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At the end of the day let's face it if Saddam had been the leader of an African nation with no oil then no way would anyone have invaded to oust him, I cite Zimbabwe and Mugabe as a prime example, as such the only reason the conned by the USA coalition invaded was for oil and as such in reality the invasion was illegal and just for the benefit of the USA. I just wish we would pull all troops out bar the US ones and let them make their usual fuck up as they did in Vietnam. What baffles me is how people are so stupid as to support a government that allows our lads to get murdered for the sake of the US economy.


We have pulled them out of Iraq. Are you talking about Afghanistan? How are those Afghan oilfields doing? Whats that you say? There arn't any...


Slinkydevil. I was talking about Iraq, I didn't realise ALL british troops had been pulled out of there, just shows I don't watch the news that much, mind you on the same subject Afghanistan is a good example of the US shoving their oar in to impose their ideals and Blair the moron went along with it, so yes we should also pull out of there and leave it to the yanks, they caused it in the first place by funding the Taliban against the Russian and let's face it Afghanistan was found to be unbeatable by the Russians with their genocidal methods so I doubt anyone else can win there.

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so yes we should also pull out of there and leave it to the yanks, they caused it in the first place by funding the Taliban against the Russian and let's face it Afghanistan was found to be unbeatable by the Russians with their genocidal methods so I doubt anyone else can win there.


It was the Mujahideen and they learnt their excellent skills from our very own SAS. We're as much to blame TBH.

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Bloody hell that's pretty impressive, I was always a pretty crap shot and only just scraped through my APWT's. Good job I was a medic, really.

Regarding the video and the attitude of the yank controlling the gun, following orders which involve the taking of a human life for whatever reason is one thing; actively enjoying it is another thing entirely. I found the whole thing quite sickening.

They also gave us just 60 seconds to get rid of 5 rounds from 200 metres but that included a 200-metre run from the 400 FP. It made quite a difference to the scores I can tell you!


Read Black Hawk Down for some interesting insights. The attitude to the Somalis by the Septics is similar to the way Middle Earth views the Orcs. It must be part of their military culture I guess.

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Opium/drugs is the reason the yanks are there bar any other reason.

$600 billion a year the opium is worth to the c.i.a. black budgets and wall str.

And they fly fully loaded dc 10s around the globe with impunity under the guise of rendition.

Its nothing new the C.I.A. have been the worlds largest opium wholesaler for decades thats where most of its black budget comes from, Iran contra was just one case that came to the publics attention TONS of opium in exchange for american arms.

Opium production was the main reason the c.i.a. backed the taliban to rid afghanistan of the russians, as opium production in south americas was getting to expensive and Too dangerous/hard to control and became splintered and feudal after Noriega and they needed him dead and indeed several attempts by special forces had already failed,

there opium production went to afghanistan until the taliban reneged on the deal.


By 2001

Last year, Afghanistan produced nearly 4,000 tons of opium, about 75 percent of the world's supply, U.N. officials said. Opium -- the milky substance drained from the poppy plant -- is converted into heroin and sold in Europe and North America. The 1999 output was a world record for opium production, the United Nations said -- more than all other countries combined, including the "Golden Triangle," where the borders of Thailand, Laos and Myanmar meet.

This amounts to an export value of about $64 billion, with a quarter being earned by opium farmers and the rest going to district officials, insurgents, warlords and drug traffickers.

Afghanistan is also the largest producer of hashish in the world.


A 12-member team from the U.N. Drug Control Program spent two weeks searching most of the nation's largest opium-producing areas and found so few poppies that they do not expect any opium to come out of Afghanistan this year.2001


"We are not just guessing. We have seen the proof in the fields," said Bernard Frahi, regional director for the U.N. program in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He laid out photographs of vast tracts of land cultivated with wheat alongside pictures of the same fields taken a year earlier -- a sea of blood-red poppies.





Mullah Mohammed Omar, the Taliban's supreme leader, banned poppy growing before the November planting season and augmented it with a religious edict making it contrary to the tenets of Islam.

The Taliban, which has imposed a strict brand of Islam in the 95 percent of Afghanistan it controls, has set fire to heroin laboratories and jailed farmers until they agreed to destroy their poppy crops.





By 2006.

Production was a total of 5,644 metric tons. worth to wall street the launderers and cia black ops. £500 billion.





Opium is the reason thousands of civilians have died along with british troops carrying out americas phoney war on terror.


This documentary by mike ruppert in 1997 gives all the background you need as to the c.i.a. opium history.

as he says absolute truth is a guarrantee against being sued.

Both his parents were C.I.A.

Former narcotics investigator Mike Ruppert, and author of "The Truth and Lies of 911", was forced out of the LAPD in 1977 when he exposed evidence of drug trafficking by the CIA. This is one of his first appearances caught on Video in 1997 at the Granada Forum in Tarzana, CA. Topic is "CIA Drug Running



Truth and lies is an updated lecture including afghanistan and the c.i.a. involvement in 911 at the end.


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On the one hand you can view this as a barbaric act that is unpleasant to watch but is that not the same for all acts of war? Roadside bombs, suicide bombers, snipers, etc against the coalition forces are just as barbaric. Impossible to condone or criticise either from our cozy seats.

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Mutley - I think you're wrong there Mutley, unless I have misunderstood the point you are making.

We can judge the actions of soldiers and those engaged in asymmetric warfare.


We can because the armed forces are APPARENTLY fighting for us, for our welfare. And as members of the human race who have a good degree of interest and empathy with other members of this race - although watered down if nationality or race enters into it - we can and often should wonder what is being done is right or not.


Manksman -

...Its nothing new the C.I.A. have been the worlds largest opium wholesaler for decades thats where most of its black budget comes from, Iran contra was just one case that came to the publics attention TONS of opium in exchange for american arms.

Opium production was the main reason the c.i.a. backed the taliban to rid afghanistan of the russians,...

I disagree with this. The USA is most definitely interested in ridding Afghanistan of opium - though not for any moral/human welfare reasons.


And the Taliban didn't come to power after the Russians moved out. The people in power were the Mujahideen who ruled the country for years until the Taliban pushed them out.

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Mutley - I think you're wrong there Mutley, unless I have misunderstood the point you are making.

We can judge the actions of soldiers and those engaged in asymmetric warfare.


We can because the armed forces are APPARENTLY fighting for us, for our welfare. And as members of the human race who have a good degree of interest and empathy with other members of this race - although watered down if nationality or race enters into it - we can and often should wonder what is being done is right or not.


Manksman -

...Its nothing new the C.I.A. have been the worlds largest opium wholesaler for decades thats where most of its black budget comes from, Iran contra was just one case that came to the publics attention TONS of opium in exchange for american arms.

Opium production was the main reason the c.i.a. backed the taliban to rid afghanistan of the russians,...

I disagree with this. The USA is most definitely interested in ridding Afghanistan of opium - though not for any moral/human welfare reasons.


And the Taliban didn't come to power after the Russians moved out. The people in power were the Mujahideen who ruled the country for years until the Taliban pushed them out.




U.N. drug control officers said the Taliban religious militia has nearly wiped out opium production in Afghanistan -- once the world's largest producer -- since banning poppy cultivation last summer.


A 12-member team from the U.N. Drug Control Program spent two weeks searching most of the nation's largest opium-producing areas and found so few poppies that they do not expect any opium to come out of Afghanistan this year.


"We are not just guessing. We have seen the proof in the fields," said Bernard Frahi, regional director for the U.N. program in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He laid out photographs of vast tracts of land cultivated with wheat alongside pictures of the same fields taken a year earlier -- a sea of blood-red poppies.


A State Department official said Thursday all the information the United States has received so far indicates the poppy crop had decreased, but he did not believe it was eliminated.


Last year, Afghanistan produced nearly 4,000 tons of opium, about 75 percent of the world's supply, U.N. officials said. Opium -- the milky substance drained from the poppy plant -- is converted into heroin and sold in Europe and North America. The 1999 output was a world record for opium production, the United Nations said -- more than all other countries combined, including the "Golden Triangle," where the borders of Thailand, Laos and Myanmar meet.


Mullah Mohammed Omar, the Taliban's supreme leader, banned poppy growing before the November planting season and augmented it with a religious edict making it contrary to the tenets of Islam.


The Taliban, which has imposed a strict brand of Islam in the 95 percent of Afghanistan it controls, has set fire to heroin laboratories and jailed farmers until they agreed to destroy their poppy crops.


The U.N. surveyors, who completed their search this week, crisscrossed Helmand, Kandahar, Urzgan and Nangarhar provinces and parts of two others -- areas responsible for 86 percent of the opium produced in Afghanistan last year, Frahi said in an interview Wednesday. They covered 80 percent of the land in those provinces that last year had been awash in poppies.


This year they found poppies growing on barely an acre here and there, Frahi said. The rest -- about 175,000 acres -- was clean.


"We have to look at the situation with careful optimism," said Sandro Tucci of the U.N. Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention in Vienna, Austria.


He said indications are that no poppies were planted this season and that, as a result, there hasn't been any production of opium -- but that officials would keep checking.







Thats why the taliban had to go.

2001 the phony war on terror began.


LDV if you cannot be arsed to do even the slightest research on the c.i.a. decades long involvement in drugs then please dont make ridiculous statements as above ffs.

iran contra ring any bells.

hint cia exchanging american arms for tons of opiates and then distriduting the drugs on the streets of america, funnelling the money thru wall street.

Ffs the c.i.a. even had its own bank to launder its drug money.

Bank of credit and commerce remember them,plenty of manx people will.


Do some research before replying otherwise your just wasting my time.

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LDV, just to point out, The Taliban originally came from part of the Mujahideen fighting the Russians.

The Mujahideen based their ideology completely in defending religious faith. They thought only of fighting for faith and dying for faith. The Mujahideen ideology can be termed as a blend of Islamic fundamentalism. Mujahideen is derived from two words jihad and mujahid. meaning struggle and struggler.


The Taliban call themselves Students of Islamic Knowledge and have an anti-modern ideology, which can be called as an innovative form of sharia combining Pashtun tribal codes, they was formed by a group of strongly religous Mujahideen outraged at the acts on local people by Mujahideen bandits after the Russians pulled out and they vowed to rid Afghanistan of what they called criminal elements. Taliban is a Pashto word meaning students.


Mujahideen is a name given to islamic fighters in many countries including Chechnya, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Macedonia, Iran, Iraq and Somali. Taliban is primarily in Afghanistan.



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LDV for once in your life do try to keep on the subject, the video was about Amarican troops, no mention was made of any other nationality nor was any implied by myself, chinahand or P.K. We are not even discussing how Britain or any one else reacts. The subject in question is about American troops actions, now please keep to the subject of this incident or are we next going to have you diversiftying by saying 80% of troops in Iraq are homophobic.

Wait a sec...read back on your previous posts. You were paiting the USA in particular light as if its foreign policy in the world was completely unique. All I was saying was that you'd be wrong to think that.


Manksman -

LDV if you cannot be arsed to do even the slightest research on the c.i.a. decades long involvement in drugs then please dont make ridiculous statements as above ffs.
I know the situation with drugs with in Afghanistan, especially the fact that you mention of the Taliban nearly wiping it out.

But the US doesn't have an overarching aim in foreign policy to let drugs spread. Only to control it and eradicate it, except (I presume from your mention of Contra) in instances where they are better prices to be won from allowing its sale.


But the US didn't go to war because of drugs. It was about Al Qaeda initially but with no evidence behind 9/11 planners being in Afghanistan. But the area is strategically and economically valuable.

The US doesn't need to invade countries to control the supply of drugs.

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you need to pull your head out of your ass LDV.


It was partly c.i.a. drugs money that was used during the banking crisis last year.


1. CIA’s secret Operations


Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) on of the most active and dynamic intelligence setups in the world needs massive amount of money to carry on its clandestine operations all over the world. It has happened when CIA used local sources to conduct a coups, assassinations, regime change, etc. As U.S. has a long history to support democracy by hook and crook until and unless a dictator is ready to serve U.S. interests to prolong its rule.


Operations like the one completed in Iran in 1953 to remove Prime Minister Mussadaq and backing Shah’s regime by using assets in civil society, or in Iraq in 1975 to arm Iraqi Kurds to destabilize Pre-Saddam Iraq or more recently using its assets in Pakistan to pave the way of direct U.S. intervention in Pakistan under pretext of hunting Al-Qaeda.


These kinds of operations need a lot of financial input. Usually CIA arranges revenue from its own means for this kind of operations where expenses can’t be predicted by any measure. Funds from Whitehouse always need a complete audit and detailed reports about usage of these funds. There are numerous occasions when CIA never shared details of operations with its own analytical wing nor with any other public office in Washington. Most of the time it is drug money that compensates these expenses.


CIA operations are not only single expenditure fulfilled by drugs there are also other deficiencies which are compensated with this money like financial institutes and banks in current financial crisis. UNODC Executive Director Antonio Maria Costa based in Vienna revealed that drug money often became the only available capital when the crisis spiraled out of control last year.


The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime had found evidence that “inter bank loans were funded by money that originated from drug trade and other illegal activities,” Costa was quoted as saying. There were “signs that some banks were rescued in that way.”


It is not only CIA anymore in trade for using it as gold mine to finance its illegal operations all over the world but U.S. economy also need some liquidity in its banks, it doesn’t matter if it is coming by drug trade.


Now read this before replying as your ignorance is starting to get on my tits.




They are the worlds largest drug dealer whether you like it or not, whether you believe it or not.

reagans whitehouse knew it, clintons along with nixon and g bush senior who himself ran the drugs empire whilst director of the c.i.a. ffs learn some easily avaliable and well documented history.


You need to realise america does nothing for anyone that doesnt enrich or enpower them in some way.

And without a shadow of a doubt have been responsible for more violent deaths around the world since world war 2 than all the casualties world wide during ww2, with the c.i.a. aggressively pursueing american foriegn policy and its own agendi.


And other world governments like britain go along with it like nodding dogs because of our !!!special relationship!!! with america.

Take off the spin and it means no-one wants to fall foul of them.


But things are changing now the europeans are banded together inescapably, they are starting to openly stand up to america in a myriad of ways and will soon break the american and zionist hold on the UN.

and will eventually win the battle to have world oil sold in euros, that will be the straw that finally breaks the american donkeys back.

But they wont go down easy, even if that means fake terror attacks on its allies to keep them in line along withfalse flag events at home to keep the home populace inline.

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