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Dave Hedgehog

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Quilp, do you use Corsodyl mouthwash everyday? If so, is that recommended? I thought that people only use that stuff when they have problems.


Twice a day, mostly, and a 20 second gargle. If i run out i'll use warm salt water solution. Tongue-brushing is vital although i realise it's not for everyone. Getting used to controlling the 'gag' reflex is a knack. Linda Lovelace pioneered this technique.

Think i may start on a 6 monthly scale and polish routine though.

Not so long ago bad dental hygiene kiiled people: peri-endocarditis i believe was one affliction as were brain-abscess' caused by sepsis(?). This probably still happens in some parts of the world. Another reason i made the post is because a mate who started on a den-plan by way of the same recommendation from a dentist, never had much trouble before, now seems to be suffering problems regularly even after extensive root-canaling and other procedures. I feel he was subtly cajooled into having more treatment, mostly cosmetic, and that's my point. What, exactly, counts as necessary treatment?

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Assumption, based on :

1) Absence of symptoms 2) Reasonably sound dental hygiene routine 3) Annual check up 4) 6 monthly scale and polish 5) Minimisation of risk factors - don't smoke and don't eat loads of sweets


Sounds reasonable Wrighty but as you say it's an assumption until you go and do 3&4. Someone I know, who has some knowledge of the subject, had good professional care all their life with little recent (well last 20 years) treatment requirement. His old mate dentist Jim very sadly fell of his perch and his care was then entrusted elsewhere for a few years. Again, there was little treatment requirement until one day the clinic couldn't do check-ups for ages and problems went undiagnosed. When he did eventually get an appointment there was considerable treatment requirement which is still ongoing a year or two later.


The moral of this tale is that problems can be nipped in the bud before they become big jobs. That involves going to see the dentist because (mostly) unlike your job lack of symptoms is not always a good guide.


Given that some on here are understandably thinking that regular bi-annual check-ups are a bit over the top (and for many they might well be) that needs balancing with the fact that many require 6 monthly checks and a few more often than that.


As there is now a well understood link from dental disease to cardiac disease (although sub-acute bacterial endocarditis has been fully appreciated for ages and ages) you may just be risking your life by avoiding dental professional opinion "cos it aint broke". True it's comparatively rare but worth thinking about.


Quilp - I think that necessary treatment is one that secures health, function and aesthetics. The last one isn't as important to some as others. Any good dentist will happily fully justify what needs doing and some now have amazing intra-oral cameras for this (and record keeping/medico-legal) purposes.


Edited to say - that same organisation (mentioned above) has recently been unable to do routine check ups again apparently due to lack of dentists. One would have to wonder why that was given that it's now obviously not a one-off situation.

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The tongue is a breeding-ground for bacteria and with my smoking and tea-drinking, looks awful. It's a personal thing. There is a condition called black/brown tongue, i forget the medical term, but there's images on the net that are astonishing.

I'd rather not have halitosis so better safe than sorry. Had a stunning girlfriend many years ago, took real good care of herself except with oral hygiene. Nothing worse than when getting intimate to be confronted with breath that would stun a goat but that's how it was. Her brush work lasted maybe 30 seconds, tops; the ultimate passion-killer for me is avoiding a cross-fire of bad breath. When i told her, she denied it and dumped me! Maybe she learned from it.

As i said, it's a personal thing and never had a complaint so i must be doing something right. Thing is, up till the age of 20 i just didn't give a fuck about my teeth, would go for days without using a brush so how i never lost any is beyond me. In the past some dentists have expressed surprise that my wisdom teeth are all there. Just lucky i guess.

Some medical conditions, e.g. Diabetes, sinusitis and gut problems will create halitosis that no amount of brushing etc., will counter.

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