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Eugene Terreblanche Killed In South Africa


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Did you miss this bit rog?.


And still no counter arguement as to the same genocide happening eventually across most of the continent if it wasnt for constant intervention and charity.

No counter arguement because you all know what they are capable of, just to precious too admit it.


you definately missed this bit.


The first actions of a black majority government were???.

Ofcourse to wipe out a tribe that was despised nice and democratic like.


The first democratic election in 1994 reversed this colonial conquest, by replacing 350 years of minority racial domination with majority political rule. In 2004, 76 percent of South African voters belonged to the African group, whereas 11 percent were classified as white.


The weakest San-speakers befell the worst fate of near-genocide. Like wild game, they were often shot on sight by special raiding parties who claimed they were habitual cattle thieves.

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Lets face it, there are parts of the African continent that share more in common with the Wild West than they do with modern society.


Places where the only rule is "Might is Right."


When the only power is at the end of a AK or a machete. Where the only way to have anything of any value is to take it from someone and use force to keep it.


Yes the politicians and well to do will be driving around in Bentleys and wearing the finest suits from London, but the majority will have barely even a junior school education. But then who needs an education when all you need to know is that life is cheap and ammo is even cheaper.


South Africa is heading towards a dark future, unless something can be done. But what can be done? In a country where the murder rate is the highest per population in the world, what kind of policing exists? To be honest the population are probably more heavily armed than the police, and have a significant advantage in numbers.


There is no answer to the problems in Africa. Zimbabwe, Haiti, Somalia, the list goes on.

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First of all welcome back MDO, yes ypur post makes sense in so far as they are the facts of the matter, at least you didn't take the view as it is due to the fact they are racialy inferior unlike some biggots. I take it your post is meant to show that due to corruption and political instability that the region has now become all bar a handful of places a dangerous place with little hope for the common people there unless something is done to stabilise the region, rid it of corruption and teach people to manage a stable agricultural and manufacturing economy by use of education and reward for self betterment rather than free handouts.

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Problem is how can you bring "stability" to regions under the rule of the gun?


Armed response to the problem will only bring about more unrest.


Political response arent worth the paper they are written on.


And a "carey sharey" approach is just going to end up with more people dead and more murder statistics.


The reason I didnt attribute blame (is that even the right word) to any racial group is because, well would it make any difference? The ship is sinking, it doesnt matter who drove it into the rocks...everyones gonna get wet in the end.

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How true, whatever solution anyone tries at the moment is just ending up with the corrupt stealing any monies given, the warlords stealing by force any foods given and as usual the average inhabitant either being forced to fight for whichever faction captures them or living in shanty towns with nothing to look farward to but abuse, starvation and disease. I do realy feel for that continent because I worked there for many years and there are many beautiful areas and if you get amongst the people who are living away from these areas of dispair and anarchy they are some of the friendliest carefree people on this planet.



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In my opinion a thing is racist not because race is mentioned, or the state the glaringly obvious that all races are not equal, but when race is used to unjustifiably support prejudice or hatred in some way.


And saying that black people are genetically incapable of living successfully in a modern capitalist culture isn't prejudicial to blacks!


Oh yes, I'm sure a black person coming to interview for a job in a company run by a person with your views would feel their application would be treated just as fairly as anyone else.


Can I ask you what you think prejudice means?


Before you have met this candidate, assessed their individual abilities you are making statements about their general mental and organizational abilities. That can be nothing other than prejudicial. The person is an individual and will have individual strengths and weaknesses, the idea they will be generally inferior to a white candidate is pure prejudice.

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How true, whatever solution anyone tries at the moment is just ending up with the corrupt stealing any monies given, the warlords stealing by force any foods given and as usual the average inhabitant either being forced to fight for whichever faction captures them or living in shanty towns with nothing to look farward to but abuse, starvation and disease. I do realy feel for that continent because I worked there for many years and there are many beautiful areas and if you get amongst the people who are living away from these areas of dispair and anarchy they are some of the friendliest carefree people on this planet.


Couldn't agree more Jimbms. It is unfortunate that the few times I have set foot on African soil, it has been with weapon in hand rather than a camera. I was in the support team for the rescue effort in Sierra Leone in '98 and part of the "white farmer" repatriation in '02.


Let us hope there are no incidents during the World Cup. But we all know where hope gets you....

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Couldn't agree more Jimbms. It is unfortunate that the few times I have set foot on African soil, it has been with weapon in hand rather than a camera. I was in the support team for the rescue effort in Sierra Leone in '98 and part of the "white farmer" repatriation in '02.


Let us hope there are no incidents during the World Cup. But we all know where hope gets you....

Similar with me, I first went there when Rhodesia changed over and we got sent to supervise the integration of guerrilla fighters into the army of Zimbabwe, my next visit was as part of the anti poaching squad in the Upper Volta and thats the point I fell in love with the land and its animals, mind you the bonus was the job did entail us leaving some nice warm food for the animals wink.gif, then went on to work in engineering in the Ivory Coast and Togo which unfortunately showed me the corrupt and desperate side of Africa. As for the world cup it may sound bad but I realy do hope there is a serious incident, maybe that is what is needed to make the world wake up to the fact some serious work needs to be done there.

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And saying that black people are genetically incapable of living successfully in a modern capitalist culture isn't prejudicial to blacks!


No. It’s factually correct. But I didn’t claim that blacks are incapable of living successfully, I said that as a race they do not thrive within a modern capital culture.


In indicator of this is that the incidence of mental illness amongst blacks living in modern society is higher than amongst whites and the “living conditions” excuse just doesn’t hold water.


Oh yes, I'm sure a black person coming to interview for a job in a company run by a person with your views would feel their application would be treated just as fairly as anyone else.


I would only be interested in if he was the best candidate for the job taking ALL factors into account. .


Can I ask you what you think prejudice means?


I wouldn’t know, I’m not prejudiced. I’m experienced. I would guess it would be someone being discriminatory without justification.


Before you have met this candidate, assessed their individual abilities you are making statements about their general mental and organizational abilities. That can be nothing other than prejudicial.


The person is an individual and will have individual strengths and weaknesses, the idea they will be generally inferior to a white candidate is pure prejudice.


The person will also have genetic and other predispositions. It is silly not to factor such into decisions being made.


It will not be and never can be 100% correct, after all the Bell Normal Curve remains a characteristic when dealing with the abilities of individuals within a population, but probabilities must also be taken into account.


If the probability of an individual not being best fit for a job when the probability is that a person of a different race will be then the choice should fall towards the person with the greatest probability of being most appropriate and he should be appointed.



In fact this situation has frequently cropped up in the past. If I was recruiting for a post where innovation and original thinking was involved I would be less inclined to take a black that a white when all other factors were equal, qualifications, employment history, and so on.


Events proved me to have made the right decision time and time again.


Blacks can be trained to undertake often highly complex work, but when it comes to cutting edge innovation where “abstracting” a problem and evolving solutions is concerned, that is not a strong point for Negroes or those of similar differently evolved status. From non Negroid races.


It may not be “PC” to say so, it may offend the sensibilities of those who would like all races to be equal in every way, but it remains a stark fact nonetheless.


And in business probabilities play a major role. You go for that which will probably give you the best outcome. It’s worked for me.

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