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Eugene Terreblanche Killed In South Africa


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In a way both factions are correct. The people of Africa are quite capable of governing themselves and coping with all the problems that come with it. What is at fault is that other nations after hundreds of years of rule and world pressure decided that the various African nations should have their independence, all very well and good but when you have only allowed the indiginous people to have a minor role as manual workers in the country you cannot expect even the most dedicated to be able to govern correctly. This is where the likes of the USA, UK, Europe etc went wrong, they should have continued for a number of years to co-rule so as to teach the indiginous leaders how to control the economy, infrastructure etc of a nation. Instead the left it to the strongest faction and often the most corrupt one to rule. So in my view what is needed is for say the UN to step in and help these nations to come up to speed and compete with other nations, but I doubt some of the major nations like the USA etc want this due to the fact like DJDan says the likes of Nigeria would be able to compete against them and without their control in the oil market, same goes for a lot of African nations due to the high mineral wealth there. When we get onto the issue of poverty the same thing occurs, of course people wont do anything so long as some others are giving them food for free, what is needed is some effort to educate and teach agriculture, manufacture use of natural resources etc (see previous on mineral wealth) to enable them to get out of the cycle of poverty and being dependant on others. The western nations are as much to blame and so are we all, how many question what wages are paid to the producers of many of the goods we buy. In conclusion all races are equal but some have decades of catching up and education to reach that equality due to being suppressed by other nations for many years.

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I think there is some merit in what Jimbms is saying, though I don't think his geopolitics or his solutions are necessarily correct.


A very major point I'd like to make is that if you read Chinese commentators from the 1920s they are saying exactly the same thing about the shiftless, corrupt, ignorant Chinese. Their high culture was called senile, and their peasants ignorant and useless.


Technology and cultural change can happen in generations and transform a country like China or a continent like Africa. People who go on about genetics and unchangeable characteristics are missing 99% of the issue.


African countries seem to be lacking both Lee Kwan Yew and General Franko/Pinochet/Chiang Kai Shek type leaders.


Chiang Kai Shek is probably the most interesting - he could easily be compared with a Mugabe-like corrupt robber baron. But in Taiwan his policies transformed the Island and under his son the conditions for a peaceful transition to democracy emerged. Development takes generations but I see no reason to right off Africa as irredemably useless.

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The people of Africa are quite capable of governing themselves and coping with all the problems that come with it.


No they are not. At least not in a way consistent with modern society.



What is at fault is that other nations after hundreds of years of rule and world pressure decided that the various African nations should have their independence, all very well and good but when you have only allowed the indiginous people to have a minor role as manual workers in the country you cannot expect even the most dedicated to be able to govern correctly.


If that represented what took place you may have a point, but it is NOT what took place.


This is where the likes of the USA, UK, Europe etc went wrong, they should have continued for a number of years to co-rule so as to teach the indiginous leaders how to control the economy, infrastructure etc of a nation.


That is exactly what did happen in the lead up to independence in most cases.


instead the left it to the strongest faction and often the most corrupt one to rule.


Not so. What WE see as corruption to them is a normal way of carrying on.


So in my view what is needed is for say the UN to step in and help these nations to come up to speed and compete with other nations, but I doubt some of the major nations like the USA etc want this due to the fact like DJDan says the likes of Nigeria would be able to compete against them and without their control in the oil market,


Have you ever had anything to do with Nigerians? I have. They are tribal through and through and in all things. Tribalism has been a ‘success factor’ in their evolution as has getting the most for the least effort. The same tribalism that runs so much at odds with OUR societies and our EVOLVED civilisation.


same goes for a lot of African nations due to the high mineral wealth there. When we get onto the issue of poverty the same thing occurs, of course people wont do anything so long as some others are giving them food for free, what is needed is some effort to educate and teach agriculture, manufacture use of natural resources etc (see previous on mineral wealth) to enable them to get out of the cycle of poverty and being dependant on others.


This has been done time and time and time and time again but each time they do not see what has been done as a start to make progress but as a resource to be exploited and when worn out they sit back and whinge about how badly they have been treated. It’s in their genes.


The western nations are as much to blame and so are we all, how many question what wages are paid to the producers of many of the goods we buy. In conclusion all races are equal but some have decades of catching up and education to reach that equality due to being suppressed by other nations for many years.


No. All races are NOT equal.


That is the mistake that people keep on making and the hysteria when anyone speaks the truth frightens others off from even considering that this racial inequality even exists. It’s genetic. It’s in the bone. The inequalities that exist relate to success factors in different environments.


But let’s consider what racial inequality actually means.


I couldn’t thrive if I had been born into a tribal village on bonga bonga land, nor can someone born such a place thrive in our world. Note the word thrive, not survive.


We help no one least of all, ourselves by perpetrating the “we’re all the same” nonsense because nonsense is exactly what it IS.


The brainwashing of kids that actually goes against human nature into believing that feeling as they naturally do is wrong is quite simply sinful.


It doesn’t mean that the racially inferior in OUR society should be unjustly prejudiced against, any more than our racial inferiority in their society should be unjustly result in prejudice (though usually does) by them against us, but the continued BS that all races are equal is simply that …. Pure BS.


There is NOTHING WRONG with being racially judgmental just as long as it doesn’t stray from simple dislike into hatred.


That is the line that not only should not be crossed, it is the line that it makes no sense to cross, it is the line that it is unequivocally WRONG to cross.

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So Rog in essence what you are saying is that Hitler was not wrong to persecute the Jews due to the fact he saw them as inferior therefore you are a traitor to your own race.

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There is NOTHING WRONG with being racially judgmental just as long as it doesn’t stray from simple dislike into hatred.


That is the line that not only should not be crossed, it is the line that it makes no sense to cross, it is the line that it is unequivocally WRONG to cross.


I thought you hated the Palestinians?

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So Rog in essence what you are saying is that Hitler was not wrong to persecute the Jews due to the fact he saw them as inferior therefore you are a traitor to your own race.


I will be generous and answer your silly question as you are obviously unable to understand what you read.


Hitler was not wrong in having a personal opinion about Jewish people, such was his right.


What he WAS wrong about was that they were inferior, and he was very wrong in what he did.


There. Plain enough?

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I thought you hated the Palestinians?


Then you have it wrong. I don’t.


I hate Islam, but that’s a different matter. I hate what so many Palestinians do, but even then because they do what they do on the basis of a fabric of lies that they’ve been fed with over the years it’s hardly surprising, I hate how they have been used by their own leaders.


Especially the late and VERY unlamented son of a gutter-bitch arafat who was key to creating hatred where there was growing peace, and is the father of all the present day conflict with the Israeli people. .


A lying deceitful piece of human excrement who I heard saying one thing in English and the precise opposite in Arabic on the same day.


No, I don’t hate the group of people that Arafat lumped together and designated the Palestinians. I just hate what so many of them do, especially to their own.

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mmmm well done Rog, in one post you state there is nothing wrong in regarding a race as inferior.

In a following post you say Hitler was wrong to regard the Jewish people as inferior and do what he did.

Then you change your tune again in another post and call Arafat and the Palistinian race and openly show your hatred of them and in previous posts on this subject you have said the world would be a better place if the Arab race and Muslims where eliminated.


I also note with intrest and amusement that you failed to reply to my question in a previous post and condemn the the Israeli government for issuing some of their operatives false UK passports to facilitate the cold blooded murder of the leader of an opposition group.



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mmmm well done Rog, in one post you state there is nothing wrong in regarding a race as inferior.

In a following post you say Hitler was wrong to regard the Jewish people as inferior and do what he did.


So where’s the problem? Hitler WAS wrong in regarding Jewish people as inferior, the contributions that Jewish people made in Germany at all levels is all over its history.


Not just doing the dirty jobs or work that they could be trained to do with some degree of ability but work involving creativity, invention, discovery, and so much more.


And he certainly was wrong in what he did.


Then you change your tune again in another post and call Arafat and the Palistinian race and openly show your hatred of them and in previous posts on this subject you have said the world would be a better place if the Arab race and Muslims where eliminated.


You’re not very good at understanding what you read, are you.


OK, let’s try again at a reading level closer to that which you seem to need.


The late son of an uncircumcised whore, arafat, was a hateful man and a hating man .


He was a man who hated Jewish people and made other people hate them too, even though they were getting along better than ever before and the justification he presented to hate them was built on lies.


A lying disingenuous piece of excrement who regularly changed even his claims of where he was born. He USED the people he claimed to represent in order to pursue his own foul ambition and that of his family. He was especially careful to hide his relationship with Muhammed Amin al-Husseini, the former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, a man who hated the West and was allied with Hitler in a pact intended to reconstitute the Ottoman Empire when Germany had won WW2 and which had been dismantled as an outcome of WW1.


He changed his name from Mohammed Abdel-Raouf Arafat As Qudwa al-Hussaeini to arafat to mask that relationship which if it became common knowledge could have disadvantaged him in his ‘negotiations’ with The West, and continuously lied about his origins, and so much more besides.


But then, unique in the worlds ‘religions’ lying is permitted and under certain circumstances even recommended in Islam and that is a fact..


Next there is no such thing as a Palestinian race.


There was no such thing as a Palestinian nation until arafat invented it by coalescing the rag tag tribes who had been kicked out of Jordan and other Arab states and centralized the terrorism being leveled against Israel, a legitimate nation state in the region whose right to exist they STILL will not accept.


So where and when have I ever written that said the world would be a better place if the Arab race and Muslims where eliminated? The closest that you will come to that would be if I had written that the world would be a better place if ISLAM were to be eliminated.


As for the alleged issuing of false passports, your post implied this had been done from the Israeli embassy in the UK simply because an alleged Mossad activist had been declared persona non gratia and required to leave. As that was simply wrong it didn’t warrant a reply.


Cold blooded murder? The jury is still out on who did this and if there was any real proof there would be an almighty clamour to get the tar brush out if it were to be the Israelis. There are too many others who could have done this and blamed Israel.


You know, judging by the difficulty you are showing to deal with what you read much less what you understand, if nothing else it shows why you have such silly ideas about race and racism and probably so much more yet to be exposed.

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Ah I get it rog, so you are saying Arafat is about the same as any standard Jewish biggot like yourself.


You really can't understand whaty you read, can you.


As for "How do you make a person / group of people hate others???"


You start with an identifiable group that differs in some way from the majority. You then take myths and legends that denigrate them, it matters not if they’re based on truth just as long as they form a consistent picture that denigrates them.


Best of course is when there’s a pre-existing prejudice against them. Such as they killed Christ. Or use Christian blood to make bread. Or eat Christian children.


Next you find some thing that can be pinned on them, it doesn’t matter if it’s legitimate or not. Just find it.


Now you build on that. You use the Media, You twist what you have to make it worse, you invent, you distance the group from Joe Public, you dehumanize them, you link present difficulties with them, and you’re well on the way.


There’s no lack of Nazi era examples of this, the filth produced in Der Stürmer by the frightful Julius Streicher being one, the infamous film Der ewige Jude based on the myth of The Wandering Jew made at the behest of Goebbels another, and of course all the segregation.


Then legislation such as the Nürnberger Gesetze (the Nuremberg Laws) to legitimise the segregation and hatred.


Oh believe me, it doesn’t take much to make someone hate.


The worst part of all is when a thing worthy of hate crops up, and that hate based on fact rather than invention, it means that people stupidly associate the sentiments behind took place in Germany as being the root of such hatred today.

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You guys need to remember that prejudices are what fools use for reason and you can't argue with Rog's reason. wink.gif


Ok Stavros I will conceed you have a very valid point there.


Rog how can anyone be blamed for killing Christ when the tosser or his dad don't exist in the first place?

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You guys need to remember that prejudices are what fools use for reason and you can't argue with Rog's reason. ;)



It's not me that's prejudiced. It's people who claim that all races are equal that are prejudiced.


Prejudiced against the glaringly obvious because it runs counter to their prejudice that such could not be so.

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