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even writing such a line as "Jewish control over the media" is obviously bigotted WSAG. think about it.

If you replace the word Jewish with "black" or "Asian" maybe it will help you to see more clearly

Rog may have strong and unpopular views but at least he is honest about them and not a hypocrite.

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Fair enough Kite, although if I did replace it with Black or Asian it would be incorrect but I get your point.


You too mention the word hypocrite...care to elaborate? I too am only stating my opinion, which if your comments in other threads are to be believed, is what you are encouraging us all to do.

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hypocrisy is the donning of a mask, the claiming to have certain views when you dont. By calling Rog a bigot the implication is that you yourself are not a bigot, which you then bely in the next sentence by writing bigotted words about, OK not a race as such, but a section of society, and even worse, attacking the words and opinions of just one man by generalising about his entire creed, using his inclusion of that group as the likely reason for his views and indicating that others of that particular group are pushing their similar views forward by some sort of sinister control.


Put more simply, you attacked Rog for being Jewish, not for what he actually said. That is bigotry. You then called him a bigot. That is hypocrisy.

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Bigot = a person who has strong, unreasonable beliefs and who thinks that anyone who does not have the same beliefs is wrong:


My statement about the Jewish influence on the media is factual - it may be strong but it is certainly not unreasonable.


So how about some examples of the form that this Jewish influence takes?


Bring 'em on!

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I agree with Plan B, who's comments have just been ignored.


Or maybe they are just being considered....he or she said that race/racism really XXXX's them off and then follows that with "Asians are being favoured over the British"...seems a bit contradictory to me. If racism truly XXXX's him off then he should be tolerant of others.


Perhaps what he means is that other races XXXX him off...which is a different argument all together.



Racism does xxxx me off, not what it is, but peoples ideas of it. I am racist and I admit that BUT people dont understand that blacks and asians are just as racist towards white people, thats what I meant by racism p*ssing me off. A prime example is that new film "Dumb white chicks" If that was dumb black chicks with 2 white actors it would be a different matter. Or "Dumb brown chicks" Then there would be uproar.

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Obviously not. I have to agree with Plan_B and anyone else who has said it is wrong. It is stupid that the rules can be changed just because of her religion, it has already been said that her brother is a supporter of an Islamic extremist party, so for a start they should all be investigated. Also at my school you aren't allowed to wear large jewellery, for example if I Chritian wanted to wear a large crusfix, they wouldn't be allowed. So for her to have to avoid wearing school uniform completely is just stupid! If we have things like this happening in the Muslim schools it will start happening in state schools and will eventually end up with only children who do not sport any religion or who not wish to be involved with expressing there opinion wearing uniform!!

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Although we have somewhat hijacked this thread do you really want me to list the CEO's and controllers of the various UK and US entertainment and news programs who are Jewish?




But what has that got to do with influence? Where are the stories that are 'spin' in the mainstream British press in a pro-Jewish manner? There are goodness knows how many stories that are spun in precisely the opposite direction and the BBC is up there amongst the very worst, but show where the Jewish spun stories are.


Put up the stories that have been ‘spun’ or distorted by ‘Jews’ and let’s look at them but simply observing that a news media source is owned by a man who happens to be Jewish is meaningless unless it can be shown that he has influenced a news item as a result of his beliefs and that he represents a general case. i.e. ALL or even MOST Jews would do the same in the same.


But don’t waste too much time over trying to because you will not be able to do so as the whole premise is based on myth and worse.


It would be like trying to claim and then prove that ALL or even MOST West Indian men were ganja chewing Yardies “lookin’ fo’ de’ white wimmin”. Plainly wrong, plainly offensive, plainly just dam silly. Yet you might find one or two – and hey guess what – look a little more without the ‘West Indian’ filter and you’ll find the same characteristics in ALL races. Even Jews.


Many people make the mistake of placing ‘Jewish’ in front of the man or the organisation as if being Jewish in some way makes us do something different or have a different agenda from everyone else – or at least the majority. Well guess what – we don’t


To think that we do is real racism, real bigotry, and real prejudice.


Unlike the case of the promotion of islam in the West where ther IS a concerted agenda though thankfull not amongst all moslems - the creation of the world wide Caliphate. Thsi case of the girl pushing the limits is a classic example. This is not about religious freedom, this is about invasion by stelth. That si why it is so important.

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