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Blair Peach Killed By Police


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Source - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8645485.stm

The previously secret report attaches "grave suspicion" to an officer, who it says may also have been involved in a cover-up along with two colleagues.

But the Metropolitan Police said no officers would face further action.


Begs the question why was it a secret report?

What is/was being hidden?

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Bit like this then


or this

He went into the kitchen.


He was fatally burned by men trying to put out the fire.




Firemen put out fires, they don't set fire to people.

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For fucks sake, 31 years ago this protester got smacked on the head by one of what was then known as a bunch of legalised thugs and racists that no othe police division wanted, aka the SPG, everybody at the time knew what had happened and it wasn't the first time nor will it be the last time someone dies after being targeted by a police snatch squad, so wouldn't it be better to concentrate on now rather that drag up something that was common knowledge when it happened.

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If there is a riot or violent disturbance the police are allowed to kill if it would quell the disturbance by doing so. I really miss Thatchers Britain.

Now sing along folks, "I am a one in ten, a number on a list". In 1979 I lived in Leicester, interesting times indeed.

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People seem to forget that the man had an exceptionally thin skull and what would in any other case have been a ‘religious blow’ proved to have a far worse, tragic, unexpected and unfortunate outcome.


This wasn’t a case of the police being “allowed to kill” (though there are cases where such would result in far more real justice taking place than at present) they were using reasonable force.

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I can think of a few Brazilians who might disagree with the concept of 'reasonable force'

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I can think of a few hundred or more like thousand Brazilians, especially in Rio and Sao Paulo who would see what took place in London as nothing more than a tragedy that resulted from the necessary protection people must now have from the actions of Islamic terrorists.


Those same few hundred or more like thousand Brazilians, especially in Rio and Sao Paulo being the people who have been deliberately executed not as a result of a tragic screw up by police but because of the deliberate policy of culling Street People and Street Children.


De Menzes should not have been in the UK, so to that extent he must take some of the blame. The men who shot him genuinely believed they were putting their own lives on the line yet did so to protect the public.


They deserve praise, not condemnation.


There IS blame though and that blame should be principally directed to the Islamic terrorists who have created the environment that needs such measure to be taken.


And there is some blame for the lack of coordination within the police that resulted in the screw up in doing what needed to be done because of this.


De Menzes was a victim of 7/7 Islamic terrorism as much as anyone else injured and killed in that attack.

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De Menzes should not have been in the UK, so to that extent he must take some of the blame.

Jack Straw said that he believed Menezes was living in the UK legally, but had no precise information to confirm this. Immigration records in fact show that Menezes entered the Republic of Ireland from France on 23 April 2005. There are no records to show the exact date that he returned to the UK; however, under the Common Travel Area system, a foreign citizen entering the UK through the Republic of Ireland has an automatic right to remain for three months. Therefore, Menezes was lawfully in the UK on the day he was killed, irrespective of his previous immigration status.


I note also that there was subsequently a rather pathetic attemp to smear the deceased by implying he was a rapist. Blood samples taken cleared him.


Will agree with you re 'Street cleaning'

Something IIRC Amnesty has been highlighting for many years.

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