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Eugene Terreblanche Killed In South Africa


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All humans are capable of reversion to animal behavior and killing other humans jim.

All that differs is the incentive.

That proves my point on your previous posts.

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Mæŋksmən - the main issue that is being raised is whether this is down to culture or genetics. You seem not to care and just says its a cesspit. Maybe - its also one of the most welcoming countries I've ever been to - I lived there for 3.5 years and the number of incidences of kindness far out weighed the incidences of violence - a couple of examples - I did a trip in Eskom electrifying a shanty town - our combi was stopped by youths - we expected them to mug us - they presented a bunch of flowers to the elderly professor sitting in the front seat. Another time I was invovled in a car crash in an IFP area where there was ongoing violence. A young black guy came and sat with us through the night waiting for a rescue to turn up. When we said there was no need for him to freeze with us - you try a winter night in the Little 'Berg - he said no he'd stay as otherwise we'd be in danger. That kindness of strangers still very much exists.


Certainly there are people in the country who'd cut my throat for a 5 rand note, but don't say that is the general rule, it isn't.


And the point Rog is making, what I believe is a false claim, is that the problem is fundamentally down to the unchangeable genetics of the people - it is in their blood. You seem to be disagreeing with that in your current posts saying it isn't unchangeable but can come and go depending on circumstance. My point of view is that the influence of circumstance is vastly more important than what is in "the blood".


When it comes to "the blood" Africans are far far more genetically diverse than any other of the world's peoples - that on its own mitigates against a single racial factor making them predisposed to violence or whatever - a bushman is very genetically different from a Zulu who is different from Hausa etc.


People tend to latch onto single factor's like skin colour, but the reality is that genetics are far far more complicated - just take things like the genetic ability to synthesis Lactose in adulthood - there are variations all over Africa. To claim that such a complicated set of behaviours as protensity to violence or work ethic are genetically predetermined is junk science of the worst sort.

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Like i said we may be pressumed to all be born equal, but if so thats where equality also ends.

You will find compassion in many places among the remorseless all around the world, and from all eras, examples are numerous such as in german officers aiding jews in their escapes etc.

I think you also make good points aswell as rog china, and i admit i do base heavily my views of africa on a friends words[ex s.a. police} whome i have discussed this sort of thing for many hours over the years.

The depths of barbarism these people will stoop to cannot be overcome by the few examples of humanity shown to an odd stranger here and there.


As for the genetic Q.

I have this to say, if compassion and remorse are learnt traits then genetics dont come into it just enviroment.

However i think it is a genetic trait, as we dont learn to feel such emotions, we are born with the instinct.

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when we see 2 dogs ripping fucking great lumps out of each other we try to seperate them even at the cost of maybe getting bitten, thats because we have evolved to feel empathy towards other life, not just other humans but all life.




Congrats on rambling together the funniest post in this topic. I honestly do not believe you are that ignorant to hold such views. If this isn't a wind up... i feel desperately sorry for you.




Talking of which, how you can put together a rant like that, and yet undermine it from the very beginning. You say "that's because we have evolved to feel empathy towards other life" haha! really? HAVE YOU EVOLVED TO FEEL EMPATHY? Your racist comments are the complete opposite to empathy - yet you criticise blacks for having no empathy.



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Your opinion maybe worth something had you spent a day lost in the bush and had experienced the local ambience for yourself.

Mugabe armed 1 in every 3 men with a new machette, they then went on to commit genocide, i cannot imagine a worse way to die than by machette its adhorant especially so in the case of mothers and children, no remorse and no compassion, this is what would happen all over the continent eventually if it wasnt for constant intervention.


Plus you only have to listen to them yanks enjoying their kills on the wikileaks video to know just how close we developed countries are

to our true natures WHITE OR BLACK.

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It’s more than a bit of a shame that this thread has been diverted into one with a Jewish focus, especially as someone earlier assumed (he’s good at assuming and shallow thinking) that there was a presumption that the Jewish race is being claimed to be superior to all others as not only is such not the case.


There is no “Universal Übermenschen”, there can’t be because racial superiority depends on environment.


But to the very sensible questions :-


Rog what makes someone Jewish?


My understanding is that if a white, jewish lass married a black guy then their children would be regarded as jews - they would have 50% black genes.


From a religious perspective the kids would be able to attend “Classes” to learn about Judaism and could be Bar or Bat Mitzpha.


That would entitle them to legitimately claim to be Jewish and, if educated in the Orthodox structure, allow them to apply for Israeli citizenship.


If a girl from this marriage also married a black guy then as before their children would also be regarded as jews - they would have 75% black genes.


Only if she had been Bat Mitzpha.


If a girl from this marriage also married a black guy then as before their children would also be regarded as jews - they would have 87.5% black genes.


If a girl from this marriage also married a black guy then not only would their children be regarded as jews they would be as negroid as is worth arguing the toss with such terms 93.75%.


Are you saying this has never happened in the 3500 year history of your religion. You are mad.


It’s precisely for that reason that today you can’t tell a Yid just because you can’t find him in a coal mine.


(Jewish joke --- “You can always tell a woman, you can always tell a man, but you’ll never find a Jew down a coal mine.




F*cking hard work down coal mines!.)


So don’t confuse nationality, ethnicity, and religion. It’s like comparing chalk, cheese, and cauliflowers.


And BTW, I dissociate myself from the REAL racism that mæŋksmən has shown, and would point out that sub-Saharan Africa is not a geographical term in the context in which I used the word.

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My opinions are racist because the people i refer to are black i take it.


Did you miss these bits.


Plus you only have to listen to them yanks enjoying their kills on the wikileaks video to know just how close we developed countries are

to our true natures WHITE OR BLACK.


And this.

Rog is wrong in believing only black skinned peoples are capable of this though as you will find many examples of white skinned isolated peoples who are not much different aswell.



You see it wouldnt matter if they were black white or pink its the actions they live by that make them what they are not skin colour, looking behind the curtain can sometimes be unpleasant, a 100 years ago they were commonly described as savages, now they are savages in suits that order genocide while the world points its tv cameras in a different direction.


And still no counter arguement as to the same genocide happening eventually across most of the continent if it wasnt for constant intervention and charity.

No counter arguement because you all know what they are capable of, just to precious too admit it.


Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.



The South African farming community has suffered from attacks for many years.[1] The majority of the victims have been Afrikaner farmers, with claims of death tolls of up to 3,000 cited in the national and international media[2][3] The independent South African Human Rights Commission, set up by former President Mandela’s government, quantifies the number at about 2,500[4], while farmers’ organisations state the figure to be closer to 3,000.[4] The Commission's report found that the rate of murders had increased by 25% since 2005[4].The victims' ages have ranged from infant to 87 years old.

According to the South African Human Rights Commission there have been 9,400 farm attacks.[citation needed]

In 2010, the issue garnered greater international attention in light of the murder of the far-right political figure Eugene Terre'Blanche on his farm.[5]


ANC demonstrators displayed slogans such as "One settler, one bullet!", "Kill the Boer, kill the farmer!" and "Maak dood die wit man" (Kill the white man). Simple theft could not be used to explain the full motive of the attacks as it was not necessary to torture or murder victims in order to rob them.[10]





Journalists for "Carte Blanche," the South African equivalent of "20/20," conducted a six-month investigation into what has become known as farm murders, or "plaasmoorde" in Afrikaans. The short documentary opens with a funeral, Elsie Swart’s. Elsie was one of three farmers killed in the span of only seven days. She died after being “severely tortured, burned with an electric iron, beaten, and strangled to death.”


The victims of this ongoing onslaught, we are told, are invariably elderly, law-abiding, god-fearing whites, murdered in cold blood, in ways that beggar belief. For the edification of racism spotters in the West, "Carte Blanche" ought to have pointed out that their assailants are always black.


No remorse and no humam compassion, just an animal and its prey, well not exactly as a lion doesnt torture its kill for fun.



The first actions of a black majority government were???.

Ofcourse to wipe out a tribe that was despised nice and democratic like.


The first democratic election in 1994 reversed this colonial conquest, by replacing 350 years of minority racial domination with majority political rule. In 2004, 76 percent of South African voters belonged to the African group, whereas 11 percent were classified as white.


The weakest San-speakers befell the worst fate of near-genocide. Like wild game, they were often shot on sight by special raiding parties who claimed they were habitual cattle thieves.

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My opinions are racist because the people i refer to are black i take it.



No, because the factors that make the people act as they do are not specifically related to race.


In my opinion a thing is racist not because race is mentioned, or the state the glaringly obvious that all races are not equal, but when race is used to unjustifiably support prejudice or hatred in some way.


And lions WILL play with their food.

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If a girl from this marriage also married a black guy then as before their children would also be regarded as jews - they would have 75% black genes.


Only if she had been Bat Mitzpha.



Ah so now you are saying if she has not been Bat Mitzpha then she will be geneticaly modified so the children are not geneticaly jewish.

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