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Student Wins Right To Wear Jilbab


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I agree with Plan B, who's comments have just been ignored.


Or maybe they are just being considered....he or she said that race/racism really XXXX's them off and then follows that with "Asians are being favoured over the British"...seems a bit contradictory to me. If racism truly XXXX's him off then he should be tolerant of others.


Perhaps what he means is that other races XXXX him off...which is a different argument all together.

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The Authorities have determined that the young lady can wear what she wants.


I agree!


What right has anyone to dictate what others wear?


When people sign their kids up to attend schools and the schools have terms and conditions that they expect the parents and the kids to abide with in return for what the school provides.


If there is one single piece of legislation that is causing more harm than any other in the UK right now it is the awful European Convention on Human Rights that Bleah has signed up to.


If there was a corresponding European Convention on Human Responsibilities then that might bring some sanity into play but just now the situation is simply insane. It is nothing short of anarchic

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I'd really like to think of something sharp and witty to say to that but you know what I just dont have the energy. We get the world we deserve and at the moment we deserve to rot in it.


Im sure that you have a point but it appears lost in the racial bigotry that you spout. Its hardly surprising that given the Jewish control over the media that your views are increasinlgy prevelant. Personally I wish for a plague of asylum seekers on your doorstep...

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I'd really like to think of something sharp and witty to say to that but you know what I just dont have the energy.  We get the world we deserve and at the moment we deserve to rot in it.


Im sure that you have a point but it appears lost in the racial bigotry that you spout.  Its hardly surprising that given the Jewish control over the media that your views are increasinlgy prevelant.  Personally I wish for a plague of asylum seekers on your doorstep...


racial bigotry that you spout


given the Jewish control over the media that your views are increasinlgy prevelant


Is it only me that sees the utter hypocrisy?

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Go on enlighten me....

I presume that you are serious.


That you accuse me of racial bigotry and yet in the very next sentence write of “the Jewish control over the media” and this resulting in my views being increasingly prevalent.


Hypocrisy? Insincerity by virtue of pretending to have qualities or beliefs that you do not really have yourself – as evidenced by what you had written.


Clear now?


Maybe to use terms that you are more acquainted with in the social circles you frequent ‘You’re a kettle calling a pot a black arse yessir”

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Nope still dont get it....perhaps you do me a service by considering that the social circles that I move in would even understand the last sentence.  Alas they do not.


Then you really should look to improving the company that you keep.

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