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Foreign Office Apologises For Pope 'condom' Memo

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Source http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8642404.stm


The Foreign Office has apologised for a "foolish" document which suggested the Pope's visit to the UK could be marked by the launch of "Benedict" condoms.

Called "The ideal visit would see...", it said the pope could be invited to open an abortion clinic and bless a gay marriage during September's visit.


It suggested Benedict XVI could show his hard line on the sensitive issue of child abuse allegations against Roman Catholic priests by "sacking dodgy bishops" and launching a helpline for abused children.


The document went on to propose the Pope could apologise for the Spanish Armada or sing a song with the Queen for charity.


It listed "positive" public figures who could be made part of the Pope's visit, including former Prime Minister Tony Blair and 2009 Britain's Got Talent runner-up Susan Boyle, and those considered "negative", such as Manchester United striker Wayne Rooney and prominent atheist Richard Dawkins.


Classic - Benedict Alco Pops - A Lapdance Club Franchise - Vatican Designer Trainers, he could even do a lap of the TT course if he came here.

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