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Blair Peach Killed By Police


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De Menzes should not have been in the UK, so to that extent he must take some of the blame.

Jack Straw said that he believed Menezes was living in the UK legally, but had no precise information to confirm this. Immigration records in fact show that Menezes entered the Republic of Ireland from France on 23 April 2005. There are no records to show the exact date that he returned to the UK; however, under the Common Travel Area system, a foreign citizen entering the UK through the Republic of Ireland has an automatic right to remain for three months. Therefore, Menezes was lawfully in the UK on the day he was killed, irrespective of his previous immigration status.


I note also that there was subsequently a rather pathetic attemp to smear the deceased by implying he was a rapist. Blood samples taken cleared him.


Will agree with you re 'Street cleaning'

Something IIRC Amnesty has been highlighting for many years.



But not to work. He was working.

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I can think of a few hundred or more like thousand Brazilians, especially in Rio and Sao Paulo who would see what took place in London as nothing more than a tragedy that resulted from the necessary protection people must now have from the actions of Islamic terrorists.


Those same few hundred or more like thousand Brazilians, especially in Rio and Sao Paulo being the people who have been deliberately executed not as a result of a tragic screw up by police but because of the deliberate policy of culling Street People and Street Children.


De Menzes should not have been in the UK, so to that extent he must take some of the blame. The men who shot were cowards.him genuinely believed they were putting their own lives on the line yet did so to protect the public.


They deserve praise prison, not condemnation recommendation.


There IS blame though and that blame should be principally directed to the Islamic terrorists american and british governments who have created the environment that needs such measure to be taken.


And there is some blame for the lack of coordination within the police that resulted in the screw up in doing what needed to be done because of this.


De Menzes was a victim of 7/7 Islamic terrorism government lad conspiracy as much as anyone else injured and killed in that attack.




The immediate demonising of the lad and the lies that followed in the attempted coverup were fucking shameful.

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I can think of a few hundred or more like thousand Brazilians, especially in Rio and Sao Paulo who would see what took place in London as nothing more than a tragedy that resulted from the necessary protection people must now have from the actions of Islamic terrorists.


Those same few hundred or more like thousand Brazilians, especially in Rio and Sao Paulo being the people who have been deliberately executed not as a result of a tragic screw up by police but because of the deliberate policy of culling Street People and Street Children.


De Menzes should not have been in the UK, so to that extent he must take some of the blame. The men who shot were cowards.him genuinely believed they were putting their own lives on the line yet did so to protect the public.


They deserve praise prison, not condemnation recommendation.


There IS blame though and that blame should be principally directed to the Islamic terrorists american and british governments who have created the environment that needs such measure to be taken.


And there is some blame for the lack of coordination within the police that resulted in the screw up in doing what needed to be done because of this.


De Menzes was a victim of 7/7 Islamic terrorism government lad conspiracy as much as anyone else injured and killed in that attack.




The immediate demonising of the lad and the lies that followed in the attempted coverup were fucking shameful.


No, not fixed, just a demonstration of stupidity.

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Anyone that believes 911 and 7/7 were not endorsed by certain parties in both countries security services must be fuckin blind deaf and dumb.

Without any of the !!they wus controlled demolition!! and !!it was bombs!! etc rubbish, for the so called terrorists to carry out the attacks they did in 2 countries at exactly the same time as anti terrorist exercises were taking place for the same targets iwith the same method of destruction is total bullshit, and the odds of all these events colliding must be billions to one, same 3 tube stations out of a network of hundreds total bullshit.

The details and agendi can be speculated on for years nothing will change both countries leaders bush and blair immediately stamped out ANY possibility of independent inquiries and ANY possibility of ANY answers.


10 years on you can see the winners and losers of 911 and it wasnt al quada, just follow the trillions of $ if you want to look behind the curtain.


Stupid to you rog,but you know fine well mossad are neckdeep in facilitating the events of 911 and 7/7.

Why onl one grainy photo of the 7/7 terroists rog ?, pretty convenient the mossad front security company that runs the security on london transport to have its cameras go down that mornig at only those 3 stations dont you think ?.

fuck this i am not getting into the semantics its not worth the effort, one only has to think logically about the events and subsequent revelations to know they were a modern day pearl harbours along with the bali bombings.

All the million to one+ coincidents involved in the events just keep stacking up and up and up and up, EVER HEARD OF OCCAMS RAZOR ROG, and when questioned are just casually waved away by officialdom.

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Anyone that believes 911 and 7/7 were not endorsed by certain parties in both countries security services must be fuckin blind deaf and dumb.



Then number me amongst the blind, deaf, and dumb.


And number yourself amongst the fools.

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Why onl one grainy photo of the 7/7 terroists rog

What always gets me with these types of conspiracy theories is that they are unable to update their story line for new evidence.


I agree that initially CCTV wasn't released, and that Scotland Yard fought the Information Commissioner to stop it being released while the trials of those peripherally involved was ongoing - but since then:


CCTV of 7/& Bombers


It also amazes me how people can't understand that a group of security consultants doing a theoretical paper exercise for a group of banks in a conference centre miles away from the stations has nothing to do with what goes on in those stations.


Its like saying because I land on Euston Station while playing monopoly I should go straight to jail if anything happens at Euston Station. The exercise didn't involve the stations, the police anything.


And of course the men in black helicopters always give away their plans in TV and Radio interviews - such an easy mistake to make.

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Your sarcastic inference that anybody who dares question those events, their timing and consequence, is some kind of conspiracy nut or woo woo wont wash with me chinahand i form my own views with my own research when needed.

I can imagine your one of these types that likes to analyse the events and poo poo the woo woo people, to me thats no more than witnessing cerebal masturbation same cerebal masturbation i witness everyday on jref forum, the actual occurances the way they took place, and when and where they took place, and in the manner they took place doesnt even raise a hair with you, thats how logical you types are.


That theorhetical paper exercise AS YOU PUT IT included closed streets with over a thousand people on the streets so dont give me your sanitised crap as i watched the fella power on the tv explaining it all on 7/7 and pronouncing how effeciently they moved from drill to real-time, bigger load of bollocks you will never hear again, their feet on the street exercise just happened to be at those 3 stations out of all the stations in london, the maths/odds underlying the supposed coincidences involved in 7/7 and 911 should make even the most dumbest of the sheeple sit and think, without any other details.


A company named Visor Consultants was running an exercise for an unnamed company which involved the scenario of simultaneous bombs going off at the time when London actually did come under attack. The Managing Director of Visor, Peter Power, gave an interview on the afternoon of July 7th where he said:


"At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now." (Download MP3 audio file of this interview)




Terrorists attack america, same time same day, and same targets that are subject that day, to an anti-terror exercise, they attack at that very time to the minute not hour, but we will be generous and say to the hour,an exercise against the same methods used to launch the 4 attacks.


Ditto london,


Whats the odds same targets same modus operandi same day and time of the exercises to the hour. ffs wake up and smell the coffee.

Virtually impossible for both sets of attacks to occure in different countries at different times, in exactly the same manner that was being exercised for, and at exactly the same time, on the exact same random targets by sheer random chance ALONE.

The true random probibilities must be in the billions for the preciseness, the list of targets in london is endless never mind any amount of targets not in london or planes or ships.

And that alone shows me we dont know the truth of 911 7/7 they stink.


Would you like to discuss not the events of 911 or 7/7 but the events since, that the events were catalysts for, and the reason trillions of dollars were spent and millions of lives extinguished, are you really ready to except who benefited and who lost due to the events.

I have some great forensic accounting links knocking about somewhere if you would.

Same for any crime you follow the money and enrichment in power.

I told you the other day i dont base my words on woo woo sites.

Anyone who watched both events live knew about both sets of exercises on the day, no woo woo sites just what was widely reported at the time, and the absurdedy of the probabilities disturbed me then as it still does now.

Ive seen you quote occams razor on here before, perhaps you ought to try applying it to this, and then see how your logic flys.


The reasons we were lied to by both countries is debatable, and has been chewed over by every conspiricist for 10 years, im not interested in all that side of debate, what i do know for sure is that we WERE lied to right from the get go with both events, and that therefore logically brings one to a conclusion of a proir conspiracy of some degree.

It was no coincidence that both attacks were so well planned as to mimmick the exercises and nothing will ever convince me different.

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Anyone that believes 911 and 7/7 were not endorsed by certain parties in both countries security services must be fuckin blind deaf and dumb.

Without any of the !!they wus controlled demolition!! and !!it was bombs!! etc rubbish, for the so called terrorists to carry out the attacks they did in 2 countries at exactly the same time as anti terrorist exercises were taking place for the same targets iwith the same method of destruction is total bullshit, and the odds of all these events colliding must be billions to one, same 3 tube stations out of a network of hundreds total bullshit.

The details and agendi can be speculated on for years nothing will change both countries leaders bush and blair immediately stamped out ANY possibility of independent inquiries and ANY possibility of ANY answers.


10 years on you can see the winners and losers of 911 and it wasnt al quada, just follow the trillions of $ if you want to look behind the curtain.


Stupid to you rog,but you know fine well mossad are neckdeep in facilitating the events of 911 and 7/7.

Why onl one grainy photo of the 7/7 terroists rog ?, pretty convenient the mossad front security company that runs the security on london transport to have its cameras go down that mornig at only those 3 stations dont you think ?.

fuck this i am not getting into the semantics its not worth the effort, one only has to think logically about the events and subsequent revelations to know they were a modern day pearl harbours along with the bali bombings.

All the million to one+ coincidents involved in the events just keep stacking up and up and up and up, EVER HEARD OF OCCAMS RAZOR ROG, and when questioned are just casually waved away by officialdom.




Hahaha. You are completely bonkers. Swivel-eyed round the twist. I like it when someone so completely convicts himself out of his own mouth. :lol:

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Anyone that believes 911 and 7/7 were not endorsed by certain parties in both countries security services must be fuckin blind deaf and dumb.



Then number me amongst the blind, deaf, and dumb.


And number yourself amongst the fools.


Terrorism experts in the USA reported that they had been told by “intelligence sources” that at least one person had been warned that a terrorist attack was about to take place. The person they referred to was the Israeli Finance Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, who was due to attend an economic conference in a hotel near Liverpool Street station.


"Just before the first blast, Netanyahu got a call from the Israeli Embassy telling him to stay in his hotel room. The hotel is located next to the subway station where the first attack occurred and he did stay put and shortly after that, there was the explosion."


Source: WTVQ


The Associated Press broke the story, and in a follow-up report, stated that the story had been denied by the Israeli Government who said that Netanyahu received the warning after the blasts occurred. However, the head of Mossad had said in an interview with a German newspaper


The Mossad office in London received advance notice about the attacks, but only six minutes before the first blast. As a result, it was impossible to take any action to prevent the blasts."


Source: Israel Insider http://israelstreams.com/?israelinsider.html?http://israelinsider.com/Articles1/Security/5997.htm


Mossad knew alright rog and alot more than 6 mins before.


What Role Did The U.S.-Israeli

Relationship Play In 9-11?

By Jeff Gates



On the day of the 9-11 attacks, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was asked what the attack would mean for US-Israeli relations. His quick reply was: !!It's very good!!.Well, it's not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy (for Israel)."


Intelligence wars rely on mathematical models to anticipate the response of "the mark" to staged provocations. Reactions thereby become foreseeable-within an acceptable range of probabilities. When Israeli mathematician Robert J. Aumann received the 2005 Nobel Prize in economic science, he conceded that "the entire school of thought that we have developed here in Israel" has turned "Israel into the leading authority in this field."


With a well-planned provocation, the anticipated response can even become a weapon in the arsenal of the agent provocateur. In response to 9-11, how difficult would it be to foresee that the U.S. would deploy its military to avenge that attack? With fixed intelligence, how difficult would it be to redirect that response to wage a long-planned war in Iraq - not for U.S. interests but to advance the agenda for Greater Israel?


The emotionally wrenching component of a provocation plays a key role in the field of game theory war planning where Israel is the authority. With the televised murder of 3,000 Americans, a shared mindset of shock, grief and outrage made it easier for U.S. policy-makers to believe that a known Evil Doer in Iraq was responsible, regardless of the facts.


The strategic displacement of facts with induced beliefs, in turn, requires a period of "preparing the mindset" so that "the mark" will put their faith in a pre-staged fiction. Those who induced the March 2003 invasion of Iraq began "laying mental threads" and creating agenda-advancing mental associations more than a decade earlier.


Notable among those threads was the 1993 publication in Foreign Affairs of an article by Harvard professor Samuel Huntington. By the time his analysis appeared in book-length form in 1996 as The Clash of Civilizations, more than 100 academies and think tanks were prepared to promote it, pre-staging a "clash consensus" five years before 9-11.


Also published in 1996 under the guidance of Richard Perle was A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (i.e., Israel). A member since 1987 of the U.S. Defense Policy Advisory Board, this self-professed Zionist became its chairman in 2001. As a key adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Perle's senior Pentagon post helped lay the required foundation for removing Saddam Hussein as part of a Greater Israel strategy, a key theme of A Clean Break released five years before 9-11.


A mass murder, articles, books, think tanks and Pentagon insiders, however, are not enough to manage the variables in a "probabilistic" war-planning model. Supportive policy makers are also required to lend the appearance of legitimacy and credibility to an operation justified by intelligence fixed around a pre-determined agenda.


That role was eagerly filled by Senators John McCain, Joe Lieberman, a Jewish Zionist from Connecticut, and Jon Kyl, a Christian Zionist from Arizona, when they co-sponsored the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998. Echoing Tel Aviv's agenda in A Clean Break, their bill laid another mental thread in the public mindset by calling for the removal of Saddam Hussein three years before 9-11.


The legislation also appropriated $97 million, largely to promote that Zionist agenda. Distracted by mid-term Congressional elections and by impeachment proceedings commenced in reaction to a well-timed presidential affair involving White House intern Monica Lewinsky, Bill Clinton signed that agenda into law October 31, 1998 - five years before the U.S.-led invasion that removed Saddam Hussein.


After 9-11, John McCain and Joe Lieberman became inseparable travel companions and irrepressible advocates for the invasion of Iraq. Looking "presidential" aboard the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt in January 2002, McCain laid another key thread when he waved an admiral's cap while proclaiming, alongside Lieberman, "On to Baghdad."


By Way of Deception


The chutzpah with which this game theory strategy progressed in plain sight could be seen in the behavior of Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, another Zionist insider. Four days after 9-11, in a principals' meeting at Camp David, he proposed that the U.S. invade Iraq. At that time, the intelligence did not yet point to Iraqi involvement and Osama bin Laden was thought to be hiding in a remote region of Afghanistan.


Frustrated that President George H.W. Bush declined to remove Saddam Hussein during the 1991 Gulf War, Wolfowitz proposed a No-Fly Zone in northern Iraq. By 2001, the Israeli Mossad had agents at work for a decade in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul. Intelligence reports of Iraqi ties to Al Qaeda also came from Mosul - reports that later proved to be false. Mosul again emerged in November 2004 as a center of the insurgency that destabilized Iraq. That reaction precluded the speedy exit of coalition forces promised in Congressional testimony by senior war-planner Wolfowitz.


The common source of the fixed intelligence that induced America to war in Iraq has yet to be acknowledged even though intelligence experts agree that deception on such a scale required a decade to plan, staff, pre-stage, orchestrate and, to date, cover up. The two leaders of the 9-11 Commission report conceded they were stopped by Commission members from hearing testimony on the motivation for 9-11: the U.S.-Israeli relationship.


The fictions accepted as generally accepted truths included Iraqi WMD, Iraqi ties to Al Qaeda, Iraqi meetings with Al Qaeda in Prague, Iraqi mobile biological weapons laboratories and Iraqi purchases of "yellowcake" uranium from Niger. Only the last fact was conceded as phony in the relevant time frame. All the rest were disclosed as false, flawed or fixed only after the war began. An attempt to cover-up the yellowcake account led to the federal prosecution of vice-presidential chief of staff Lewis Libby, another well-placed Zionist insider.


Did game theory-modeled pre-staging also include the Israeli provocation that led to the Second Intifada? An intifada is an uprising or, literally, a "shaking off" of an oppressor. The Second Intifada in Palestine dates from September 2000 when Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon led an armed march to Jerusalem's Temple Mount one year before 9-11.


After a year of calm-during which Palestinians believed in the prospects for peace-suicide bombings recommenced after this high-profile provocation. In response to the uprising, Sharon and Netanyahu observed that only when Americans "feel our pain" would they understand the plight of the victimized Israelis. Both Israeli leaders suggested that shared mindset ("feel our pain") would require in the U.S. a weighted body count of 4,500 to 5,000 Americans lost to terrorism, the initial estimate of those who died in the twin towers of New York City's World Trade Center-one year later.


The American Valkyrie?


When successful, game theory warfare strengthens the agent provocateur while leaving the mark discredited and depleted by the anticipated reaction to a well-timed provocation. By game theory standards, 9-11 was a strategic success because the U.S. was portrayed as irrational for its reaction - the invasion of Iraq that triggered a deadly insurgency with devastating consequences both for Iraq and the U.S.


That insurgency, in turn, was an easily modeled reaction to the invasion of a nation that (a) played no role in the provocation, and (b) was known to be populated by three long-warring sects where an unstable peace was maintained by a former U.S. ally who was rebranded an Evil Doer. As the cost in blood and treasure expanded, the U.S. became overextended militarily, financially and diplomatically.


As "the mark" (the U.S.) emerged in the foreground, the agent provocateur faded into the background. But only after catalyzing dynamics that steadily drained the U.S. of credibility, resources and resolve. This "probabilistic" victory also ensured widespread cynicism, insecurity, distrust and disillusionment along with a declining capacity to defend its interests due to the duplicity of a game theory-savvy enemy within.


Meanwhile the American public fell under a regime of oversight, surveillance and intimidation marketed as "homeland" security. This domestic operation even features rhetorical hints of a WWII "fatherland" with clear signs of a force alien to the U.S. with its welcome embrace of open dissent. Is this operation meant to protect Americans or to shield those responsible for this insider operation from Americans?


By manipulating the shared mindset, skilled game theory war-planners can wage battles in plain sight and on multiple fronts with minimal resources. One proven strategy: Pose as an ally of a well-armed nation predisposed to deploy its military in response to a mass murder. In this case, the result destabilized Iraq, creating crises that could be exploited to strategic advantage by expanding the conflict to Iran, another key Israeli goal announced in A Clean Break-seven years before the invasion of Iraq.


Which nation benefitted from the deployment of coalition forces to the region? Today's mathematically model-able outcome undermined U.S. national security by overextending its military, discrediting its leadership, degrading its financial condition and disabling its political will. In game theory terms, these results were "perfectly predictable"-within an acceptable range of probabilities.


In the asymmetry that typifies today's unconventional warfare, those who are few in numbers must wage war by way of deception-non-transparently and with means that leverage their impact. Which nation-if not Israel-fits that description?


Treason in Plain Sight?


Game theory war-planners manipulate the shared mental environment by shaping perceptions and creating impressions that become consensus opinions. With the aid of well-timed crises, policy-makers fall in line with a predetermined agenda-not because they are Evil Doers or "imperialists" but because the shared mindset has been pre-conditioned to respond not to the facts but to manipulated emotions and consensus beliefs. Without the murder of 3,000 on 9-11, America's credibility would not now be damaged and the U.S. economy would be in far better shape.


By steadily displacing facts with what "the mark" can be induced to believe, the few-within-the-few amplify the impact of their duplicity. By steady manipulation of the public's mindset, game theory war-planners can defeat an opponent with vastly superior resources by inducing those decisions that ensure defeat.


Intelligence wars are waged in plain sight and under the cover of widely shared beliefs. By manipulating consensus opinion, such wars can be won from the inside out by inducing a people to freely choose the very forces that imperil their freedom. Thus in the Information Age the disproportionate power wielded by those with outsized influence in media, pop culture, think tanks, academia and politics-domains where Zionist influence is most rampant.


Induced beliefs act as a force-multiplier to wage intelligence wars from the shadows. At the operational core of such warfare are those masterful at anticipating the mark's response to a provocation and incorporating that response into their arsenal. For those who wage war in this fashion, facts are only a barrier to overcome. For those nations dependent on facts, the rule of law and informed consent to protect their freedom, such insider treachery poses the greatest possible threat to national security.


America is far less safe than before 9-11. Tel Aviv clearly intends to continue its serial provocations, as evidenced by its ongoing expansion of the settlements. Israel has shown no sign of a willingness to negotiate in good faith or to take the steps required to make peace a possibility. To date, Barack Obama appears unwilling to name senior appointees who are not either Zionists are strongly pro-Israeli. The greatest threat to world peace is not terrorists. The greatest threat is the U.S.-Israeli relationship.


In the same way that a decade of pre-staging was required to plausibly induce the U.S. to invade Iraq, a similar strategy is now underway to persuade the U.S. to invade Iran or to support and condone an attack by Israel. The same duplicity is again at work, including the high profile branding of the requisite Evil Doer. From its very outset, the Zionist enterprise focused on hegemony in the Middle East. Its entangled alliance with the U.S. enabled this enterprise to deploy American might for that purpose.


Only one nation had the means, motive, opportunity and stable nation state intelligence required to take the U.S. to war in the Middle East while also making it appear that Islam is the problem. If Barack Obama continues to defer to Tel Aviv, he can rightly be blamed when the next attack occurs in the U.S. or the European Union featuring the usual orgy of evidence pointing to a predetermined target. Should another mass murder occur, that event will be traceable directly to the U.S.-Israeli relationship and the failure of U.S policy-makers to free America from this enemy within.

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My life, and you have the bloody impertinence to ask me if I’ve heard of Occams Razor!


The facts behind 9/11 and 7/7 and a whole lot more are exactly as they have been presented.


Little Sheet Heads, driven by the insanity that the horrid cult driven ideology they were ensnared in induces, deliberately attacked a part of Dar ul-Haarb.


All the conspiracy theories do is to amplify the effects the SOB’s created in terms of inducing terror into populations and undermining governments.


Now THAT is applying Occams Razor.

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Ofcourse it is rog, and anyone that even suggests israel provokes/utilises/conspires to commit terrorist acts is just an antisemitic racist eh.

I mean its not as if israel would attack america killing indescriminately to achieve their goal of blame transfer to another nation they want america to attack is it rog.


USS liberty ring any bells rog.


heres a best they can sanitised version rog from the good ol bbc, and its still damning, again with the usual israeli response of critics being anti- semitic.



here a version thats alot closer to the knuckle.





The punishment of the israeli pilot that over-flew the liberty first who was ordered to open fire after identifying her, and the damning evidence he gave at his trial

after refusing to open fire on her say it all really ABOUT ISRAELS TOTAL RUTHLESSNESS IN PURSIUT OF HER GOALS.


MOSSAD are a for hire terrorist organisation as long as theres mutual gain, no target is out of bounds just ask green peace.

Its because they are for hire by other governments who want to have plausible denial that they are the keepers of many secrets, this fact alone lets them think they can act with impunity VIRTUALLY ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD from international prosecution as indeed they do, british passports murder being just one of the latest.


I have a question rog,

Why would the israeli government need a facility with 300 consoles manned 24 hours a day 7 days a week, fully employed in cyber space,

whose only purpose is to combat anti iraeli opinion, and disrupt any and all valid conversation about israel.

I have links somewhere to the subjected biulding.

Ofcourse they are on top of the staff employed by iraeli multi-national companys doing exactly the same thing, why would such a tiny part of the worlds total population be so utterly image concious, and expend so much of her rescources on defending her world image.

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