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Xcm Facing New Investigation

Paul H

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Are you suggesting that for some reason C&E couldn't conduct an impartial investigation or are you trying to bluff your way out of an error?

Off - island source believed to be reliable. Reference to Inland Revenue is a direct quote from the person who told me about it. I have no reason to doubt thier information and they had lots of it.

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Off - island source believed to be reliable. Reference to Inland Revenue is a direct quote from the person who told me about it. I have no reason to doubt thier information and they had lots of it.


Believed to be reliable? Jesus, don't you guys have anything better to do than create insipid threads based on second hand knowledge you heard down the pub from some geezer over a pint of mild? I can almost see you all, feet tripping over themselves as you all dash home, cheeks puffed out and bright red with exertion, desperate to be the first one to post unsubstatiated gossip on an Internet forum in order to make yourselves look informed and superior to the rest of us (who really don't care).


Don't take it too personally Paul H, your posts to date have been pretty informative and largely based around fact (taxi contributions were excellent), it's just frustrating to see the forum clogged up with multiple threads containing 'news' about some guy winning a relatively small amount on the lottery or 'blah blah blah Ned this and that'.


Just stop this ridiculous pissing contest certain members seem to be fascinated with when it comes to wowing us all with their 'sekrit contactz'

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Perfectly put!  There is a certain "boy who cried wolf" element to all of this.  Some contributors may have genuine things to say based on FACT but unfortunately that either gets lost or tainted by the tittle tattle and hearsay that floods the forum.


Exactly. There is no doubt that crumlin/FCMR et al have put some very useful information on here over time that (while it may be of no interest to me personally) has done a good job in bringing to light certain things that may have remained hidden. Unfortunately, as you say, the good stuff gets lost in the mire of speculation, assumption and downright misleading rubbish.

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Off - island source believed to be reliable. Reference to Inland Revenue is a direct quote from the person who told me about it. I have no reason to doubt thier information and they had lots of it.


Believed to be reliable? Jesus, don't you guys have anything better to do than create insipid threads based on second hand knowledge you heard down the pub from some geezer over a pint of mild? I can almost see you all, feet tripping over themselves as you all dash home, cheeks puffed out and bright red with exertion, desperate to be the first one to post unsubstatiated gossip on an Internet forum in order to make yourselves look informed and superior to the rest of us (who really don't care).


Don't take it too personally Paul H, your posts to date have been pretty informative and largely based around fact (taxi contributions were excellent), it's just frustrating to see the forum clogged up with multiple threads containing 'news' about some guy winning a relatively small amount on the lottery or 'blah blah blah Ned this and that'.


Just stop this ridiculous pissing contest certain members seem to be fascinated with when it comes to wowing us all with their 'sekrit contactz'

Point taken. I'll mention no more about Neds and it will all go away and we will all forget it ever happened. But for the record it is not second hand knowledge heard down the pub from some geezer. Apologies for sharing information, I'll keep it to myself in future. B)

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I think you are missing the point Paul H...the dispute is not with the information but in the manner in which it is presented. Anything which has a hint of "I have it on good authority"...or "I heard that...." is essentially no better than "My mate heard some bloke talking in the pub last night..."


The amount of accusations that fly around about the XCM are overwhelming and for that very reason open to dispute. Its then hard to seperate the wheat from the chaff.

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There was a point when there was so much of this rubbish about, that I chose to add several of the most profilic posters to my Igrnore list.


Unfortunately, the threads they post in made EVEN LESS sense.


It's easier just to ignore the whole thread, and, sadly, miss the good points made by anyone.


Maybe there should be a new 9.30 Topic :(

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I think you are missing the point Paul H...the dispute is not with the information but in the manner in which it is presented.  Anything which has a hint of "I have it on good authority"...or "I heard that...." is essentially no better than "My mate heard some bloke talking in the pub last night..."


The amount of accusations that fly around about the XCM are overwhelming and for that very reason open to dispute.  Its then hard to seperate the wheat from the chaff.

You will see...

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And why are some people so quick to try and discredit the postings of other people???? Just because somebody is unwilling or unable to disclose the source of their information dosent necessarily make it a load of bol---ks. The postings of an individual contributor can only be judged on their accuracy once the facts appear in the public domain and then you can take a view on how accurate a poster is which will dictate the credibility you give to his or her postings in the future. Dont scare off the contributors to this forum who bring out factual information which has in the past been acted on in the intrests of the Islands Public.


What Paul H has mentioned on here is nothing more than both FCMR and Crumlin posted many moons ago either on here or the old MT site.


It is Customs and Excise Paul.

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