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Organ Donor Incentives

- Paul -

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Cash incentives and the payment of funeral expenses are two ideas being put forward to encourage people to donate human organs and tissue.


The Nuffield Council on Bioethics is asking the public if it is ethical to use financial incentives to increase donations of organs, eggs and sperm.


As well as cash payments or contributions towards funeral costs, other options include priority for the donor if they require a transplant later in life, the payment of more generous expenses and the sending of certificates or "thank you" letters to the donor or donor's family.


Clearly there's a big gap between actual donated organs and the required number but personally I feel that cases like George Best didn't do the concept any favours and in fact did the cause a lot of harm.

I wasn't really in favour of presumed consent as to my mind this takes away rights from the individual.


What's your take on it?

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Not bad realy massive discount on funeral expenses in exchange for so old bits that are about to go up in smoke, where do I sign up?


I can offer a couple of marinaded kidneys and a pickled liver.

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