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Don't Contact Aliens, Says Stephen Hawking

Bombay Bad Boy

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I don't see the need to bother trying to contact aliens. Who cares if we don't know whether we are alone or not at the moment. Seems too risky. We could learn a lot if they are like the Vulcans or the Asgard but what if they are like the Hirogen, the Replicators, or even the things that eat hamsters in 'V'? We'd be fucked!

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or even the things that eat hamsters in 'V'? We'd be fucked!

Why? Are you a Hamster?


Judging by some of the posts on here, they've already established contact.

(Aliens not Hamsters - or perhaps Hamsters are Aliens?)


Are the manx government reptiles?


At the heart of his theories lies the idea that a secret group of reptilian humanoids called the Babylonian Brotherhood created and controls humanity, and that many prominent figures are reptilian, including George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Kris Kristofferson, and Boxcar Willie.
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Seems too risky. We could learn a lot if they are like the Vulcans or the Asgard but what if they are like the Hirogen, the Replicators, or even the things that eat hamsters in 'V'? We'd be fucked!

Worse still...they could all come from whatever your planet's called.

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I don't see the need to bother trying to contact aliens. Who cares if we don't know whether we are alone or not at the moment. Seems too risky. We could learn a lot if they are like the Vulcans or the Asgard but what if they are like the Hirogen, the Replicators, or even the things that eat hamsters in 'V'? We'd be fucked!


Admit it! You're a latent heterosexual.

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Why America?


So that they can experience being shit on.

Like so many they have shat upon.


Bound too hit america first if they are carnivors as thats where all the fat specimens are aswell, win win situation as far as i can tell.

I mean alledgedly your average passing alien carnivor thats a bit peckish has already been popping down to america and adbucting a snack now and then anyway.

Sometimes 2 go missing so they are obviously taking one for the road so to speak aswell.

Admittedly they sometimes take cattles bums and leave the carcass but thats only because they taste better than yanks.

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Well i dont mean the games your getting all wet over ldv.


I mean flatten, send them back to the dark ages like they do when they invade aid another country with 120,000 peace advisers and anncillary equipment.

But no worries i am sure the aliens like the yanks will rebiuld it for a huge fee, the debt for flattening and then rebuilding can be paid off over 50 years in natural assets tho, and america has plenty of fat people to meet the bill.

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