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Atheist Given Asbo


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But he was found guilty by a jury and given a suspended six-month sentence yesterday, as well as an Asbo forbidding him from carrying anti-religious leaflets in public.

Wonder if they'd forbid any of the religious nuts (of any kind) to carry their leaflets in public - probably not as the outcry would be way too big.


But a jury of 10 women and two men, who all swore their oath on the Bible, rejected his defence. They took just 15 minutes to rule he had left the religious offence material with the intention of causing alarm or distress.


So next time religion x tries to convert me with their leaflets, I simply say they're offensive and cause me alarm and distress - might be a good way to shut some of them up.


And swearing your oath on a fairytale book and then convicting someone who doesn't believe in fairytales. Hm....





Coming from someone whose user name means "Love God", that's pretty funny and a little pitiful, actually.

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Coming from someone whose user name means "Love God", that's pretty funny and a little pitiful, actually.


Why? It is not his real name, he more than likely selected the name as a tribute to his favourite composer without even knowing the old latin meaning (which incidently means love of god in regards to the ancient roman gods not the christian one) and he has never once stated any inclination to be a christian in any way. So what do you find funny and pitiful in that Augustus (which is also roman in origin being the name adopted by Octavian who was adopted son of Julius Caeser.)

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Coming from someone whose user name means "Love God", that's pretty funny and a little pitiful, actually.


No more than the Roman Catholic Church claiming to be a Christian institution and in reality very much less.


The closest the RC comes to Christianity is (ab)using its teaching in order to control the sheeple.


The SOB,s can’t even tell the truth about the Decalogue. They drop one and split one twofold to keep the numbers up.


Wanna discuss the point?

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Coming from someone whose user name means "Love God", that's pretty funny and a little pitiful, actually.


Why? It is not his real name, he more than likely selected the name as a tribute to his favourite composer without even knowing the old latin meaning (which incidently means love of god in regards to the ancient roman gods not the christian one) and he has never once stated any inclination to be a christian in any way. So what do you find funny and pitiful in that Augustus (which is also roman in origin being the name adopted by Octavian who was adopted son of Julius Caeser.)


No shit, Sherlock.

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Coming from someone whose user name means "Love God", that's pretty funny and a little pitiful, actually.

Can't see what my favourite artist & film has to do with that, but ok. If it makes you happy, I actually went to a catholic school and had to learn latin as well. I feel so stupid and ashamed :ph34r:


Acta est fabula, plaudite!

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If you think about it, God himself is a bit of a trouble maker.

Floods, plagues, destroying cities, smiting unbelievers left right and centre - and he even co-authored a book about it all.

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Not really, seeing there is no such thing as 'god' in reality.


Then how can it be illegal to make fun of him?

But how can you make fun of something that doesn't exist?

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