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Facebook Panic Button


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Facebook urged to add panic button at meeting with Ceop


Facebook has been urged to add "panic buttons" to its pages by the head of a British child protection agency at a meeting in Washington DC.


I'd imagine kids don't realise they're talking to psycopaths until they meet them in real life and end up being raped and murdered by them. Facebook putting a panic button on their pages will not make a blind bit of difference.


Educating kids to be more wary of the dangers of meeting people they have only encountered online and greater engagement from parents in monitoring what their kids are doing are the only ways these incidents can realistically be prevented.

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I understand that other websites, including Bebo have installed this 'panic button' but as you say, greater parental awareness would certainly help. Time after time we hear from an upset parent - I/we didn't know what he/she was doing.

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