develop his world?


Is he unintelligent, as some white racists claim? He is intelligent alright; he is as intelligent as anyone else. Just as there are a few folks with superior minds and many with average minds elsewhere in the world the same is true in Africa.


If intelligence is not the issue, is it a question of character? All human beings are egocentric and have to learn sociocentric behaviors. We begin out thinking about our self interests only and learn to think and work for social interests. Thus, whereas Africans are self centered but that is the nature of all human beings. Why can’t they learn to be social centered and work for their entire people like other folks do?


Give a black man a leadership opportunity and instead of working his black ass off for his people all he thinks is about enriching his immediate family at the expense of the public.


What is the origin of this character weakness and can it be corrected, for if it is not corrected there is no doubt that the black man will always be in the gutter and from there make empty noises about what other folks did to keep him down, forgetting what he did to keep himself down (he assumes that white folks listen to his attempt to make them feel guilty by making them responsible for his poverty but white folks are no longer interested in his eternal scapegoating others for his mistakes, his petulant complaints, his childish bullshit and tune him out… white realists dismiss him with the shrug: let him die; he who cannot govern himself has no business being alive, after all the world is a place where all animals compete for survival and those who cannot compete die out).


I simply do not understand why Africans seem unable to do what other folks to modernize their people and world and, instead, sink deeper and deeper into the abyss of poverty.


Can Africans govern themselves or do we have to send them back to others rule, invite Asians and or Europeans to rule Africans?


* These days one is so cynical that when one hears Africans talking about African politics one believes that they are mere talkers and that if given the opportunity to rule would make the same mess those currently ruling Africa make. One dismisses Africans talk about African politics as mere noise.


Ozodi Thomas Osuji


January 19, 2010






Spose he is racist aswell.

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After combing through bank archives and government documents she reveals, for instance, that in 1993 the government of Rwanda imported, from China, three quarters of a million dollars worth of machetes. This was enough for one new machete for every third male.


Machetes were used for many of the murders committed during the genocide.


The details of pre-genocide arms imports from Egypt and France are also given, as is the extent of French military cooperation with the parts of the Rwandan army most responsible for the genocide.




The detailed planning is important to record because it took a long time for the outside world to realise how carefully the mass killings were planned. The genocide was often portrayed in the West as a spontaneous, uncontrollable outpouring of ethnic hatred which, as such, could not be stopped.




Exactly what i have said in my previous posts you cannot help them, they will always power trip to destruction, suit or no siut they are only one step up from animals.

proof is in their governence below.


quote from bbc article

how one cabinet minister said she was personally in favour of getting rid of all Tutsi; without the Tutsi, she told ministers, all of Rwanda's problems would be over.

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Ozodi Thomas Osuji


January 19, 2010






Spose he is racist aswell.


Yes. He certainly sounds like he is.


The man is a Nigerian - Igbo.


Do some research, and it'll soon become pretty obvious that he is racist. The clue is he is Igbo!!


At the end of the civil war, many Igbos sent their children overseas and essentially told them to forget about Nigeria. Thus we did not concern ourselves with who gets what, when and how (Harold Lasswell’s definition of politics) in Nigeria. We left Nigeria to Hausa-Fulani-Yoruba to do as they pleased. For too long we ignored Nigeria and minded our business.


It is now time to pay attention to the mess that Hausa-Fulani-Yoruba have made of Nigeria. We must now work to correct the mess or bring that house of cards down and let each tribe go govern its self as it sees fit.




One of his articles suggests a military dictator is needed in Nigeria. I'm sorry, but that alone will tell you the man is an idiot! He has no care for the people. They are not his people - as an Igbo, he hates Nigerians.


He is racist. A bitter racist.


(a little like you then)

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