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Student Wins Right To Wear Jilbab


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Simple solution. Abolish school uniforms. Then the girl could have worn what she liked and the other pupils wouldn't have a stupid dress code imposed on them by a religion that they may not subscribe to.


School uniforms only exist to allow poor teachers the right to be unreasonable anyway.

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It seems odd to me that vast swathes of the population appear to have missed the point of this debate. Imagine you are an Islamic girl and your school forbids the wearing of various religious items of clothing. That's great. You get to wear the same as everyone else and can't get dragged into political struggles masterminded by parents/older siblings/members of your religious community.


But now, the law clearly plans to uphold those who wish to wear such items of clothing for religious reasons. What will this mean to the average Muslim girl who just wants to be the same as everyone else and wear Western clothes? It means she will no longer have any defence from those parents, older siblings or people in authority over her in the community who will insist she wears them. The courts have stripped her of the perfect defence against that sort of religious indoctrination, which has always been 'but the school won't let me'.


Aren't we meant to protect children against adults who do not have the best interests of the child at heart but their own political ends? This latest ruling is an absolute disgrace and has nothing to do with religious freedom or school uniforms. It's all about indoctrination, sectarianism and the abuse of power over children.

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It seems odd to me that vast swathes of the population appear to have missed the point of this debate. Imagine you are an Islamic girl and your school forbids the wearing of various religious items of clothing. That's great. You get to wear the same as everyone else and can't get dragged into political struggles masterminded by parents/older siblings/members of your religious community.


But now, the law clearly plans to uphold those who wish to wear such items of clothing for religious reasons. What will this mean to the average Muslim girl who just wants to be the same as everyone else and wear Western clothes? It means she will no longer have any defence from those parents, older siblings or people in authority over her in the community who will insist she wears them. The courts have stripped her of the perfect defence against that sort of religious indoctrination, which has always been 'but the school won't let me'.


Aren't we meant to protect children against adults who do not have the best interests of the child at heart but their own political ends? This latest ruling is an absolute disgrace and has nothing to do with religious freedom or school uniforms. It's all about indoctrination, sectarianism and the abuse of power over children.



You make a very good point and one that certainly I had overlooked.

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yeah and my mum used to make me wear her hand knitted stripey jumpers, my only respite from it was school where I had to wear a uniform. who will protect future generations of children with mothers who love to knit now?


ps I am being sarcastic. I dont think that what a parent choses to dress their child in is relative to this whatsoever, whether its a silly long cloak, a geeky skullcap or a horrid handknitted jumper.

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yeah and my mum used to make me wear her hand knitted stripey jumpers, my only respite from it was school where I had to wear a uniform.


Oh dear.


With crass blinkered ignorance such as this rife in the UK, it's hardly surprising that terrible errors of judgement - dare I liken them to acts of appeasement? - keep on happening with regard to the widening divide between Westerners and Muslims.

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Aren't we meant to protect children against adults who do not have the best interests of the child at heart but their own political ends? 


It's all about indoctrination, sectarianism and the abuse of power over children.

you accuse Muslim people of child abuse, using their children as political pawns and worse, then accuse ME of widening the divide between westeners and muslims? okaaay

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I don't like the French because to me they are arrogant with no justification.


I'd imagine that a lot of people are arrogant to you

Someone has pointed out how they don't think the French are arrogant. That's fine by me. I find they are arrogant which is probably fine by them. I am frequently bemused by the way they don't like each other and how those from the cities lord it over the countryfolk. I take the view that if they don't like each other then why should I take to any of them? Don't get me going on the North African contingent either.


As to FFTB imagining that a lot of people are (seem?) arrogant to me I guess it goes with being an admirer of Diogenes.


Errr schools. The brutes that inhabit them are by nature cruel so I think uniform creating a level playing field is neccessary and also helps to foster a sense of identity and belonging. My sister is a head of department and she says that each intake is worse than the last in terms of attitude. Every new term some teachers are dreading their new classes and just leaving. I'm convinced that giving way like this dress nonsense is just pushing it all a little futher down a slippery slope.

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One has to ask why this is even a story? I mean too whom does it pander too?? Well for the to that answer see the previous post.


<off topic>

I'm sat here in this backward Muslim country (a moderator can probably verify this) as ROG likes to call them, with its skyrocketing economy, 21st century transport system an Education system that's pretty much second to none & virtually no crime & do you know what I've yet to meet a single Muslim fanatic! Which is not what I was led to believe... I thought these countries were seething masses of Anti-Western hatred.... just goes to show you travel does enlighten the mind.


The UK on the other hand, just watching Mr Blair & his new buddy Mr Stevens.. Sorry Sir John Stevens (now there's Impartiality for yer) on the BBC bleating on about 200 members of non-existent organisation roaming a round the country waiting too overthrow our government & impose Sharia law... come on! really! This is a country that locks up people without trial, Falsifies evidence on an international scale, Invades sovereign countries, abuses its POW’s, Spies on its own citizens, promotes fear & ignorance over reason & Crime! Well all I can I say is what a truly wonderful time & place to live!


Then we have the Isle of Man.... Jeez where the hell do you start with that one?!?!?!?


Anyone for a bit of role reversal?


Anyway enough of this ranting


What's the weather like back there? it's 32 degree's out here... Sorry!

<on topic>

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