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If all Games stores are trained to run their customers out of the shop with telling you what you have to have and giving you the spanish inquisition every time you go in then I'm not surprised.




Maybe this will lead to a change.............. maybe they'll put the counter back to where it worked....... you know, next to the store room.

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I avoid high street game shops all together if I can, the over pricing in both HMV and Game over here is ridiculous, coupled with the limited choice.


Still I send my misses in there when I really can't wait, so much so that they don't bother her any more.


They seem to go through managers in that store though, must have had half a dozen in the last year.

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every time i buy something PC based i get the sales pitch of 'would you like to buy a USB gamepad? it will improve your gaming experience'


think i'll buy it next time, and use the cable to strangle the salesperson!

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I rarely shop in there either, many a time i have wanted a PC game, to find it's £34.99 in Game, or £17.99 on Amazon with free delivery. Why would i pay double the price when i could have it the following morning?


You're right about the managers though, they do go through them pretty quickly. I think they only pay peanuts though, heard the store manager was on under 15k.

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Steam FTW!


Then you can avoid both asshat salespeople and the general public in one fell swoop.


Plus you can install games purchased through Steam on as many PCs you like, as many times as you like, with no dicking about at all.


I can't remember the last time I purchased a physical PC game.

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I don't go into Game anymore as I find the PC section pretty depressing - it's all consoles. Then there's the constant sales pitch for strategy guides, game pads, pre-orders, loyalty cards blah blah blah.

One particular pushy little shit wouldn't shut up til I told him there was nothing he could advise me on gaming as I was doing it before he was born.


Use Amazon. Use Play. Use Steam. Save your money and don't queue half way down the friggin shop.

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To be fair to the staff there they are constantly told to say these things and if they are seen not to do this,not only is any bonus they get out the window they could also end up with no job, so cut them a little slack and be openly seen to reject their assistance, that way they don't get hassle of the standard dictatorial manager you get in these places. With regards to the exchange, then I find HMV and Faze 2 better value for high st, but online play.com are good for 2nd hand.

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that's fair enough, but at least try to flog something that the customer may actually be interested in - they may get some sales that way


Thinking back the last thing I bought from Game was C&C3 for the PC, so about three years ago I'd have thought. (EA didn't have their stuff on Steam then.)


The sales assistant asked me if I wanted to buy a USB gamepad to make the game better, I politely pointed out that I was purchasing a real time strategy game which one controlled using the keyboard and mouse, 'So you don't want one then?', 'Not really, no.'


And this was after giving me all the crap about Game reward cards as well, which I had explained I didn't one of either.


That was the last cash they ever got off me.

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Next time you are in game and one of the droids ask if they can do anything to help just say I want to purchase this (holding whatever you want to buy) but I object to waiting in such a long cue so if you don't serve me now I will go to HMV. It quite often works.

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