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Student Wins Right To Wear Jilbab


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Don't they call that freedom of choice?


Daily Telegraph, March 16, 2002


SAUDI Arabia's religious police are reported to have forced schoolgirls back into a blazing building because they were not wearing Islamic headscarves and black robes.


Saudi newspapers said scuffles broke out between firemen and members of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice who tried to keep the girls inside a burning school in Mecca. Fifteen girls were killed as they stampeded to escape from the blazing building in the Muslim holy city. Saudi media and families of the victims have been angry over the deaths of the girls in the fire that gutted the school.


Some religion.

Some choice.

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Don't they call that freedom of choice?


Daily Telegraph, March 16, 2002


SAUDI Arabia's religious police are reported to have forced schoolgirls back into a blazing building because they were not wearing Islamic headscarves and black robes.


Saudi newspapers said scuffles broke out between firemen and members of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice who tried to keep the girls inside a burning school in Mecca. Fifteen girls were killed as they stampeded to escape from the blazing building in the Muslim holy city. Saudi media and families of the victims have been angry over the deaths of the girls in the fire that gutted the school.


Some religion.

Some choice.


The Daily Telegraph, Need I say more??


What you fail to point out ROG is that a number of high-ranking Mattawa (Saudi religious police) were locked up for this and the powers of the Mattawa have been severely limited.


But I will agree Saudi is a very nutty (& dangerous) place at the moment. That said ROG your "homeland" is hardly a paragon of sanity.. I mean do they throw mixed religion families on to the West Bank?

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I think it is dreadful the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property - either as a child, a wife, or a concubine - must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.


Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen: all know how to die. But the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytising faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science - the science against which it had vainly struggled - the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.


And if anyone disagrees or thinks that is disgusting opinion to hold, , then let them say so.

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Who gives a sh*t? Were all gonna die, stop wasting your time worrying about some muslim wanting to wear her stupid national dress. If she wants to wear it she should be allowed to IN A MUSLIM SCHOOL Its not like Britain is short of them.

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So what, I spelt a few words wrong. Everyone on here needs to calm down a bit. Everything that gets said is wrong. All forums are the same, you have the 'friends' group that never say anything out of line and kiss the moderators ass. F*ck that, she shouldn't be moaning about wearing her dress in a school that has a uniform code, when there are plenty of muslim schools, where she could wear it. She was allowed to wear her headscarf but it wasn't enough. Shes just being greedy. Britain is not a muslim country and never was, just because people of other races are steadily taking over, does not mean that they can just go round changing the rules. If I went to India or Saudi then I would have to follow there rules. Females have to cover up no matter what colour or where there from, so why shouldn't they follow our rules? Ill tell you why....because the British government are pussys. They have gone so out of there ways to not seem racist that they have forgotten about the White people (its not racist, how else can i refer to them?) Its a simple fact, If an asian wants the same job as a white person then the asian gets it, because if they didnt, it would be racist.


Racism and race really xxxx me off. Asians are favoured so much over the British. Black power all well and good, white power = NAZI'S!! Whats the difference? If I refered to someone as being "coloured" it would be racist, but why can I be referred to as white? Its a joke. People need to stop being so nice.


And before everyone gets shocked and has a big go at me, think about it. Alot of people agree, but no one will say anything.

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And if anyone disagrees or thinks that is disgusting opinion to hold, , then let them say so.


Then I'm glad that they're not my words.




Churchill, arguably the finest PM GB has ever had. comments on that great religion we are not fighting against, from The River War, Vol. II, pages 248


Plus ca change.

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There is a programme this evening (Monday) at 8pm on Channel 4 called "Let 'Em All In". It is a debate on immigration.


I have not read the wite up on it, only saw it advertised a few minutes ago and therefore don't know much about it, but thought it may be of interest.

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The Authorities have determined that the young lady can wear what she wants.


I agree!


What right has anyone to dictate what others wear?


But the sinister motives of some Islam extremists intimated quite rightly by Rog need to be taken aboard.


Free speech and free attire should be a fundimental human right.


And that does not give parents or peer pressure from any church or religion the right to dictate to people.


In essence, uniformity of dress code has been eroded in the UK anyway by the friday casual dress day in offices etc. when people who turn up to work in jeans etc. have to donate a pound for charity.


That is a good idea, but looking at it in depth, then why is it ok to dress casual on fridays but not on any other day?


It all boils down to culturalism and establishment stuck upperry.


Muslims are no longer just of arabic origin. Muslims are multi race so it is not a race thing. it is a religious thing.


I do not like Islam for the reasons stated previously by Rog.


But if we are to live in a multi cultural society/race, religious, Britain, UK, Isle of Man etc. Then.......


What right have we to dictate to children and adults what they wear?




I just hope the young lady that has won her case to wear what she wants is not subjected to influence by peer pressure from Islamic religious extremist views which are a violation of UN human rights.


The trouble with Britain and the world now is that we have got over the racist stuff but now have to deal with a worse evil.




One only has to look at the religious nutters protesting at the Gaiety Theatre production of Jesus Christ Super Star on the Isle of Man, to realise that political and religious correctness has gone too far to the detriment of tolerant good.

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