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Top Cardinal, Tarcisio Bertone, Blames Paedophile Crisis On Homosexuals

- Paul -

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No it's not understandable at all.

They know the rules before they start.

(echoes of some of the military debates on here)

If they're having trouble controlling their urges then they can get a top shelf mag and knock one off.

Alternatively they can 'play' with each other.


Result. They're happy and children don't get abused.

Unless of course they can only get their jollies by kiddie fiddling.


In which case they're an abomination in the eyes of man and their god.

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The Pope’s right-hand man has blamed homosexuals for the clerical abuse scandals in the Roman Catholic Church, while denying any connection between paedophilia and priestly celibacy.


Speaking on a visit to Chile, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican Secretary of State, said: “Many psychologists and psychiatrists have demonstrated that there is no relationship between celibacy and paedophilia. But many others have demonstrated, I have been told recently, that there is a relationship between homosexuality and paedophilia. That is true. That is the problem.”



Any other organisation covering up for perverts & paedophiles would be closed down & prosecuted. This lot are also responsable for thousands of deaths in Arica & elsewhere,telling people "condoms are no protection against aids" thats bloody evil! A church which puts the fear of the church above the fear of god,when will folks wake up & smell the coffee?!!

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I thought much of the problem was because the Church kept moving people on to the next parish when they were found out. Oh and because the Church also kept saying that the matter was to be dealt with under canon law not by the police. I understand that even Ratzinger moved a priest on in Bavaria.

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Any other organisation covering up for perverts & paedophiles would be closed down & prosecuted. This lot are also responsable for thousands of deaths in Arica & elsewhere,telling people "condoms are no protection against aids" thats bloody evil! A church which puts the fear of the church above the fear of god,when will folks wake up & smell the coffee?!!


Too right. The Catholic Church is responsible for destroying lives through AIDS, ignorance, and child sex abuse and yet nothing is ever said against those lovely old celibate guys who have absolutely no fucking grasp of anything that goes on in the real world. The fact is that for centuries the Catholic Church took society's basket cases and gave them credibility by ordaining them - got some son you think might be a kiddy fiddler or a nancy boy Mrs O'Flanagan? Are you worried he might socially embarrass you? Right, then why not sign him up for the church and nobody will ever ask questions as to why he never married again! He'll be celibate and closer to God, and better than everyone else. Of course he might break down and shag the odd choir boy, but we'll bung them a few quid and keep it all quiet for you as they rarely ask questions about a man in a position of trust. And after all we know were recruiting damaged goods and giving them credibility but that's all we can get because every bloke who gets to 18 and goes to University usually wants to get pissed and shag birds and we don't like women so they're off the menu.


By the way when you shag that chorister don't put a jonny on Father O'Flanagan, its pure evil and against God. What a load of bollocks and proof that organised religion is pure devolution.


(PS: Apologies for the unintentional mention of paedophilia and homosexuality in the same sentence, not suggesting they are linked just that they are things parents might wish to gloss over as a result of society pressure).

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Adding insult to injury


'Adrian Child, the director of Catholic Safeguarding Advisory Service (CSAS), told The Tablet that communities were better protected when the Church was able to supervise known abusers and manage their behaviour after the completion of their sentence.'

How appropriate is his name.

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The revelations about the Vatican's efforts to stop the civil authorities investigating abuse within the church get more and more sickening.


I cannot stomach or believe what Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, then in charge of clergy around the world wrote in 2001.


A priest (actually an Abbot) had abused children, when he was convicted it was discovered that the Bishop overseeing this priest had covered up his abuses. He was investigated, charged and given a three-month suspended prison sentence for not denouncing the priest.


How does the Vatican respond to this - by congratulating the Bishop -


"I congratulate you on not having spoken out to civil authorities against a priest," wrote Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, who at the time was prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy.


"You have done well and I am delighted to have an associate in the episcopate who... preferred prison to speaking out against a son-priest."


This is abhorrant. Evil.


Here we have an organization colluding with evading justice. It is a crime and a monstorous one.


I cannot comprehend how the Vatican can pretend to have any moral authority when this is the way it behaves.


It sickens me to the core.

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Yes you do sound flippin irked.

If they carry on like that i can see you reaching the stage of genuinely miffed soon.


How many years has it been common knowledge about their behavior, and their still bang at it, no fear as they live in a world of their own creation, and governments are scared of the RCs power and infliuence.


Anyway its time for a few pope jokes.


Heard about the popes trip to south africa.

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The BBC World service was carrying an item overnight which said that a Mexican bishop was putting the paedophilia probems of the Church down to movies with sex in them. In my befuddled state I wondered

  • Is this problem only a recent one then - presumably in the past it was down to reading books on the Index?
  • Do priests spend their time watching 'dirty' movies?
  • What on earthhas the 'why' got to do with it - surely the issue is that supposed Christians did what they did - and then this was covered up.

Mind you I am not a Mexican bishop - so the view from his palace may be different.

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