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Atheist Given Asbo


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An atheist who left leaflets mocking Jesus Christ, Islam and the Pope in an airport's prayer room has been given an Asbo.


Harry Taylor, 59, from Higher Broughton, Salford, left the anti-religious posters in prayer rooms at Liverpool John Lennon Airport in November and December 2008.


Taylor denied three counts of causing religiously aggravated harassment during his trial at Liverpool Crown Court.


But he was found guilty by a jury and given a suspended six-month sentence yesterday, as well as an Asbo forbidding him from carrying anti-religious leaflets in public.


One of the posters Taylor left at the airport depicted a smiling crucified Christ next to an advert for a brand of "no nails" glue. In another, a cartoon depicted two Muslims holding a placard demanding equality with the caption: "Not for women or gays, obviously." A third poster showed Islamic suicide bombers at the gates of paradise being told: "Stop, stop, we've run out of virgins".


Terry Sanderson, president of the National Secular Society, has been left angry over the conviction.


"The six month sentence may have been suspended, but it is still totally out of proportion for what Mr Taylor did. The professional 'offence takers' in religious communities will now feel that they have a strong weapon to use against anyone who is critical or disapproving of them. It is, in effect, a blasphemy law that covers all religions and is much more powerful than the one which was abolished two years ago."

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But he was found guilty by a jury and given a suspended six-month sentence yesterday, as well as an Asbo forbidding him from carrying anti-religious leaflets in public.

Wonder if they'd forbid any of the religious nuts (of any kind) to carry their leaflets in public - probably not as the outcry would be way too big.


But a jury of 10 women and two men, who all swore their oath on the Bible, rejected his defence. They took just 15 minutes to rule he had left the religious offence material with the intention of causing alarm or distress.


So next time religion x tries to convert me with their leaflets, I simply say they're offensive and cause me alarm and distress - might be a good way to shut some of them up.


And swearing your oath on a fairytale book and then convicting someone who doesn't believe in fairytales. Hm....



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I am a (strong) atheist and very anti-theist. And I don't agree with the law getting involved and I don't care too much if people were offended. But it seems the content of the information he was distributing was simply left to do nothing but offend. There cannot be any motive. What he was doing was very wrong.

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I am a (strong) atheist and very anti-theist. And I don't agree with the law getting involved and I don't care too much if people were offended. But it seems the content of the information he was distributing was simply left to do nothing but offend. There cannot be any motive. What he was doing was very wrong.


For the most part the cartoons did seem deliberately offensive, but the one with the muslims clamouring for "equality" while denying women and gays the same surely has a point to it in ridiculing the hypocrisy of their position, which some muslims certainly do hold. But The question we should be asking is "what is wrong with offending people?" The very idea that such an intangible and vague notion as causing "offense" can be prohibited by law, with special treatment given to offense caused on religious or racial grounds, is just stupid. If you don't like the leaflet, throw it in the bin. Why should we care about the sensibilites of people who believe in a giant invisible man in the sky? Or the fine sensitivities of anyone else for that matter? For someone who values freedom of speech, your view on this ("very wrong") is surprising, LDV.

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Terse has already hijacked it.

Must have a jewish streak in him rog.





More like the lack of one! If he was a Yiddle he'd take care not to infringe copyright and so risk having to pay damages!

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For the most part the cartoons did seem deliberately offensive, but the one with the muslims clamouring for "equality" while denying women and gays the same surely has a point to it in ridiculing the hypocrisy of their position, which some muslims certainly do hold. But The question we should be asking is "what is wrong with offending people?" The very idea that such an intangible and vague notion as causing "offense" can be prohibited by law, with special treatment given to offense caused on religious or racial grounds, is just stupid. If you don't like the leaflet, throw it in the bin. Why should we care about the sensibilites of people who believe in a giant invisible man in the sky? Or the fine sensitivities of anyone else for that matter? For someone who values freedom of speech, your view on this ("very wrong") is surprising, LDV.

I value freedom of speech, but I do not agree with actions being taken that appear to be motivate for nothing other than to outrage others. Unless this man was very stupid, this could be his only motivation. He just wanted to piss off some people. He should be able to do that without interference from the State, so I don't think there is need to curtail his freedoms, but I don't think it is right to just go out and piss people off for the sake of it.
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I value freedom of speech, but I do not agree with actions being taken that appear to be motivate for nothing other than to outrage others. Unless this man was very stupid, this could be his only motivation. He just wanted to piss off some people. He should be able to do that without interference from the State, so I don't think there is need to curtail his freedoms, but I don't think it is right to just go out and piss people off for the sake of it.



Isn't that ALL you ever do?

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