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Official: Finance Industry Run By Tossers


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Senior watchdog officials spent hours viewing pornographic material on government computers when they should have been regulating Wall Street during the worst fiscal crisis since the 1930s.


An internal report by the Securities and Exchange Commission concluded that more than 30 officials were investigated for accessing explicit images on work computers – 17 of those were senior staff earning between $100,000 and $222,000 per year.


One senior attorney at the SEC’s Washington headquarters spent up to eight hours a day looking at and downloading pornography. When he ran out of hard drive space, he burned the files to CDs or DVDs, which he kept in boxes around his office. He agreed to resign after being investigated.


An accountant was blocked more than 16,000 times in a single month by an internet filter that prevented him from entering pornographic websites. Despite repeated automated refusals, he still amassed a collection of “very graphic” material on his hard drive.


Another accountant — a woman — attempted to explicit websites 1,800 times in a fortnight. She was found to have 600 pornographic images on her computer hard drive.


Jeez! What would they do if they ever had to work for a living?

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Senior watchdog officials spent hours viewing pornographic material on government computers when they should have been regulating Wall Street during the worst fiscal crisis since the 1930s.


This sort of stuff happens all the time when you want to discredit people employed to investigate the incompetence of official government agencies. I seem to recall a similar incident in Jersey recently where a truck load of porn was found on the laptop of someone investigating official failings there. Its pretty easy to do really, and nobody wants the shame of having whether they actually did it or not debated in public.

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