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Xcm Facing New Investigation

Paul H

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Yep I am now officially sick of these Ned threads but not because Im bored with the subject matter but the fact that as a member of the elite on the Isle of Man Ned will and has got away with iregularities that any normal resident of this Island would have been hung out to dry long before now. I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT THE POLICE INVESTIGATION BUT FACTS THAT HAVE BEEN OUT IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR NEARLY A YEAR.


1. DTL have admitted that they have paid over grant money by mistake. Has this money ever been requested back or repaid, NO.


2. Many planning breaches were found on the property. Have these been corrected ? NO. Has any enforcement action been taken, NO.


These facts wind me up every time Ned is mentioned so for the sake of my sanity could all Ned topics be banned.

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Yep I am now officially sick of these Ned threads but not because Im bored with the subject matter but the fact that as a member of the elite on the Isle of Man Ned will and has got away with iregularities that any normal resident of this Island would have been hung out to dry long before now. I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT THE POLICE INVESTIGATION BUT FACTS THAT HAVE BEEN OUT IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR NEARLY A YEAR.


1. DTL have admitted that they have paid over grant money by mistake. Has this money ever been requested back or repaid, NO.


2. Many planning breaches were found on the property. Have these been corrected ? NO. Has any enforcement action been taken, NO.


These facts wind me up every time Ned is mentioned so for the sake of my sanity could all Ned topics be banned.


Your right Billy, I too wish this would go away, but it has to be sorted out, we have tried every thing even offered to let it go to arbitration but they turned it down. They intened to drag this out as long as possible in the hope that we run out of funds (our legal fees £130k+) and still not in court, and if that happens the system wins again. How many others have been in the same situation with a member of the Government.

This is not just a civil and criminal matter its also a Government matter, but the Government wont take action against its own except to help them. Taxpayers money is involved and yet the Government dont take the action needed to put it to bed, they just sit on the fence hoping the poker game is won by its own members.

The DTL have had Advocates acting on this for nearly two years and a seven man police team investigating for about a year how much has this cost the taxpayer.


Ned was even offered the chance to just pay for the goods supplied by other contractors and the builders would of just walked away with nothing, he turned this down. If he had taken the offer put to him he would still be the CM and the taxpayer would of saved a lot of money, also the Bad press that the IOM recieved would of not of happened. I would like to know who pulls the strings at Ballacain.

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It's a serious flaw when someone with deep pockets is advantaged in legal procedings, it really is.


I don't understand how paying up the suppliers would have changed the legal proceedings relating to the grants? Are you saying you wouldn't have spoken up to the alleged wrong doings if you'd have been paid your slice of them?

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The wrong doings only came to light after we took legal action, we have done nothing wrong, we were employed to do a job under the instructions of the Client. If we had of been paid we would never of got to know what was going on, we are just Guilty of being gullable. Its not only us what about all the profesionals that were involved. Planning, Onchan Commissioners Bye Law inspectors, Neds Architects, Surveyors, DTL inspectors, DTL Quantity Surveyors, why did none of these speak up at the Time if we were doing something wrong, they all accepted our work as being first class and the proof in this is that Neds got the grant as per the criteria of the Grant system, ALL WORKS MUST MEET THE VALUE AS SUBMITTED AND BE OF AN ACCEPTABLE STANDARD AS PER THE INVOICES SUBMITTED, WHICH WILL BE CHECKED OUT PRIOR TO ANY GRANT MONEYS BEING PAID OUT BY AN INDEPENDANT SURVEYOR APPOINTED BY THE GOVERNMENT.



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I can't comment on most of your points, as I've no idea on the details. But isn't it now being sorted through the correct channels? If the DTI are asking for the cash back and the police are investigating, sounds to me like it's being dealt with?

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If the government puts Ned to bed, doesnt that mean he gets away with it by holding us all to ransom for the sake of face.


I may be wrong but thats how it seems, which if its the case,is shameful. :(

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