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James Of Man (vadar)


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I asked and was told MSN had just pulled the plug.


At the time I thought it was down to an MSN moderator reading it and losing the will to live.


I now realise that is why Topica Manks has no living moderators....

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Alright where has Manx Chat gone.


I think it may have gone cos I said GeorgeW Bush and T Blair should be shot!



No, Manx Chat was deleted from MSN because persons complained about the content and some of it was the content of your poetry which Manx Chat allowed but this forum would certainly not allow.


You and others killed a private group/forum by going too far in your posts and giving concern to the webmaster...MSN. And some mischievious members latched on to this and made complaint too.


Manx Chat was all for free speech but sadly I and my colleagues allowed it to go so far as to allow in trolls to destroy it.


And your manic poetry did not help Zephyr.


But I hope you are pleased with yourself whatever gain or satisfaction you recieve.


At least there is one plus from this and that is that the moderators of this site will not hesitate in deleting poetry that is offensive.


I trust in the interest of free speech that this response will not be deleted.


Over to you Z.

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I would like to to know what the inferrence here is ans,


Manx Chat was forged by the good input of Misssion and a few others who latterly chose to exit for personal reasons and not because of objection to the site.


Despite Mission departing as a manager of Manx Chat all the memebers in there still held him in high esteem and still do in the other site created.

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With all due respect, I left Manx Chat over a year ago and I have no idea what has been posted on the site since I left as it was a private site that only members could view.


I was all for setting up an alternative forum but please don't assume to speak on my behalf and please do not assume that I hold the same views on 'the establishment' as you do, because I don't.

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